Added support for per-sample settings in the Run Setup tool to configure analysis settings for individual samples.
In the Run Setup tool, the FASTQ Generation analysis type is now named BCL Convert.
Improved support for detecting errors in V2 Sample Sheets. Critical errors now transition the run to Needs Attention status.
Performance improvements to BCL Convert integration for NextSeq 1000 & NextSeq 2000 systems.
Fixed an issue where index and library kits were changed to unspecified kits when editing a planned run in the Run Setup tool.
Fixed an issue with Run Setup tool where analysis settings were not refreshed after changing analysis type.
Fixed run setup to remove leading or trailing spaces in run name, sample ID, index, or free-text fields in the Run Setup and Analysis Setup pages.
Fixed an issue that could cause the dashboard to display a warning message for exceeding "0 Bytes storage limit".
Fixed an issue on app input forms where clicking a tooltip by a checkbox item also selected or deselected the checkbox.
Fixed an issue that could cause an error when removing a shared project.
Fixed a display issue that caused the App Purchase dialog to extend off screen.
Fixed an issue that could prevent accepting share or transfer invites.
Fixed an issue that limited the number of analysis files displayed in the UI to the first 100.
Fixed a performance issue with processing sequencing run metrics.
Fixed an issue in the sequencingstats endpoint that caused PercentNoCalls values to be set to 0.
Improved integration of cloud-based analysis for NextSeq 2000 systems.
Fixed an issue that could cause an empty red banner to display for Basic user accounts that are near or over the storage limit.
Increased the number of files displayed in the Analyses page file browser to 2,048.
Bug Fixes
Performance and stability fixes.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that could block summary reports from displaying.
Performance and stability fixes.
Archival storage is being rolled out to users over the next few weeks. This feature allows accounts configured for New application mode to transfer runs and datasets to long-term storage, with significantly lower costs than standard storage. Data transfer takes several days to complete and incurs additional fees. Restoring data that have been archived for a short period of time can result in higher overall storage cost, so archiving is not recommended for data that you intend to use in the next several months.
Added iCredit balance and subscription status to the account settings page.
Added promotional iCredit balance to the banner notification in Free Trial accounts.
Create new project option not enabled on the Prep tab page for creating a biological sample.
Error when downloading files or sharing data in Enterprise domain accounts.
Incorrect items listed in the Status menu.
Runs page tabs content failed to load if the run name contained special characters.
The list of libraries did not appear on Pools pages.
Menu dropdown failed to close after a selection was made.
Runs page column settings reset to default after a page refresh.
Run details page did not display share and trash menu options.
Tooltip for multiple pool information failed to appear on biosample libraries page.
Incorrect link to BSVI in the waffle menu.
Overlapping text in the Run details Sample Sheet tab.
Banner notification did not persist across pages.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue that could cause the Run name to become hidden in the Run master list.
Performance and stability fixes.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue that could cause some run metrics to be displayed incorrectly.
Performance and stability fixes.
Added a notification menu for non-spotlight notifications.
Added % Loading Concentration metric.
Added support for TSV format for custom index adapter kits created in Instrument Run Setup.
Added On Hold status for biosamples.
Added biosample status changes to audit logs.
Fixed an issue where the TotalCount field of the appsession API endpoint returned an incorrect value.
Fixed an issue that prevented the preferred version to be set for some applications.
Fixed an issue that could cause pop-up modals to run off the page.
Fixed an issue on the Search page that could cause the filter panel to not load properly.
Fixed an issue that would display "Invalid date" instead of a timestamp in certain browsers.
Fixed small cosmetic issues on app launch pages.
Performance improvements.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where not all workgroups are listed when logging in from an instrument.
Fixed an issue where tooltips did not display correctly on the Run Metrics page.
Fixed issues that could cause the Run Sample Sheet tab to not load properly.
Added Files & Kits menu to the Settings page, where the following run setup resources can be viewed or added:
Library prep kits
Index adapter kits
Reference genomes
When running a NextSeq 2000 in Local Analysis mode, uploaded analysis results are stored in a project. If a project does not exist, a new project is created.
Improvements to Run Setup:
Added support for large file upload.
Added confirmation prompt when switching Analysis Type or Analysis Location.
Added display of additional details when a reference genome is selected.
Fixed an issue that caused the My Data and Run Planning navbar links to briefly duplicate on page load.
