MiSeqDx Integration v1.10.0 includes the MiSeqDx v1.2 workflow upgrade. This upgrade is typically done through the RPM. To upgrade the workflow manually, create the Validate Single Input automation and update its trigger information as follows.
Before updating the automations, make sure the MiSeqDx v1.1 workflow is installed.
In Clarity LIMS, under Configuration, select the Automation tab.
Select New Automation.
Create an automation called Validate Single Input.
In the Command Line field, add the following string:
Under Automation Use, enable this automation for the Denature and Dilute master steps on all variant workflows.
In Clarity LIMS, under Configuration, select the Lab Work tab.
Find the Denature and Dilute steps in all variant workflows.
In the Automation section of each step, update the Trigger Location and Trigger Style for the Validate Single Input automation as follows.
Trigger Location — Step
Trigger Style — Automatic upon entry
This section explains how to use the MiSeqDx Validation workflow that is included in the Illumina MiSeqDx Integration Package. The workflow allows for simple validation of the following functionality:
Auto-placement of reagent indexes on the PCR Amplification step
Generation of a sample sheet file for use with the MiSeqDx Operating Software (MOS) on the Denature, Dilute and Load Sample step
In addition, this section provides tips to help you troubleshoot the system.
All validation steps assume that you have installed the MiSeqDx Integration Package and have imported the default Clarity LIMS configuration. The validation steps are based on MiSeqDx Validation (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2, where the autoplacement of indexes validation occurs in Run PCR Amplification step and sample sheet generation validation occurs in Run Denature, Dilute and Load Samples step.
For compatibility information, refer to MiSeqDx Integration v1.10.0 Release Notes. Only Clarity LIMS v6.2 or later is supported in MiSeqDx Integration Package v1.10.0 or in subsequent releases.
Instructions for configuring sample sheet generation are provided in MiSeqDx Integration v1.10.0 Configuration.
The following protocols are included in MiSeqDx Integration Package v1.10.0.
Library Prep Protocols:
CF 139-Variant Assay Library Prep 1.2
CF Clinical Sequencing Assay Library Prep 1.2
Universal Kit Library Prep 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx Protocols:
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (Universal Kit) 1.2
Validation Protocols:
MiSeqDx Validation (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (Universal Kit) 1.2
Each validation protocol includes the following steps from the Library Prep and Illumina SBS MiSeqDx protocols:
Extension-Ligation of Bound Oligos (Library Prep step)
PCR Amplification (Library Prep step)
Library Pooling (MiSeqDx) (Illumina SBS MiSeqDx step)
Denature, Dilute and Load Sample (Illumina SBS MiSeqDx step)
MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) (Illumina SBS MiSeqDx step)
Variant Calling (MiSeqDx) (Illumina SBS MiSeqDx step)
This section discusses the Library Prep protocols included in the MiSeqDx v1.10.0 Integration Package.
The following process is used to hybridize the oligo pool.
Add samples to Ice Bucket.
Add Negative Control and Positive Control samples to Ice Bucket.
ℹ Good laboratory practices mandate that a positive control DNA sample and a negative (no-template) control sample are included in every run. The positive control DNA sample should be a well-characterized sample with a known CFTR mutation.
Select Begin Work.
On the Placement screen, select all samples and place in container. Select Record Details.
On the Record Details screen, under Reagent Lot Tracking, set the following values:
gDNA Concentration (ng/uL): 50 ng/ul
gDNA Volume (uL): 5 uL
Select the reagent lots for CF 139-Variant Assay-Oligo Pool and Hybridization Buffer.
Select Next Steps.
Select Removal of Unbound Oligos (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2 as the next step.
Select Apply.
Select Finish Step.
The process below is used to remove unbound oligos.
Add samples to Ice Bucket.
Select Begin Work.
On the Placement screen, select all samples and place in container.
Select Record Details.
On the Record Details screen, under Reagent Lot Tracking, select the reagent lots for Stringent Wash Buffer and Universal Wash Buffer.
Select Next Steps.
Select Extension-Ligation of Bound Oligos (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2 as the next step.
Select Apply.
Select Finish Step.
The process below is used to add reagents to the Extension-Ligation Mix field.
Add samples to Ice Bucket. Select Begin Work.
On the Placement screen, select all samples and place in container.
Select Record Details.
On the Record Details screen, under Reagent Lot Tracking, select the reagent lots for Extension-Ligation Mix.
Select Next Steps.
Select PCR Amplification (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2 as the next step.
Select Apply.
Select Finish Step.
Add samples to Ice Bucket.
Select one of the following Reagent Label Options:
If you are working with eight samples or less, select CF 139-Variant Assay 8-Sample Indexes.
If you are working with more than 8 samples, select CF 139-Variant Assay Indexes.
Select Begin Work.
On the Placement screen, select all samples and place in container. Select Add Reagents.
On entry to the Add Reagents screen, the Auto Place Indexes automation is invoked and the reagents are placed on the samples.
Once placement is complete, a message displays indicating that the index pattern has been applied successfully. Select OK.
On Add Reagents screen, reagents are already placed. Select Record Details.
On exit from the Add Reagents screen, the index placement is validated. Once validation is complete, a message displays indicating that the index pattern has been validated on all samples successfully. Select OK.
On the Record Details screen, under Reagent Lot Tracking, enter the lots for the following fields:
Index Primers
PCR Master Mix
PCR Polymerase
Select Next Steps.
Select PCR Clean-Up (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2 as the next step.
Select Apply.
Select Finish Step.
Add samples to Ice Bucket.
Select Begin Work.
On the Placement screen, select all samples and place in container. Select Record Details.
On the Record Details screen, under Reagent Lot Tracking, select the reagent lots for the following:
Elution Buffer
PCR Clean-up Beads
Select Next Steps.
Select Mark protocol as complete as the next step. Select Apply.
