The following sub-pages contain recommended command line options for specific DRAGEN pipelines.
Illumina PIPseq scRNA
This recipe is for processing Illumina Single Cell 3' RNA Prep kits. The DRAGEN single cell RNA pipeline is adapted to process the unique structure of the PIPseq library.
Example Command Line
Configure the INPUT options
Configure the OUTPUT options
Configure the SCRNA MAP/ALIGN options
Configure the SCRNA options
We recommend using a linear (non-pangenome) reference for single cell RNA analysis. For more details, refer to Dragen Reference Support.
The following are partial templates that can be used as starting points. Adjust them accordingly for your specific use case.
#!/bin/bashset-euopipefail# Path to DRAGEN hashtableDRAGEN_HASH_TABLE=<REF_DIR># Path to output directory for the DRAGEN runOUTPUT=<OUT_DIR># File prefix for DRAGEN output filesPREFIX=<OUT_PREFIX># Define the input sources, either a FASTQ list or FASTQ files.INPUT_FASTQ_LIST=" --fastq-list $FASTQ_LIST \ --fastq-list-sample-id $FASTQ_LIST_SAMPLE_ID \"INPUT_FASTQ=" --fastq-file1 $FASTQ1 \ --fastq-file2 $FASTQ2 \ --RGSM $RGSM \ --RGID $RGID \"# Select the input source. Here in this example, we use a INPUT_FASTQ_LISTINPUT_OPTIONS=" --ref-dir $DRAGEN_HASH_TABLE \ $INPUT_FASTQ_LIST \"OUTPUT_OPTIONS=" --output-directory $OUTPUT \ --output-file-prefix $PREFIX \"# RNA alignment requires an annotation file in GTF format.GTF=<GTF_PATH># The single-cell RNA pipeline requires map-align to be true.# Map-align output can be optionally enabled. Output format options are SAM, BAM, and CRAM (set to BAM here).SCRNA_MAP_OPTIONS=" --enable-rna true \ --enable-map-align true \ --annotation-file $GTF \ --enable-map-align-output true \ --output-format BAM \"# Single-cell RNA PIPseq options:# The PIPseq mode batch option automatically sets the barcode/BI source, the barcode and binning index positions and the barcode sequence list options.# By default the barcode/BI is read from read 1 and the transcript is obtained from read 2.# To change the barcode/BI source, use the "--umi-source" option which can be set to read1, read2, qname, or fastq.# To change the barcode or binning index positions, use "--scrna-barcode-position" and "--scrna-umi-position"# To change the known barcode sequence list, use "--scrna-barcode-sequence-list"# See the DRAGEN Single-Cell RNA PIPseq Pipeline User Guide and the DRAGEN Single-Cell RNA User Guide for more details (link below).# Cell filtering can be done by setting a threshold using either the fixed, ratio, or inflection approaches. # Here we set the threshold using the ratio approach.FILTER_THRESHOLD=ratioSCRNA_PIPSEQ_OPTIONS=" --scrna-enable-pipseq-mode true \ --single-cell-threshold $FILTER_THRESHOLD \"# Construct final command lineCMD=" dragen \ $INPUT_OPTIONS \ $OUTPUT_OPTIONS \ $SCRNA_MAP_OPTIONS \ $SCRNA_PIPSEQ_OPTIONS"# Executeecho $CMDbash-c $CMD
This recipe is for processing general single-cell RNA workflows.
Example Command Line
Configure the INPUT options
Configure the OUTPUT options
Configure the SCRNA MAP/ALIGN options
Configure the SCRNA options
We recommend using a linear (non-pangenome) reference for single-cell RNA analysis. For more details, refer to Dragen Reference Support.
The following are partial templates that can be used as starting points. Adjust them accordingly for your specific use case.
#!/bin/bashset-euopipefail# Path to DRAGEN hashtableDRAGEN_HASH_TABLE=<REF_DIR># Path to output directory for the DRAGEN runOUTPUT=<OUT_DIR># File prefix for DRAGEN output filesPREFIX=<OUT_PREFIX># Define the input sources, either a FASTQ list or FASTQ files.INPUT_FASTQ_LIST=" --fastq-list $FASTQ_LIST \ --fastq-list-sample-id $FASTQ_LIST_SAMPLE_ID \"INPUT_FASTQ=" --fastq-file1 $FASTQ1 \ --fastq-file2 $FASTQ2 \ --RGSM $RGSM \ --RGID $RGID \"# Select the input source. Here in this example, we use a INPUT_FASTQ_LISTINPUT_OPTIONS=" --ref-dir $DRAGEN_HASH_TABLE \ $INPUT_FASTQ_LIST \"OUTPUT_OPTIONS=" --output-directory $OUTPUT \ --output-file-prefix $PREFIX \"# RNA alignment requires an annotation file in GTF format.GTF=<GTF_PATH># The single-cell RNA pipeline requires map-align to be true.# Map-align output can be optionally enabled. Output format options are SAM, BAM, and CRAM (set to BAM here).SCRNA_MAP_OPTIONS=" --enable-rna true \ --enable-map-align true \ --annotation-file $GTF \ --enable-map-align-output true \ --output-format BAM \"# Single-cell RNA options:# The barcode+UMI source can be set to qname, read1, read2, or fastq. Here we set them to read1.UMI_SRC=read1# Barcode and UMI positions should be provided in the form <startPos>_<endPos> for each barcode. Connect multiple barcode sequence positions with a "+".# For example, a library with the cell-barcode split into three blocks of 9 bp separated by fixed linker sequences and an 8 bp UMI would be set to:# BARCODE_POS=0_8+21_29+43_51# UMI_POS=52_59BARCODE_POS=<BARCODE_POS>UMI_POS=<UMI_POS># A known barcode sequence list can be optionally provided.BARCODE_SEQUENCE_LIST=<BARCODE_SEQ_LIST_PATH># Cell filtering can be done by setting a threshold using either the fixed, ratio, or inflection approaches. # Filtering can be done by umi (default) or by read (optional argument but included by clarity).# Here we set the threshold using the ratio approach and we filter by umi.FILTER_THRESHOLD=ratioFILTER_BY=umiSCRNA_OPTIONS=" --enable-single-cell-rna true \ --umi-source $UMI_SRC \ --scrna-barcode-position $BARCODE_POS \ --scrna-umi-position $UMI_POS \ --scrna-barcode-sequence-list $BARCODE_SEQUENCE_LIST \ --single-cell-threshold $FILTER_THRESHOLD \ --single-cell-threshold-filterby $FILTER_BY \"# Construct final command lineCMD=" dragen \ $INPUT_OPTIONS \ $OUTPUT_OPTIONS \ $SCRNA_MAP_OPTIONS \ $SCRNA_OPTIONS"# Executeecho $CMDbash-c $CMD