Click on the user initials or profile picture at the rightmost corner of the Top navigation panel to open the Settings dropdown menu. From there, you can enter:
Add or edit your professional credentials, profile picture, contact information and organization's details, and review roles and permissions granted to you.
Manage data storage, custom Case statuses, Case labels, create, edit and delete gene lists, set how long until a case becomes "stale", and assign user groups.
Note: Organization settings are accessible only for users having a Manager role.
Add, activate and inactivate users and manage user roles.
Create networks, establish data sharing policies for each network, delete and leave networks.
Choose a software version for your organization, set up a case identifier, and select your preferred URLs (the latter - only for ILMN cloud users).
Next to the user's initials or profile picture is a question mark Help icon. Clicking on this icon expands a dropdown menu with the following options:
Help Center: Access the user manual and learn how to leverage NextUser rolespowerful features to serve your patients or advance your research;
What's New: check out the new features, enhancements, or any other updates related to the platform.
Coming soon: Walkthroughs & Feature Requests
Caution: Please be aware that when performing a task, such as uploading a new sample, clicking on the buttons in the Top navigation panel may terminate the progress. However, for the most part, changes and annotations made on the analysis pages are auto-saved.
The Dashboard provides a glance at key performance indicators for an organization and depicts an overview of the user activity on the Emedgene platform.
This page is divided into two panels and contains the following subsections:
Emedgene Knowledge Base panel reveals the total amount of known polymorphisms, pathogenic variants, and gene-disease connections considered during analysis. It also indicates the number of scholarly publications processed by Emedgene's novel textual recognition platform, backed by natural-language processing and artificial intelligence.
Diagnostic Yield panel presents the proportion of "solved" cases out of the total number of the organization's cases of the same type.
Status Diagram panel displays the total number of the organization's submitted cases as well as the numbers of cases under each status.
Stale Cases panel highlights the cases that are stuck at one of the intermediate stages of the analysis, and are not finalized.
Emedgene is an AI-based platform, incorporating machine learning throughout the analysis and interpretation workflow in order to deliver the fastest time from genomic data to decisions. We apply machine learning models that retrieve evidence-backed answers and provide exceptional decision support.
Emedgene’s automated interpretation algorithms generate an accurate shortlist of up to 10 potential causative variants. In a joint study of 180 solved cases with Baylor Genetics, 96% of cases were successfully solved by the algorithm. See Meng et al, , 2023 publication for more details.
The platform is not a black box, and overlays a layer of explainable AI (XAI), presenting supporting evidence from the literature and databases which significantly reduces the time to interpret a case.
The algorithms use a proprietary Emedgene knowledge graph which incorporates information extracted from literature with Natural Language Processing, as well as from public databases and is updated on a monthly basis.
Dozens of additional algorithms are incorporated throughout the workflow.
Overall, the system combines AI in a highly optimized and customizable workbench, in order to automate the most time-intensive aspects of genomic analysis and research.
Welcome to Emedgene, where we unlock genomic insights for hereditary disease and streamline your tertiary analysis workflows.
So you've signed in and can't wait to get started? Here we will guide you through the platform architecture, case creation, and results review. You can dive a bit deeper by following the links and exploring manuals for the platform's applications:
- Genomic analysis workbench, where you can accession, interpret, curate and report on your cases, while also efficiently managing the lab workflow.
- A repository for all of your organizational curated knowledge.
The platform is operated from the .
By clicking on the corresponding buttons, you can enter:
Select file type,
Upload files,
Create a family tree,
Annotate each sample with clinical information,
Specify analysis details, and
Launch the analysis!
You'll be notified when results are ready.
The Top navigation panel of the platform serves as a guide to the platform. It contains:
, and buttons lead to the corresponding pages
Case search bar
dropdown menu activated by clicking on the user name or profile picture
dropdown menu activated by clicking on the question mark icon
activated by clicking on the app launcher icon on the left
As of version 2.26:
The Emedgene platform is divided into two applications:
Analyze - genomic analysis workbench,
Curate - the knowledge management system.
Go to the nine-dot app launcher icon located on the left of the and select Curate from the dropdown menu.
Go to the nine-dot app launcher icon located on the Curate navigation panel and select Analyze from the dropdown menu.
Emedgene users are defined by roles. Roles are managed in > . Access to the User Management tab is restricted to those with the appropriate permission.