Select Finish Step.
Follow the following steps to validate auto-placement of indexes and sample sheet generation
In the Clarity LIMS web interface, on the Configuration > Workflows screen, activate one of the three Validation workflows:
MiSeqDx Validation (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (Universal Kit) 1.2
ℹ The validation steps are based on MiSeqDx Validation (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
On the Projects and Samples screen, create a project and assign samples as follows.
Create a test project and add samples to it.
⚠ The project must contain between 9 and 96 samples.
Assign your samples to the MiSeqDx Validation workflow.
In Lab View, locate the MiSeqDx Validation protocol. You will see your samples queued for the Extension-Ligation of Bound Oligos step. Prepare the samples as follows.
Add the samples to the Ice Bucket.
On the Placement screen, place the samples into the output container.
Select Record Details.
On the Record Details screen, under Reagent Lot Tracking, select the Extension-Ligation Mix reagent lot used in the step.
If required, activate the lot on the Reagents / Reagents and Controls screen.
Select Next Steps.
On the Assign Next Steps screen, assign the samples to the PCR Amplification step.
Select Finish Step.
In Lab View, locate the MiSeqDx Validation protocol. You will see your samples queued for the PCR Amplification step.
Add the samples to the Ice Bucket.
In the Reagent Label Options panel, in the Group of labels list, select CF 139-Variant Assay Indexes (or the equivalent for the workflow you activated).
Select Begin Work.
On the Placement screen, place the samples into the output container.
Select Add Reagents.
On entry to the Add Reagents screen, the Auto Place Indexes automation is automatically invoked and the reagents are placed on the samples.
After placement is complete, a message displays indicating that the index pattern has been applied successfully. Select OK.
On the Add Reagents screen, reagents are already placed. Select Record Details.
On exit from the Add Reagents screen, the Validate Index Placement automation is automatically invoked and index placement is validated.
When validation is complete, a message displays indicating that the index pattern has been validated on all samples successfully. Select OK.
On the Record Details screen, under Reagent Lot Tracking, select the lots for the following items:
Index Primers
PCR Master Mix
PCR Polymerase
Select Next Steps.
On the Assign Next Steps screen, assign samples to the Library Pooling (MiSeqDx) 1.2 step.
Select Finish Step.
Return to Lab View and locate the MiSeqDx Validation protocol. You will see your samples queued for the Library Pooling (MiSeqDx) 1.2 step.
Prepare the samples as follows.
Add samples to the Ice Bucket.
In the Add Control Samples panel, select PhiX Internal Control. Select Begin Work.
On the Pool Samples screen, create a pool of samples. Select Place Samples.
On the Placement screen, place the pool into the output container. Select Record Details.
Under Reagent Lot Tracking, select the reagent lot used in the step.
Under Step Details, enter the concentration value in the Normalized conc. (nM) field.
Select Next Steps.
On the Assign Next Steps screen, assign the pool to the Denature, Dilute and Load Samples step.
Return to Lab View and locate the MiSeqDx Validation protocol.
You will see your pooled samples queued for the Denature, Dilute and Load Sample step.
Place the pooled samples as follows.
Add the pool to the Ice Bucket.
On the Place Samples screen, the Validate Single Input script runs and validates only one pool that is entered into this step as the input sample. If validation fails, Clarity LIMS prompts you that it is only able to proceed with the step with one pool.
On the Placement screen, place the pool into a MiSeqDx reagent cartridge.
Select Record Details.
On entry to the Record Details screen, a script validates the Container Name and prompts you to scan the reagent cartridge barcode.
On the Record Details screen of the Denature, Dilute and Load Sample step, generate the sample sheet as follows.
ℹ All read-only files are autopopulated.
Enter the folder path for the Reference Genomes that will be used for secondary analysis in the GenomeFolder field.
Under Reagent Lot Tracking, select the reagent lots used in the step.
Enter the lots for MiSeqDx Flow Cell - CF 139-Variant Assay and MiSeqDx SBS Solution (PR2) - CF 139-Variant Assay.
In the Step Details section, review the step parameters.
Select Generate MiSeqDx Sample Sheet to generate the MiSeqDx sample sheet.
Clarity LIMS attaches the generated sample sheet and log file to placeholders in the Files area of the Record Details screen. Download the files and validate their format and content.
[Optional] In the Files section, upload the Lab Tracking Form to the appropriate placeholder.
Select Next Steps.
On the Assign Next Steps screen, assign the samples to the MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) 1.2 step.
Validation of auto-placement of indexes and sample sheet generation is completed at the end of this step.
On the Record Details screen, do not select the AUTOMATED - Run Report Generation button. The run report is generated and attached to the step automatically. This process may take a while.
On the Record Details screen of the MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) 1.2 step:
Run the instrument. The read-only field values are automatically populated as the instrument runs.
After the run has completed, observe the Record Details screen of the MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) 1.2 step for the following.
The autopopulated read-only fields.
The generated and attached Illumina Run Report and Log File.
The attached Run Parameters and Run Info files.
The generated and attached Link to Run Folder.
QC flags set on each lane.
[Optional] In the Files section, upload the Lab Tracking Form.
Select Next Steps.
The Verify Report Status automation should run and allow you to go to the Assign Next Steps screen.
On the Assign Next Steps screen, assign the samples to the Variant Calling (MiSeqDx) 1.2 step.
Select Finish Step.
On the Record Details screen of the Variant Calling (MiSeqDx) 1.2 step:
Make sure that the VCF has the correct name based on the sample sheet.
The file-naming format for the VCF file is SampleName_S#.vcf. In this format, the SampleName is the value in the Sample_Name column of the sample sheet, and # is the sample number determined by the order in which samples are listed in the sample sheet.
After secondary analysis has completed, the following files are attached to the step:
Combined Variant Call File — a compressed VCF file (zip file) containing all the variant call files, including the CFTR specific VCF files.