Fixed an issue with multi-node appsessions where the report did not display until the page refreshed.
Fixed an issue with the dataset matcher that prevented tooltips from displaying.
Fixed an issue that created duplicate planned runs if Submit was selected more than once in the Run Setup tool.
Fixed an issue where editing a planned run with unspecified kits did not have the correct columns in sample data table.
Fixed a bug where using an unacceptable character (".") was not prevented during run setup.
Fixed an issue where a 'required field' error message could appear erroneously during run setup.
Fixed a rare issue that could prevent app launches.
Security fixes.
Bug Fixes
Performance and stability fixes.
Added the selected analysis name and version to the Analysis Setup section of Instrument Run Setup
Added description of selected library prep and index adapter kits below each field in Instrument Run Setup.
Increased the character limit for project names to 255.
Fixed an issue on the Run list that could cause a blank popup to appear when filtering a column.
Fixed an issue that could cause users to revert to the personal context while in a workgroup.
Fixed an issue that caused the delete menu option to be disabled for shared runs.
Fixed an issue that caused a failure to delete error message to appear after a planned run was successfully deleted.
Fixed an issue in the Planned Run list that would display Index2 length values for single index runs.
Fixed an issue that caused dropdown menus in Instrument Run Setup to display truncated names.
Improved performance of the /v2/preprequests API endpoint.
Fixed an issue with app input forms that could cause choosers to remain available when nested in a radio component.
Added a default Select option to drop-down menus in the Analysis Setup page for Instrument Run Setup. This option can be used to clear an unwanted menu selection.
Improved Prep tab error messages for duplicate sample names in imported library templates.
Fixed an issue that prevented display of Indexing QC if a run did not have Indexing QC data for the first lane.
Fixed an issue where reports generated from multi-node app sessions did not display until the page was refreshed.
Fixed an issue that caused slow uploads of custom files in Instrument Run Setup.
Security improvements.
Updated the support team contact information in the "Activate Subscription" dialog box.
Bug Fixes
Performance and stability fixes.
Bug Fixes
Performance and stability fixes.
Bug Fixes
Performance and stability fixes.
Bug Fixes
Performance and stability fixes.
Prep tab is renamed to Run Planning and includes two menu options: Instrument Run Setup (supporting NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 systems) and the original Prep page for other systems.
Changed billing options for third-party apps. Billing is disabled for new apps and pricing for existing apps cannot be changed.
Increased the number of supported characters for adapter sequences to 128.
Fixed an issue that would cause an error when a custom name was used for a sample sheet.
Fixed an issue in the Move Runs to Trash dialog that allowed more than one option to be selected.
Fixed an issue where long app names were shortened in the header of app input forms.
Fixed the display of yield records when all data sets are deleted. The yield record is now removed entirely instead of displaying 0 bp.
Bug Fixes
Performance and stability fixes.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that could occur while deleting a dataset.
Bug Fixes
Prevented an intermittent error message that could appear when accessing the website.
Version 6.0.0 implements a new look, aligned to the latest instrument design, and improvements to page loading speeds.
Dashboard spotlight displays items that require attention.
Run insights to track run metrics over time. View charts on the dashboard and export data to a CSV file. (Staged roll out completed August 12)
Run filters built in to column headers in the runs list.
Switching between Classic and New application versions is enabled in the Account Settings options.
Changes to support Classic mode:
My Data tab is removed. Items previously listed in the My Data menu are now primary tabs.
Run planning is moved to the Runs page.
Fixed an issue that could cause a subscription renewal account banner to appear after a Professional subscription account is renewed.
Added a link on the Apps page to the Developer Portal.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented planned runs from appearing in the Planned Runs tab.
Fixed an issue where the App bookmark icons were not always appearing.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Run Insights chart to display no data.
Error messages from backend validation will be displayed for each field in the run setup page.
Dashboard includes a banner with free trial expiration date.
Bug Fixes
Performance and stability fixes.
The UI file uploader now supports gVCF and gzipped VCF files.
The app input form now displays a notice if a newer version of the app exists.
The owner of a biosample can edit the biosample name. To rename the biosample, select the File menu, point to Edit and then select Biosample Info.
Fixed the status field requirement in the POST /v2/libraries/{id} endpoint. The status field is now optional instead of required.