The available roles for Emedgene are described below:
Network Activities: The right panel displays a timeline of activities performed by multiple users within the organization. This log includes activity like creating a case, verifying a Preset, changing a , generating a report, etc.
dropdown menu
dropdown menu
To enter the flow, click on the namesake button on the . Here:
Select a case to review on the page. You'll be directed to the that:
Showcases an AI-curated suggested to be checked first, namely and ,
Provides numerous customizable to help you by yourself, and
Documents all the case-related information like , , and used during case analysis.
On the , each variant can be thoroughly investigated and accordingly .
When you're ready to , indicate the end result of the analysis and variants to be reported in the Case interpretation widget.
If you are not seeing part of the roles from the user management interface, please be in touch with our .
Acmg Tags
Allows to see ACMG Tags
Analyze > Variant page
Acmg Tags Edit
Allows to edit ACMG classification
Analyze > Variant page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Add New Test
Allows to manually create a case or (32.0+) upload a batch of cases via .csv
Analyze > Add a new case
Analyst, Director, Manager
Allows to see API documentation
IT team
Auto Analysis
Allows to see the AI Shortlist analysis results
Analyze > Variant page
Candidate Compound With
Allows to combine two compound variants by gene name on the candidate page
Analyze > Case page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Change Finalized Test Status
Allows to unlock a finalized case
Analyze > Case page
Director, Manager
Check Preset
Allows to implement Presets from a list
Analyze > Case page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Allows to send a comment
Analyze > Case page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Comment Delete
Allows to delete a comment
Analyze > Case page
Create Report
Allows to generate report template
Analyze > Clinical report
Director, Manager
Create Variant
Allows to create an additional variant
Analyze > Case page
Director, Manager
Allows to see developer settings (Webhook)
IT team
Allows to download files
Analyze > Case page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Due Date
Allows to edit due date
Analyze > Case page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Edit Test
Allows to edit test's info
Analyze > Case page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Allows to see evidence page
Analyze > Variant page
Evidence Edit
Allows to edit evidence page
Analyze > Variant page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Evidence Generate
Allows to generate initial evidence
Analyze > Variant page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Evidence Pathogenicity Edit
Allows to edit evidence pathogenicity
Analyze > Variant page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Evidence Text Edit
Allows to edit evidence text (Variant interpretation)
Analyze > Variant page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Gene Lists Read Only
Allows to show the gene list
Gnomad Genome
Allows to see GnomAD genome data annotation
Analyze > Variant page
Allows to access Emedgene Curate
KMS Create Gene
Allows user to create a new gene in KMS
KMS Create Variant
Allows to create new variant in KMS
KMS Export
Allows user to export from varpage to the KMS
KMS Import Network Variant
Allows user to import variants from Network to Curate
KMS Update Disease ID
Allows to update disease ID of the variant in KMS
KMS Update Gene Interpretation
Allows user to update gene interpretation in KMS
KMS Update Gene Transcript Ref Sequence
Allows user to update a gene selected transcript in KMS
KMS Update Gene Note
Allows user to update gene note in KMS
KMS Update Interpretation
Allows to update interpretation of the variant in KMS
KMS Update Note
Allows to update variant note in KMS
KMS Update Pathogenicity
Allows to update pathogenicity of the variant in KMS
KMS Update Transcript
Allows to update transcript of the variant in KMS
Load Bam IGV
Allows to synchronize external IGV viewer with the platform
Analyze > Case page
Manage Case Default Page (34.0+)
Allows to set a default page upon entering a case
Analyze > Settings
Manage Case Identifier (33.0+)
Allows to set a custom case identifier
Analyze > Settings
Manage Column Order (34.0+)
Allows to customize the default order of Variant table columns.
Analyze > Settings
Manager Edit Variant Tags
Allows user to manage variant tags
Analyze > Settings
Director, Manager
Manage Gene List
Allows to create, edit gene lists
Analyze > Settings
Manage Gene List Visibility
Allows to manage gene list visibility
Analyze > Settings
Manage Kit Bed (30.0+)
Allows user to manage kits and bed uploads
Analyze > Settings
Manage Labels
Allows to manage labels
Analyze > Settings
Manage Platform Version (33.0+)
Allows to set a platform version
Analyze > Settings
Manage S3 Credentials (32.0+)
Allows to create access key and secret key; deactivate, activate and delete access key.