Combined Output Text File — a combined text file containing a summary of all the sample metrics.
Variant Call File per individual sample
QC flags are set on each lane.
This step routes your samples to the appropriate next step. Assign each sample to one of the following steps:
Library Normalization (MiSeqDx)
Library Pooling (MiSeqDx)
Denature, Dilute and Load Sample
On the Record Details screen, enter values for the following items:
Library volume (µl) transferred to destination plate
Normalized conc (nM)
Maximum destination container volume (µl)
Any other required fields
Select Create Normalization CSV to start the automation.
When the normalizationBufferVolumes script has completed, the Normalization buffer volumes CSV file is generated and attached to the step. This file is in the Files area of the Record Details screen.
Refer to Library Pooling (MiSeqDx) step under MiSeqDx Validation Protocol for details.
On the Placement screen, set up the reagent cartridge as follows.
Using an RFID scanner, scan the RFID of the MiSeqDx reagent cartridge into the Container Name field.
Place the pool of samples into the reagent cartridge.
Select Record Details.
Refer to Denature, Diluate and Load Sample step under MiSeqDx Validation Protocol for more details.
On exit from the Placement screen, the automation is automatically triggered and validates the Container Name.
Refer to MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) step under MiSeqDx Validation Protocol for details.
Refer to Variant Calling (MiSeqDx) step under MiSeqDx Validation Protocol for details.
Validating the creation of the event files confirms the following:
Your DESTINATION_PATH is correctly configured.
The instrument computer can access and write to the DESTINATION_PATH.
There are no syntax errors in the Clarity LIMS batch file.
Follow the steps below to confirm that event files are created by the batch file in the destination path. The steps assume that the default configuration has been successfully imported.
In C:\Illumina\gls, double-click gls_event_mos_rta.bat.
Confirm that an empty event file appears in the configured DESTINATION_PATH.
Manually invoke the gls_event_mos.bat file.
The file produces an output similar to the following example:
If an automation trigger does not appear to run its corresponding scripts, see:
Troubleshooting Automation Worker in the Clarity LIMS (Clarity & LabLink Reference Guide) documentation.
Troubleshooting Automation in the Clarity LIMS (API & Database) documentation.
If an error occurs that does not provide direction on how to proceed, troubleshoot the error as follows.
Confirm the version of the installed Illumina MiSeqDx Integration Package by running the following command from the server console.
If the error is related to retrieving run results data, review the MiseqDxIntegrator.log.
Contact the Clarity LIMS Support team, supplying the relevant information from the troubleshooting already performed.
The Illumina MiSeqDx Integration Package v1.10.0 supports MiSeqDx instruments running in Diagnostic mode. For MiSeqDx instruments running in Research mode, install the MiSeq Integration Package. For more information, refer to .
MiSeqDx Integration v1.10.0 is compatible with the following software:
Clarity LIMS v6.2 and later
Secret Util v1.0 and later
IPP v2.6 and later
MiSeqDx Integration v1.10.0 has the following prerequisites:
Mount run data network-attached storage (NAS) share
IPP is installed
MiSeqDx Integration v1.10.0 supports both on-premise and cloud integrations. This integration is distributed as the following RPM packages:
The BaseSpaceLIMS-miseqdx-extensions RPM installs the following items:
Protocols and workflows
Database properties that configure the service
Placement pattern files that determine reagent index assignment
The BaseSpaceLIMS-miseqdx-sequencing-service RPM installs the following items:
If not found, user configuration (the glsjboss user and the glsjdk8 and claritylims user groups)
If not installed, Java 8
Bash scripts to run the miseqdx_seqservice
The gls_events_mos_rta.bat batch file that configures RTA
Smoke test directories
Use the following instructions to install the BaseSpaceLIMS-miseqdx-extensions and BaseSpaceLIMS-miseqdx-sequencing-service RPMs on the Clarity LIMS server.
The BaseSpaceLIMS-miseqdx-extensions RPM must be installed on the Clarity LIMS server. The BaseSpaceLIMS-miseqdx-sequencing-service RPM can be installed remotely on another server within the network.
MiSeqDx Integration v1.10.0 installs the following protocols:
CF 139-Variant Assay Library Prep 1.2
CF Clinical Sequencing Assay Library Prep 1.2
Universal Kit Library Prep 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (Universal Kit) 1.2
The integrations also install the following validation protocols that are included in a workflow with the same name:
MiSeqDx Validation (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (Universal Kit) 1.2
The instrument software is divided into the following modules:
MiSeqDx Operating Software (MOS) — Controls the instrument operation, including various configuration settings. This software is installed and runs on the instrument.
MiSeqDx Reporting Software (MRS) — Performs the following secondary analysis functions:
Variant calling
Report generation
The specific functions that are supported vary by the kit. This software is installed on or off the instrument.
Real-Time Analysis (RTA) — Performs image processing and base calling (primary analysis). The software makes sure that data files are created and copied to the final destination folder and is installed and runs on the instrument.
Illumina User Management (IUM) — Contains a user database file that is used with the MiSeqDx instrument. This file controls user passwords and privileges for MOS.
Illumina provides a supported mechanism for using custom scripts on key events during a sequencing run. The Clarity LIMS support team has created batch files that plugs into these events. When the batch file is used, it reads the event information and writes it in a TXT event file at the same network share location that the instrument uses to write the run data. Another process running on the server where the sequencing service RPM is installed receives the event files and takes the appropriate actions.
The sequencing service monitors the following events (the actual event names may be different):
End Run — This event is used to update the sequencing steps in Clarity LIMS, captures key process data and files, and parses run statistics for output custom fields.
Begin Secondary Analysis — Indicates that secondary analysis in the MRS has started so that the sequencing service can start to monitor for results. After secondary analysis is complete, the VCF files are uploaded to Clarity LIMS.
