When configuring automations in BaseSpace Clarity LIMS, copy tokens from the Tokens list and paste them into the Command Line field.
These tokens are available for use in project automations. If using multiple variables, add a space between each entry. All tokens and parameters are case-sensitive.
Supplies the username of the current user running the step to the triggered automation script
cmd /c "C:\ai\ai.bat {username}"
resolves to:
cmd /c C:\ai\ai.bat adminuser
Supplies the password of the current user running the step to the triggered automation script.
cmd /c "C:\ai\ai.bat {password}"
resolves to:
cmd /c C:\ai\ai.bat 3BlindMice
In log files, the password supplied on the command line is replaced with a series of *** characters
Supplies the base API URI to the triggered automation script.
cmd /c "C:\ai\ai.bat {baseURI}"
resolves to:
cmd /c C:\ai\ai.bat https://lims.lan.29/api/
cmd /c "C:\ai\ai.bat {baseURI}v2"
resolves to:
cmd /c C:\ai\ai.bat https://lims.lan.29/api/v2
NOTE: To access the endpoints, make sure that the {baseURI} is appended with v2. You can include this in the token in the command line, as shown above, or in the script itself.
Supplies the URI of the step to the triggered automation script. Include the version parameter (ie, {stepURI:version}) to specify the version of the REST API to be accessed.
cmd /c "C:\ai\ai.bat {C:\ai\ai.bat {projectLuid}"
resolves to:
cmd /c C:\ai\ai.bat ADM123