As part of the latest release of BaseSpace, we have identified a few bugs as follows:
Projects with any character other than alphanumeric, underscore (_
), or dash (-
), will cause BCL2FASTQ 2.17 to fail. Since the latest BaseSpace release is using the same core algorithms, FASTQ Generation will fail if invalid characters are used. Users will see an error notification, and the log file will have details on the error.
As a temporary workaround: Users can remove the invalid characters OR make sure the column header in the SampleSheet Data section is called SampleProject
NOT Sample_Project
. PrepTab users with NextSeq will need to rename their Projects for the time being. Users will need to manually move Samples to existing Projects from newly created Projects.
For samples that have an underscore (_
) in the name, the automatic conversion to a dash (-
) in the file name, as occurred previously, is not occurring. As a result, a some apps may fail to launch.
A workaround for the time being is to rename the sample without the underscore, and requeue the FASTQ generation.
IGV is not opening projects and samples, because a BaseSpace API is failing.
We are working towards providing a fix for all of these as soon as possible.
Storage Metering
Application Versioning
Application Description Page Redesign
Developer Portal Redesign
Users can now view overall storage information under My Account
Multiple versions of applications in BaseSpace are now grouped together in a single location
New What's New section added to each version of an application, this section indicates any announcements for this application
New Release Notes section added to each version of an application, this section will include the latest updates included in this version of the application from the previous version
Bug Fixes:
Fixed issue preventing IGV from loading analyses to view
Give better warnings for invalid samplesheets that have unsupported characters
Performance improvements for sample details
Resolved issues launching RNAExpress 1.0
The FASTQ generation application does not support some characters in a Project name. Please limit the characters you use in project names to alphanumeric, dashes, and underscores where possible.
New FASTQ Generation App v1.0.0 in BaseSpace (see below for more details)
Updates to the Run details page
Bug Fixes:
Fixed import and export bugs related to Windows 10
Fix for incorrect search results being returned
Fixed an issue related to sharing data that resulted in conflicts
Up to 10x overall speed improvement
Improved robustness, more common in larger volume datasets
All FASTQ workflows on the Runs List page have been renamed Generate FASTQ. We will not be reprocessing old Runs, just adjusting the name
AppSessions/Analyses for the app are now visible in the Analysis section of your Projects
FASTQ Generation now has a new icon (above)
Includes log files and all input information
After the app completes, the Log Files link on the Analysis page will contain key files such as DemuxSummary, Sample Sheet Used, and Adapter Trimming
Known limitation: Sample sheet is a string of text
The Legacy App (old version of FASTQ Generation) is called BaseSpace FastQ v1.0.0 and the new App is called FASTQ Generation v1.0.0
MiSeq Runs will still use the MSR FASTQ Generation workflow (the mechanism to requeue FASTQ Generation has not changed)
FASTQ Generation is now a BaseSpace Native App
Pan And Zoom of Charts (Data by Cycle, Data by Lane, QScore)
Ability to "Fix Scale" of graphs to allow for apples-to-apples comparison for cycles and allow for trend-spotting.
Enhancements to "Run Summary" stats tables
Improved reporting of Demultiplex results
Overall speed improvements
As always, most of this data is available via our API, for example the "NextSeq-500-V2-Nextera-XT-384-plex-E-Coli" public dataset, you can see stats with these API calls:
Blog Post: http://blog.basespace.illumina.com/2015/06/04/overhaul-of-sav-charts/
Download Experience: Added new download dialog on run details and analysis details pages. Run details dialog allows download of all fastq files that were produced that you have access to. The analysis details allows filtering by all, BAM, and VCF.
Run Transfer: Failed runs can now be transferred to another owner.
App Launch API: Added new POST: applications/{id}/appsessions
endpoint to allow launching of Native Apps using the BaseSpace Rest API. More information is available in the API Reference
API Rate Limitations: Added rate limitations to the API, described in more detail here
LaunchSpace: Set of python scripts released by the BaseSpace team to allow BaseSpace users to automatically launch analysis on their samples as soon as they are ready. LaunchSpace is described in more detail in its github repository
Added Python SDK guide for launching Native Apps on your data, available in the Python SDK Overview
NeoPrep now supports pooling of libraries produced from the NeoPrep instrument. (Instrument Owners Only)
- New HelpCenter is now default help link. The HelpCenter is a newly designed support site with an increasing amount of new articles and tutorials. See more [here](https://help.basespace.illumina.com "BaseSpace HelpCenter")
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