ℹ If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the MiSeqDx integration package and the system is configured with the configure_extensions_miseqdx_workflow.sh and configure_extensions_miseqdx_sequencingservice.sh scripts, refer to .
For more information on the properties that must be configured, refer to .
Oracle Linux (for compatibility, refer to )
ℹ If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the MiSeqDx integration package and the system is configured with the configure_extensions_miseqdx_workflow.sh and configure_extensions_miseqdx_sequencingservice.sh scripts, refer to .
For more information on the properties that must be configured, refer to .
For descriptions of the protocol and the steps, refer to . For instructions on user interaction for each step and using the MiSeqDx validation workflows to validate the automated sample sheet generation, refer to .
For more information on the MiSeqDx software, refer to the MiSeqDx documentation at .
For instructions on how to validate the automated sample sheet generation, refer to .
For instructions on validating the creation of event files, refer to .
For more information on event file validation, refer to .
Last Updated: November 2024
Release Date: September 2023
Document Version: 2
These Release Notes describe the key changes to software components for the Clarity LIMS MiSeqDx Integration Package version 1.10.0. This is an optional software update.
Refer to Compatibility under Instruments & Integrations.
Updated Java and third-party dependency libraries.
Updated Groovy to v3.0.7.
Fixed the MiSeqDx Run Type custom field value not displaying in the MiSeqDx Run step in the MiSeqDx Validation (CF 139-Variant Assay) protocol.
Fixed the MiSeqDx run report not displaying workflow information.
The Denature and Dilute step now only allows a single pool to be added to the Ice Bucket when you enter the step.
Fixed the SQL Injection (CVE-2022-31197) and Information Disclosure (CVE-2020-15522) vulnerabilities.
Updated Compatibility section to reference Compatibility matrix table.
Initial release.
The Illumina MiSeqDx Integration v1.10.0 includes the following features:
MiSeqDx RPM that supports Diagnostic (Dx) mode.
MiSeq RPM that supports Research (RUO) mode.
Preconfigured Clarity LIMS protocols that map to library prep and sequencing lab protocols and instrument runs.
Preconfigured protocols that allow for validation of the sample sheet generation and index placement functionality.
Automatic generation of:
A sample sheet file for use with the MOS (Diagnostic mode) instrument software.
A run report, which includes the current run statistics.
Automated tracking of the following information in Clarity LIMS:
Progress and metrics of a MiSeqDx sequencing run
Per-instrument sequencing runs
Sequencing run parameters
Real-Time Analysis (RTA) run directory location and other run specific information
The ability to monitor the run status (cycle number) across multiple instruments from within Clarity LIMS.
The ability to attach Variant Call Format (VCF) files to Clarity LIMS.
Package Version: BaseSpace Clarity LIMS MiSeqDx (v1.10.0)
The Illumina MiSeqDx Integration Package allows for automatic generation of a sample sheet to be used with the MiSeqDx instrument software. The format of this sample sheet is designed for the instrument when it is running in Diagnostic mode.
If you are running the MiSeqDx instrument in Research Use Only (RUO) mode, see Sample Sheet Generation section in the Configuration guide for MiSeq version-of-interest.
MiSeqDx does not support bcl2fastqv2 sample sheet generation.
How sample sheet generation works
Sample sheet generation is configured on the step prior to the sequencing run – Denature, Dilute and Load Sample, which is the step where samples are placed on the flow cells or reagent cartridges that will be placed in the instrument.
The sample sheet is generated by means of a script, which the lab user initiates by clicking a button on the Record Details screen of the step. This generates a sample sheet file for the container loaded during the step, where the name of the sample sheet will be
The user then downloads the sample sheet from the LIMS and uploads it to the instrument software.
The following assays are supported by the MiSeqDx sample sheet generation script:
CF 139-Variant Assay
CF Clinical Sequencing Assay
Universal Kit
Sample sheet format is controlled via master step field / step user defined field (UDF) configuration, where key step fields are pre-populated with values specific to each protocol step. These values are not editable, and their configuration should not be modified.
The fields listed in the following table are available on the Denature, Dilute and Load Sample step and will be placed into the sample sheet.
Below is the default command line that ships with the Denature, Dilute and Load Sample (CF 139-Variant Assay) step.
Single well container types, and all one-dimensional container types with both numeric rows and numeric columns, are supported.
The following table lists and describes the fields included in the MiSeqDx sample sheet.
Note the following:
If no upstream pooling is detected, LIMS will populate the sample sheet with the SampleID and SampleName of the submitted sample. Other fields are populated with data from the samples that were input to the step (i.e. derived samples).
If upstream pooling is detected, LIMS will populate the sample sheet with the first upstream pooled inputs found – not with the submitted sample or step input fields.
Control samples may be one of the following:
Built-in BaseSpace Clarity LIMS control samples
Submitted samples with field / UDF Control? set to true
If a value is provided for only a single CAT manifest file, then all samples in the sample sheet will be given the designation (A) associated with that CAT type.
For single read, one entry is listed beneath the [Reads] heading, in the first column of the spreadsheet. For paired end, two entries are listed.
This section outlines the format and contents of the generated sample sheet and associated log file.
When validating the installation of your integration, refer to this information to ensure that the sample sheet and log files are correctly generated.
MiSeqDx sample sheet
The file is a comma-separated file.
The file contains the following sections:
The file is populated with data from the samples in the step. If pooled, each sample in the pool is represented as a separate, demultiplexed entry.
The entries are sorted by SampleWell and by SampleID.
The data section of the file contains 11 columns.
MiSeqDx sample sheet log file
The file is in HTML format.
The file contains logging information and a success message if sample sheet generated successfully.