Analyze > Settings
Manager Support Access (31.0+)
Enable/disable support access to the organization
Analyze > Settings
Manage Test Presets
Allows to create Presets from gene lists, filter
Analyze > Settings
Analyst, Director, Manager
Manage URL Pattern (33.0+)
Allows to set a platform version
Analyze > Settings
Organizational admin (manager) role
Multiple Storage
Allows to change the organization URL pattern
Analyze > Settings
Allows to see available networks, request to join networks, leave networks, approve or reject invitations to join networks, edit existing networks of organization
Analyze > Settings
Network Create
Allows to create a new network
Analyze > Settings
Network Manage (32.0+)
Allows to create a network and define its sharing policy; leave networks
Analyze > Settings
Allows to filter by phenotypic match
Analyze > Case page
Preset Create (34.0+)
Allows to create Presets from active filters
Analyze > Case page;
Analyze > Settings
Analyst, Director, Manager
Preset Group Create (34.0+)
Allows to create and edit Preset groups
Analyze > Settings
Analyst, Director, Manager
Preset Group Default (34.0+)
Allows to set a default Preset group
Analyze > Settings
Preset Group Download (34.0+)
Allows to download a legacy (V1) Preset group JSON file
Analyze > Settings
Preset Group Hide (34.0+)
Allows to hide a Preset group from the Preset groups list offered at case creation
Analyze > Settings
Analyst, Director, Manager
Preset Group Revert (34.0+)
Allows to revert migration of a legacy Preset group
Analyze > Settings
Preset Delete (34.0+)
Allows to delete a non-locked Preset
Analyze > Settings
Analyst, Director, Manager
Preset Lock (34.0+)
Allows to lock and unlock editing the Preset
Analyze > Settings
Preset Manage (34.0+)
Allows to view and edit a Preset in JSON format
Analyze > Settings
Re Upload Tab
Allows to re-upload files
Analyze > Case page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Render Template
Allows to create a variant interpretation paragraph on the fly
Analyze > Clinical report
Analyst, Director, Manager
Allows to export a report as a PDF
Analyze > Clinical report
Director, Manager
Report Preview
Allows to preview report
Analyze > Clinical report
Sanger Edit
Allows to edit Sanger sequencing information
Analyze > Variant page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Storage Provider
Allows to manage storage providers
Analyze > Settings
Manager, IT team
Tag Variant
Allows to tag a variant
Analyze > Variant page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Test Status
Allows to change test status
Analyze > Case page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Test Status Move to Trash
Allows to assign a Move to trash Case status
Analyze > Case page
Test Status to Finalized
Allows to change case status to finalized
Analyze > Case page
Director, Manager
Transcript Edit
Allows to change the default transcript for variants
Analyze > Variant page
Analyst, Director, Manager
Unknown Phenomatch
Allows to use Unknown Phenomatch variant filter
Analyze > Case page
Allows to upload files to be associated to a case
Analyze > Add a new case
Analyst, Director, Manager
Regular user role
User Management
Allows to manage users
Analyze > Settings
User Read (30.0+)
Allows users access to organization data
User Rerun Case
Allows to rerun cases
Analyze > Edit case info
Analyst, Director, Manager
Versions Tab
Allows seeing the versions tab
Analyze > Case page
The Emedgene platform utilizes the Okta Identity Management solution to control user access. This improves user management, enhances access and authentication security, and allows organizations to implement single sign-on for their users.
Case details panel is divided into three tabs:
Case Info
Family Tree
Information on the currently selected case is displayed in the window that pops up when you click on the corresponding row of the Cases table. To close the window, click on the cross icon.
Case ID
Case Type: Custom Panel, Exome, Whole Genome
Sample Type: FASTQ, Project VCF, VCF, BAM
Gene List - all genes or a particular gene list used to filter the analysis results
Human Reference - the genome reference used during case analysis
Ordered by - user who created the case by default, and creation date
Signed by - user who finalizes the case
Related cases - lists the Case IDs for all the cases that share one or more samples with the one currently selected
Due Date - a deadline for finalizing the case. You can enter or edit the Due Date by clicking on the calendar icon under the Due Date section.
