Sort Specimens to Extraction v1.1 Overview
The Sort Specimens to Extraction CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR is part of the CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR protocols that include the following functionality.
Preconfigured CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR protocols that support the preparation of upper and lower respiratory specimens for real-time RT-PCR qualitative detection of nucleic acid from the 2019-nCoV.
Automated calculation of sample and buffer volumes.
Automated calculation or display of reagents at every step in the protocol.
Automatic step transition when required.
Automatic placement of samples when necessary.
Automated assignment of QC Pass/Fail, based on user-selected threshold values.
Protocol Type = Sample Prep
Next Steps Configuration
Master Step Name = Sort Specimens to Extraction (CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1)
Set Next Step - Copy extraction protocolTrigger Location = Record Details
Trigger Style = Automatic upon exit
Copy bash -l -c "/opt/gls/clarity/bin/java -jar /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/ngs-extensions.jar -i {stepURI:v2} -u {username} -p {password} script:evaluateDynamicExpression -t false -h false -exp 'nextStep = ::ADVANCE:: ; submittedSample.::Extraction Protocol:: = input.::Extraction Protocol::' -log {compoundOutputFileLuid0}"
Routing Script - ExtractionTrigger Style = Automatic upon exit
Copy bash -l -c "/opt/gls/clarity/bin/java -jar /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/ngs-extensions.jar -u {username} -p {password} -i {stepURI:v2} -l {compoundOutputLuid0} script:changeWorkflow \
--FIELD_NAME 'Extraction Protocol' \
--FIELD_VALUE 'Qiagen QIAamp DSP Viral RNA Mini Kit or QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit' \
--WORKFLOW 'Qiagen QIAamp DSP Viral RNA Mini Kit CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1' \
--STEP 'Sample Concentration (CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1)' \
--FIELD_NAME 'Extraction Protocol' \
--FIELD_VALUE 'Qiagen EZ1 Advanced XL' \
--WORKFLOW 'Qiagen EZ1 Advanced XL CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1' \
--STEP 'Sort Sample Type (CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1)' \
--FIELD_NAME 'Extraction Protocol' \
--FIELD_VALUE 'Roche MagNA Pure LC' \
--WORKFLOW 'Roche MagNA Pure LC CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1' \
--STEP 'Sort Roche MagNA Pure LC Samples (CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1)' \
--FIELD_NAME 'Extraction Protocol' \
--FIELD_VALUE 'Roche MagNA Pure Compact' \
--WORKFLOW 'Roche MagNA Pure Compact CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1' \
--STEP 'Sort Roche MagNA Pure Compact Samples (CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1)' \
--FIELD_NAME 'Extraction Protocol' \
--FIELD_VALUE 'Roche MagNA Pure 96' \
--WORKFLOW 'Roche MagNA Pure 96 CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1' \
--STEP 'Sort Roche MagNA Pure 96 (CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1)' \
--FIELD_NAME 'Extraction Protocol' \
--FIELD_VALUE 'bioMérieux NucliSENSE easyMAG Instrument' \
--WORKFLOW 'bioMerieux NucliSENS easyMAG Instrument CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1' \
--STEP 'Nucleic Acid Extraction (CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1)' \
--FIELD_NAME 'Extraction Protocol' \
--FIELD_VALUE 'bioMérieux EMAG Instrument' \
--WORKFLOW 'bioMerieux EMAG Instrument CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1' \
--STEP 'Custom Protocol CDC Flu V1 (CDC COVID-19 RT-PCR v1.1)' \
ℹ The version of the workflow and step name for the routing script may be different depending on the version of IPP installed.
Queue/Ice Bucket
Sample Grouping = Group by Containers
Sample Table (Column Headers)
Additional Options and Dropdown Items
Record Details
Step Data (Master Step Fields)
Additional Options and Dropdown Items
Step File Placeholders
Log - Automatically attached
Sample Table
Sample Display Default = Expand
Table Columns - Global Fields
Additional Options and Dropdown Items
Qiagen QIAamp DSP Viral RNA Mini Kit or QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit
bioMérieux NucliSENSE easyMAG Instrument
bioMérieux EMAG Instrument