Enabling unique FASTQ file names
To enable unique FASTQ file names per sequencing run, the EPP command on the process type must be configured to use the following parameter options:
-useSampleLimsID – ensures unique entries in the SampleName column by using the sample LIMS ID instead of its name
-appendLimsID – ensures unique names per run by appending the LIMS ID of the current step
The step on which this script runs must be the step in which samples are placed on the flow cell(s) or reagent cartridge(s).
The contents of the sample sheet are ordered by SampleWell and then ordered by SampleID.
Project and sample names in the sample sheet cannot contain illegal characters. Characters not allowed are the space character and the following: ? ( ) [ ] / \ = + < > : ; " ' , * ^ | &
Illegal characters will be replaced with an underscore "_"
The destination container type (flow cell or reagent cartridge) must be must be either single well or a one-dimensional container type with both numeric rows and numeric columns. Back to top
For details, see and sections below.
For more information, see .
Field Name
Field Type
Experiment Name
Entered by the user
Value set to Amplicon for CF 139-Variant Assay and CF Clinical Sequencing Assay Value set to Custom Amplicon for Universal Kit
Entered by the user
Configured with the following preset values
CF 139-Variant
CF Clinical Sequencing
MiSeqDx Universal
Amplicon Workflow Type
Configured with the following preset values
MiSeqDx Universal
Configured with the following preset values
CF 139-Variant Assay
CF Clinical Sequencing Assay
MiSeqDx Universal
PhiX Control added?
Check box
Default set to false
Value set to Starling, a legacy variant caller
Variant Min Quality Cutoff
Value set to 100
Required for secondary analysis
Control CAT Manifest
Preset value CFTRManifest.txt
Custom CAT Manifest
Manifest file for custom assay
Read 1 Cycles
Configured with range 0-1000. Value set to 151
Read 2 Cycles
Configured with range 0-1000. Value set to 151
Field Name
Field Type
Reference Genome
Optionally used to populate the GenomeFolder value for individual samples in the sample sheet.
Used to indicate a control sample that is represented as a submitted sample in the LIMS.
u, username
LIMS username
p, password
LIMS password
i, processURI
LIMS process URI
c, csvFileLimsIds
Sample sheet CSV file LIMS ID
May be provided multiple times
e, errorLogFileName
Log file name
l, useProjectLimsID
Project LIMS ID will be used instead of project name in the Project column of the sample sheet
Accepted values: true or false. Provide with quotes e.g. -l 'true'
s, useSampleLimsID
Should be set to true Sample LIMS ID will be used instead of sample name in the SampleName column of the sample sheet
Accepted values: true or false. Provide with quotes e.g. -s 'true' See Enabling unique FASTQ file names in Configuration Options
a, appendLimsID
Should be set to false LIMS ID of the protocol step will be appended to sample names in the SampleName column of the sample sheet.
Accepted values: true or false. Provide with quotes e.g. -a 'true'
Field Name
Illumina Worklist Manager Version number.
The date the sample sheet was generated.
Master step field/Step UDF of the same name.
Populated with CF 139-Variant Assay or CF Clinical Sequencing Assay or MiSeqDx Universal.
Master step field/Step UDF of the same name.
Master step field/Step UDF of the same name.
The recipe fragments used to build the run-specific recipe.
Populated with Amplicon
Field Name
Master step field/Step UDF Control CAT Manifest. Typically a path to a file.
Must be a real path. Convention indicates this is the Control CAT. Control samples will be given the designation A in the Data section.
Master step field/Step UDF Control CAT Manifest. Typically a path to a file.
Must be a real path. Convention indicates this is the Control CAT. Control samples will be given the designation B in the Data section.
Field Name
ℹ Read cycle entry is listed beneath the [Reads] heading, in the first column of the spreadsheet.
Master step field/Step UDF Read 1 Cycles
Index reads are determined by the MOS, based on the indexes on the inputs.
ℹ Read cycle entry is listed beneath the [Reads] heading, in the first column of the spreadsheet.
Master step field/Step UDF Read 2 Cycles
Index reads are determined by the MOS, based on the indexes on the inputs.
Field Name
Master step field/Step UDF Amplicon Workflow Type.
Master step field/Step UDF of the same name.
Master step field/Step UDF Variant Min Quality Cutoff.
Field Name
Populated with the LIMS ID of the sample if pooled, or the LIMS ID of the submitted sample if not pooled.
Populated with the sample name if pooled, or the submitted sample name if not pooled.
Always present
If script parameter useSampleLimsID is provided on the command line, the LIMS ID of the sample will be used instead of the name. The additional -a command line option appends the LIMS ID to the end of this value, e.g. Sample1-1234 See Script Parameters and Usage.
Name of the Container that the Sample resides in as recorded in the LIMS.
Always present
Container well location of the sample. If a sample is part of a pool, this will list the well location of the sample that was added to the pool.
Always present
The name of the project in the LIMS, that the sample belongs to.
Always present
Blank for a normal sample. Populated with value positive when Positive Control for MiSeqDx has been added to the pool. Populated with value negative when Negative Control for MiSeqDx has been added to the pool.
Controls must have an index. Controls in these cases look just like the other samples.
Determined from the reagent label. Uses the Sequence attribute value from Index Reagents. Dual index reagents will contain a hyphen-separated DNA sequence; this field will use the first half of that value.
Yes, if more than 1 input
Determined from the name of the index reagent type. Dual index names will be hyphen-separated; this field will use the first half of that value.
Yes, if more than one input.
Determined from the reagent label. Uses the Sequence attribute value from Index Reagents. Dual index reagents will contain a hyphen-separated DNA sequence; this field will use the second half of that value.
Determined from the name of the index reagent type. Dual index names will be hyphen-separated; this field will use the second half of that value.
Value determined by the entries in the Manifests Section.