Participants - names of the users involved in the case submission, analysis, finalizing, or those who subscribed to receive updates on the case. To receive email notifications on your colleagues' activities in the particular case, click on the Subscribe icon.
Patient Information: Sex (33.0+) / Gender (32.0 and older), Age
Clinical Information:
Proband Phenotypes - HPO terms used to describe clinical findings in the proband
Suspected Disease: Suspected disease (if provided), Penetrance (%) and Severity (mild, moderate, severe, or profound)
Maternal and Paternal ethnicity
Parental Consanguinity
Report secondary findings (Yes, No or N/A)
Clinical Note: any notes on proband's phenotypes, family history, or other critical points of the case.
Here you can find:
Graphic representation of the pedigree. More information about the symbols can be found here.
Sample information for each family member:
Phenotypes: proband phenotypes and phenotypes reported for other family members (related and unrelated)
Medical Condition (Healthy or Affected)
Maternal and Paternal ethnicity
BAM file location
This tab logs actions related to the selected case such as Case status changes, variant tagging, ACMG pathogenicity, changes to an evidence graph, evidence notes, transcript changes for a specific variant, and comments added by users. Each log includes the date and time that each action was performed. We keep all logs for at least six years for full traceability.
You can choose All activities, Comments, or Case-related activities from a dropdown menu. To add a comment to the case, write it in the Write a new comment text field and click Add.
Whenever an organization is created, we automatically allocate bucket folders in AWS S3 cloud storage to it:
Path for upload
Folder intended to store input case files.
Authorized user has view and upload privileges.
Path for download (32.0+)
This folder contains a partially annotated (excluding results of proprietary algorithms) VCF file per case.
Authorized user has view and download privileges.
Path for DRAGEN output (32.0+)
This folder contains DRAGEN output files.
Authorized user has view and download privileges.
To get access to your upload, download and DRAGEN output folders, you need to get a key pair consisting of an access key ID and a secret access key. Creating, deactivating, activating and deleting credentials is available for users with Manager and Manage S3 Credentials roles.
You can create and use up to two dynamic access keys at the same time.
When you require technical support, you have the option to generate a new key pair specifically for the troubleshooting process. After the issue has been resolved, you can delete the credentials to ensure security of your system.
The newly generated credentials will only be saved in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and not in our database.
In Settings > Management > S3 Credentials, click on Create Access Key.
You can retrieve the secret access key only when you initially create the key pair. If you lose it, you have to create a new key pair. To immediately copy the secret access key to a secure location, use the Copy to clipboard button.
In Settings > Management > S3 Credentials, click on Deactivate in the corresponding key pair card.
In Settings > Management > S3 Credentials, click on Activate in the corresponding key pair card.
In Settings > Management > S3 Credentials, click on Delete in the corresponding key pair card. Only inactive key pairs can be deleted.
Click on the question mark icon of the Top navigation panel to open the Help dropdown menu.
From there, you can access:
Help Center. Feeling curious? Dive right in.
What's New. Check out the release notes to be on top of our latest and greatest features!
To directly import files from your storage, link storage to your organization in Emedgene.
Note: to have access to data storage management, you must have Manager and Multiple Storage .
Click on the user initials or profile picture at the rightmost corner of the Top navigation panel to open the dropdown menu. Select Settings.
Select the Management tab. Under Storage is a list of currently linked storages. To add a new one press on Add Storage button.
Choose a Storage Type from:
Azure Data Lake;
Azure Blob;
File Transport Protocol (FTP);
Secure File Transport Protocol (SFTP);
Illumina Basespace (BSSH);
Illumina Connected Analytics (ICA).
Fill in the required credentials.
Click on Add storage:
Check the connection to confirm that the storage is successfully linked.
To do this, find the storage in the Storage List and check the cloud icon next to its name: 1. If it's green, the connection is set correctly; 2. If it's red and strikethrough, something went wrong. Hover over the icon to see details.
In the Storage List press Manage on the right to the storage details.
In the Storage List press Delete on the right to the storage details.
Before you proceed to this article, make sure you understand .
See the table below to learn where to look for them in your Azure account.
In Microsoft Entra ID, click on App registrations.
Select New registration.
Fill the name of the application & press "register."
You got to the registered app page: (CLIENT_ID
) From this you can retrieve: Application ID and Tenant ID. Both are marked in the screenshot.