If master step field/step UDF Use submitted sample details for Genome Folder location is true, this is populated with the value of submitted sample global field/UDF Reference Genome. Otherwise, populated with the value of master step/step UDF GenomeFolder.
Yes, if Use submitted sample details for Genome Folder location is true
Folder path for ReferenceGenomes used for secondary analysis.
The Illumina MiSeqDx Integration Package v1.10.0 supports the integration between Clarity LIMS and MiSeqDx instruments.
This documentation describes the integration between Clarity LIMS and the MiSeqDx system. It includes information about protocols and automations, configuration options, installed components, and rules and constraints.
The following protocols are included in MiSeqDx Integration Package v1.10.0:
CF 139-Variant Assay Library Prep 1.2
CF Clinical Sequencing Assay Library Prep 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (Universal Kit) 1.2
Universal Kit Library Prep 1.2
There are three validation protocols. Each protocol is included in a workflow with the same name. The protocols are as follows.
MiSeqDx Validation (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (Universal Kit) 1.2
In Assay workflows, include a QC validation protocol between the Library Prep and Illumina SBS protocols. The default workflow does not include a QC protocol.
Each validation protocol includes the following steps from the Library Prep and Illumina SBS MiSeqDx protocols:
Extension-Ligation of Bound Oligos (Library Prep step)
PCR Amplification (Library Prep step)
Library Pooling (MiSeqDx) (Illumina SBS MiSeqDx step)
Denature, Dilute and Load Sample (Illumina SBS MiSeqDx step)
MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) (Illumina SBS MiSeqDx step)
Variant Calling (MiSeqDx) (Illumina SBS MiSeqDx step)
For instructions on user interaction for each step and using the MiSeqDx Validation (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2 protocol to validate automated sample sheet generation, refer to MiSeqDx Integration v1.10.0 User Interaction, Validation and Troubleshooting.
The following table lists the automations included in this integration, and the steps on which they are configured.
MiSeqDx Integration Default Automations
Automations on Step
CF 139-Variant Assay Library Prep 1.2
Universal Kit Library Prep 1.2
PCR Amplification (CF 139-Variant Assay/Universal Kit) 1.2
Auto Place Indexes
Validate Index Placement
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (Universal Kit) 1.2
Library Normalization (MiSeqDx) 1.2
Create Normalization CSV
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (Universal Kit) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (Universal Kit) 1.2
Denature, Dilute and Load Sample (CF 139-Variant Assay / CF Clinical Sequencing Assay / Universal Kit) 1.2
Generate MiSeqDx Sample Sheet
Validate Container Name
Validate Single Input
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
Illumina SBS MiSeqDx (Universal Kit) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (CF 139-Variant Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (CF Clinical Sequencing Assay) 1.2
MiSeqDx Validation (Universal Kit) 1.2
MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) 1.2
AUTOMATED - Run Report Generation
Verify Report Status
This section discusses the index placement and validation automations configured on the PCR Amplification 1.2 Library Prep steps.
The example workflow uses the CF 139-Variant Assay Library Prep 1.2 protocol.
By default, in the CF 139-Variant Assay Library Prep 1.2 and the Universal Kit Library Prep 1.2 protocols, the PCR Amplification 1.2 step includes two automations. Both automations invoke the place_indexes script with different options.
Auto Place Indexes — Automatically invoked on entry to the Add Reagents screen.
⚠ For the Auto Place Indexes automation, if an 8-sample reagent category/label group is selected, index placement must be performed manually.
ℹ The CF Clinical Sequencing Assay Library Prep 1.2 protocol only uses 8-sample reagent categories/label groups. Hence, index placement must be performed manually.
Validate Index Placement — Automatically invoked on exit from the Add Reagents screen.
A list of reagents installed with this configuration is provided in Installed Components.
Good laboratory practices mandate that a positive control DNA sample and a negative (no-template) control sample are included in every run. The positive control DNA sample should be a well-characterized sample with a known CFTR mutation.
This section describes the features of the key steps in the Illumina SBS MiSeqDx v1.2 protocols.
Library normalization CSV file generation in Library Normalization (MiSeqDx) step.
Reagent cartridge name validation and sample sheet generation in Denature, Dilute and Load Sample 1.2 step.
Primary analysis (sequencing) results parsing, which includes generation of the run report, in MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) step.
Secondary analysis results parsing in Variant Calling (MiSeqDx) 1.2 step.
In each of the Illumina SBS MiSeqDx protocols, the Library Normalization (MiSeqDx) v1.2 step includes automated calculation of normalization buffer volumes. The results are provided in an autogenerated comma-separated file that is attached to the step.
In each of the Illumina SBS MiSeqDx and Validation protocols, the Denature, Dilute and Load Sample 1.2 step includes automations to:
Validate single input
Validate the MiSeqDx reagent cartridge name
Generate sample sheet
The integration allows for generation of a sample sheet designed to be used with the MOS (Diagnostic mode) instrument software.
By default, one MiSeqDx instrument sample sheet is created for the reagent cartridge loaded during the step. The placeholders and sample sheet files in the following table are generated by the Denature, Dilute and Load Sample 1.2 step.
Generated Placeholders and Sample Sheet Files
Lab Tracking Form
This item allows you to manually attach a lab-specific tracking form to the step.
MiSeqDx Sample Sheet file
This CSV file is automatically generated by the LIMS for use with the MOS or MCS software.
May be opened as a text file, or as an MS Excel spreadsheet.
MiSeqDx Sample Sheet Generation Log
Automatically generated by Clarity LIMS, this log file captures any errors encountered when generating the MiSeqDx sample sheet.
The MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) step records information for each lane of the flow cell and generates a report summarizing the results. In addition, run parameters, run info, and a link to the run folder are automatically captured.
The following table describes the run information files, reports, placeholders, and links that Clarity LIMS automatically generates or captures during a sequencing run.
Run Information Generated or Captured by MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) v1.2 Step
Run Info Run Parameters
These XML files are automatically captured by Clarity LIMS from the instrument run folder. They include the key run parameters, many of which are parsed out into key master step and global fields.
Link to Run Folder
Automatically generated by Clarity LIMS, this is a link to the network run folder where the data that was captured from the instrument during the run is stored.
Illumina Run Report
Automatically generated by Clarity LIMS, this report provides key information about the run and the samples on the flow cell.
Information includes the flow cell ID, run directory location, instrument name, as well as primary analysis metrics for the instrument – summarized per flow cell lane for the entire run, and individual reads in the case of paired-end runs.
These metrics are compared against the instrument's per lane averages, calculated using metrics from the last five sequencing runs. Any values outside of one standard deviation are highlighted.
The run report calculations assume that the flow cell has 8 lanes. If you are using a two-lane rapid-run flow cell, the calculated values will be incorrect.
Lab Tracking Form
This item allows you to manually attach a lab-specific tracking form to the step.
The following metadata are stored as custom fields tagged to the MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx step). These fields are all read-only.
Finish Date* – run completion date
Run Type – Diagnostic or Research mode
Status – current status of the sequencing run on the instrument
Flow Cell ID
Flow Cell Version
Experiment Name – entered in software
Read 1 Cycles
Index 1 Read Cycles – intended Index cycles
Index 2 Read Cycles – intended Index cycles
Read 2 Cycles
Output Folder – run folder root
Run ID – the unique run ID
Reagent Cartridge ID
Reagent Cartridge Part #
PR2 Bottle ID
There are two additional master step fields in this step:
Comments — multiline text field used for any comments that are attached to the run
Report Status — hidden read-only field that tracks if the run report has been successfully uploaded
Date Run is populated with the date that the Begin Run event file is first picked up and associated with a step in Clarity LIMS, not the date of the Begin Run event itself (the date the run was performed on the instrument). This property is provided by default in Clarity LIMS and is hidden. It is used in the AUTOMATED - Run Report Generation automation. Finish Date is populated as follows.
If the End Run event contains a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, Finish Date will be set to the date in the event file.
If the End Run event does not contain a date or the date is in the wrong format, Finish Date will be set to the date when the event file is processed.
The following table lists the Real-Time Analysis (RTA) primary analysis metrics Clarity LIMS automatically captures and records, per read, for samples in each flow cell lane. These metrics are captured upon run completion.
RTA Primary Analysis Metrics Captured by MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) Step
RTA Primary Analysis Metrics
Corresponding Fields
Raw Yield (Gb)
Yield PF (Gb) R1 Yield PF (Gb) R2
% Bases >Q30
% Bases >=Q30 R1 % Bases >=Q30 R2
Cluster Density (K/mm^2)
Cluster Density (K/mm^2) R1 Cluster Density (K/mm^2) R2
Clusters Raw
Clusters Raw R1 Clusters Raw R2
Clusters PF
Clusters PF R1 Clusters PF R2
%PF R1 %PF R2
Intensity Cycle 1
Intensity Cycle 1 R1 Intensity Cycle 1 R2
% Intensity Cycle 20
% Intensity Cycle 20 R1 % Intensity Cycle 20 R2
% Phasing
% Phasing R1 % Phasing R2
% Prephasing
% Prephasing R1 % Prephasing R2
% Aligned
% Aligned R1 % Aligned R2
% Error Rate
% Error Rate R1 % Error Rate R2
The sequencing service may run on Clarity LIMS server in an on-premise environment or on a remote server in a SaaS environment. The service detects event files that the instrument software (RTA) is producing as the run progresses. These event files let the service know where to find the run data.
As the run data are written out and the events come in (Begin Run, Cycle Complete, End Run), the data are matched to the step based on the reagent cartridge ID. This value was entered as the Container Name on the Denature, Dilute and Load Sample 1.2 step. The read-only field values on the Record Details screen are populated accordingly.
The Variant Calling (MiSeqDx) 1.2 step attaches secondary analysis output files for each of the samples.
In addition, a Combined Variant Call File, a text file, and a variant call file for each individual sample are automatically captured following the completion of secondary analysis.
Following primary analysis, secondary analysis runs on the MiSeqDx instrument. Clarity LIMS detects the completion of secondary analysis and lets the service know where to find the result files. While the EndRun event is processed successfully for primary analysis, the sequence service generates a BeginSecondaryAnalysis event file in the same directory with the miseqdx.seqservice.eventFileDirectory property.
An example of how Clarity LIMS shows the location of the secondary analysis event file is:
This event file signals that secondary analysis has started. The sequence service periodically checks if the analysis is complete by looking for the CompletedJobInfo.xml file. This file is in the folder specified by the runNetworkLocation parameter of the event file.
The frequency of checking is defined by the miseqdx.seqservice.synchronizationPeriod property.
If the completion file appears, the sequence service processes the event. The event is archived in a similar way to how the EndRun event file is handled. If the event completion does not appear within the number days specified by the miseqdx.seqservice.ignoreUnmatchedContainerIdsWaitDays property, the service stops monitoring the event file and the file is archived.
The following table describes the Variant Call Format (VCF) files that Clarity LIMS captures and attaches to the step after the secondary analysis.
Variant Call Format Files Captured by the LIMS After Secondary Analysis
File Type
Combined Variant Call File
Variant call VCF files for all samples are compressed into a zip file and attached to the step for every run. Available for all 3 assays.
Combined Output Text File
For CF Clinical Sequencing Assay and CF 139-Variant Assay only, a text file containing the summary of variant call information for all samples is attached for every run.
Variant Call File per sample
The general variant call VCF file (not CFTR VCF file) for each sample is attached. Available for all 3 assays.
The Illumina MiSeqDx Integration RPM package installs the following components.
This integration requires installation of the associated NGS Extensions Package (refer to Release Notes).
Files Installed
Script that imports the integration configuration.
Jar file containing API-based LIMS extensions used throughout the protocols.
Script that imports the properties for the integration.
File containing the settings for the sequencing jar logging.
Jar file containing API-based LIMS extensions used for report generation.
Sequencing service jar file that captures the run results.
Provides commands for interacting with the sequencing service. Accessible using systemctl. For example, use the following command to start the sequencing service:
The start keyword can be replaced with stop or status to operate on the sequencing service
Called by miseqdx_seqservice-v1, this script performs some basic system validation, then starts the sequencing service.
Log file for Sequencing service.
The following table lists the properties installed with the Illumina MiSeqDx Integration Package. The following constraints are present when using the properties:
Sequencing runs are matched using the flow cell ID and the base name of the sequencing step – MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx).
Do not change this name – it is expected by the sequencing service that captures instrument run results. The base name is stored in the sequenceProcessBaseName property shown in Table 2. If this name is changed without the property being updated, the 'flow cell ID <-> sequencing step base name' matching system will fail.
If necessary, you may modify the step name by editing or adding to the text after the base name portion. This part of the text is not used in the matching system. For example, you could change MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) 1.2 to MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx) v1.2.
Several additional properties, each with the ‘99’ suffix appended to their name, are also installed. These properties are intended for use by the Clarity LIMS support team in automated validation tests and are not listed in the table.
Changes on miseqdx.seqservice.sequenceProcessBaseName and miseqdx.seqservice.variantCallingProcessBaseName properties take effect upon updates and do not require restart of the integration service. For all remaining properties, integration service has to be restarted for property changes to take effect.
Properties Installed with the Illumina MiSeqDx Integration Package
Default Value
A flag indicating if event files that cannot be matched to flow cells in Clarity LIMS should be archived after a period of time (true), or continually reprocessed (false).
ℹ To prevent the gls_events file directory from becoming cluttered, it is recommended that the value of this property is set to ‘true’.
The number of days between when the event is created and the event file is archived.
Invocation period in seconds.
Sequencing process type base display name. Partial matching is used to look up the process type.
MiSeqDx Run (MiSeqDx)
A network location monitored for event files.
The network directory prefix contained in the event file.
The mapped network directory mount name on the server used to access the run data directory.
A list of eventFileDirectory path entries to monitor for event files. The value is one or more comma-separated integers.
The current version of the Run Report views in the database. The value 0 represents the state before the views are created. This property is automatically updated by the run report.
A list of netPathPrefix search and replace entries for transforming Windows to Linux network paths. The value is one or more comma-separated integers.
Sequencing process type base display name. Partial matching is used to look up the process type.
Variant Calling (MiSeqDx)
It is possible to configure support for multiple, identical seqservice.netPathPrefixSearch property values. For details, refer to Configure Multiple Identical netPathPrefixSearch Values.
The following reagent categories/label groups are included in the default configuration for the MiSeqDx Integration Package:
CF 139-Variant Assay Indexes
CF 139-Variant Assay 8-Sample Indexes
CF Clinical Sequencing Assay 8-Sample Indexes
Universal Kit Indexes
Universal Kit 8-Sample Indexes
The following reagent kits are included in the default configuration for the Illumina MiSeqDx Integration Package:
CF 139-Variant Assay-Oligo Pool
CF Clinical Sequencing Assay-Oligo Pool
Custom Oligo Pool
Elution Buffer
Extension-Ligation Mix
Hybridization Buffer
Index Primers
Library Beads
Library Dilution Buffer
Library Normalization Diluent
Library Normalization Wash
Library Storage Buffer
MiSeqDx Flow Cell - CF 139-Variant Assay
MiSeqDx Flow Cell - CF Clinical Sequencing Assay
MiSeqDx Flow Cell - Universal kit
MiSeqDx SBS Solution (PR2) - CF 139-Variant Assay
MiSeqDx SBS Solution (PR2) - CF Clinical Sequencing Assay
MiSeqDx SBS Solution (PR2) - Universal Kit
PCR Clean-Up Beads
PCR Master Mix
PCR Polymerase
Stringent Wash Buffer
Universal Wash Buffer
The following controls are included in the default configuration for the MiSeqDx Integration Package:
Negative Control for MiSeqDx
PhiX Internal Control
Positive Control for MiSeqDx
All one-dimensional container types with both numeric rows and numeric columns are supported.
The following container types are included in the default configuration for the MiSeqDx Integration Package:
MiSeqDx Reagent Cartridge - CF 139-Variant Assay
MiSeqDx Reagent Cartridge - CF Clinical Sequencing Assay
MiSeqDx Reagent Cartridge - Universal Kit
The following information provides an overview of the steps performed by the Clarity LIMS support team when configuring the instrument for use with the MiSeqDx Integration to Clarity LIMS.
Configure the MiSeqDx as follows.
Create a directory on the local computer to hold the batch files. These batch files write event files to the network-attached storage (NAS) shares.
Create a directory on the NAS to hold the event files.
Modify the software configuration files to call the batch files that create the event files.
Update sequencing service default properties to match the specifics of the installation.
To make sure that your Illumina instrument warranty remains valid, the instrument integration must be performed and maintained by the Clarity LIMS support team. To perform this integration, the Clarity LIMS support team will require direct access to the instrument via WebEx or Remote Desktop while the instrument is idle.
This integration operates with the following constraints:
There must only be a single input on the Denature, Dilute and Load Sample 1.2 step.
The Reagent Cartridge ID must be unique. There should not be multiple containers in the system with the same name.
The reagent cartridge ID must be scanned as the Container Name on the Denature, Dilute and Load Sample 1.2 step.
For MOS sample sheet generation constraints, refer to Illumina MiSeqDx 1.10.0 Sample Sheet Generation.