Press "Certificates & secrets"
Press on "New Client secret"
Fill the "Description" and change expires to 12 months. (or according to your organization policy), than press "Add"
from this page.
Give this App registration roles and read access to the relevant Blob.
Go to Azure Storage accounts
Get into the relevant Storage account
Press on "containers"
Press on the relevant container
Press on "Properties"
Errors for bad connections can be found in CloudWatch on particular FRY log stream
Search for: BlobApi, BlobFs, azure.
Bring your own key is only available for Enterprise level support accounts and require Illumina support for setup
Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) is a security feature that allows clients to use their own encryption keys to protect their data. This ensures that clients maintain control over their encryption keys and, consequently, their data. Only Enterprise level support accounts can access this feature, and it requires assistance from Illumina support for setup.
Illumina supports integration with popular Key Management Services (KMS) such as Azure Key Vault and AWS KMS for managing your encryption keys. This integration allows clients to use their existing key management solutions for generating, storing, and managing their keys securely.
Azure Key Vault
is a cloud service that provides a secure way to store and manage sensitive information like API keys, passwords, and certificates. It offers robust features for key management, including key generation, storage, and lifecycle management.
(KMS) allows you to create and control encryption keys used to encrypt your data across a wide range of AWS services and applications. It provides centralized management of encryption keys and integrates seamlessly with other AWS services.
These integrations ensure robust key management capabilities and enhance the security of your data through a combination of Illumina's BYOK feature and your preferred KMS provider.
Losing the encryption key means that all data encrypted with that key will be inaccessible. This can lead to permanent loss of access to crucial information. It is imperative that clients securely store and manage their keys to prevent such risks.
Emedgene’s API server will encrypt the client’s information before storing in Emedgene’s database and decrypt that information when needed (e.g. running the pipeline). The key vault is managed by the customer. The customer needs to provide the following information.
Please see below instructions on how to get or create it
Application Tokens:
Client Id
Client Secret
Tenant Id
The key information:
Navigate to App registration
Register a new application, click “Register”
When you created the app, please copy Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID
Go to Certificates and secrets (in the left menu)
Press “New client secret” and provide the “Value”
Please note the expiration date of the secret, as once expired it will impair our system.
Press New Key (Create key vault)
Specify key vault name, region (ie. East US) and pricing tier
Click “Next” to Access Policies
Press “Add access policy” and set Key permissions:
Key Management Operations: -
Cryptographic Operations: Decrypt, Encrypt, Unwrap Key, Wrap Key
Then set Secret permissions:
Secret Permission: Get
Select principal: select the application you created before (in Create a new Application step)
Finish with “Review + create”
Navigate to the newly created Key vault
Select keys on the left side, select the key
Select the current version and copy “Key Identifier” https://<key-vault-name>.vault.azure.net/keys/<key-name>/<key-version>\
Description is coming soon.
Please reach out to tech-support@illumina.com to get help with this setup.
Emedgene’s API server will encrypt the client’s information before storing in Emedgene’s database and decrypt that information when needed (e.g. running the pipeline). The key vault is managed by the client, and Emedgene will only be provided with access to encrypt/decrypt functions in that key vault. This guarantees that the clients controls access to the information.
Illustration of data flow when creating a case in Emedgene platform:
Illustration of data flow when reading a case data from Emedgene platform:
A preliminary step to this solution is having a key vault owned by the client, and a key that Emedgene is given access to.
The client will create an access policy in the key vault of type “Application” and provide the matching key and secret to Emedgene. The access policy must contain permissions to perform encrypt and decrypt actions.
In order for Emedgene to integrate with the key, depending on the key vault provider, the client needs to provide the following information:
Client Id
Client Secret
Tenant Id
Key vault name
Key name
Since some of our platform search capabilities run directly on the DB, we can’t directly search any data that is encrypted. To overcome this, we will implement a hashing search functionality as follows.
The case data will still be fully encrypted in the DB as it is today
Specific fields we want to make “searchable” - as defined by the customer, we will save their hash value alongside the encrypted data.
Hashing will be done using SHA-256, and will include a secure random generated salt of 32 characters, which will be added to the value.
The salt is unique and will not be used anywhere else in the platform.
When the user enters a string to search, we will hash that value using all the salt values, and search those hash values.
Illustration of data flow when searching in Emedgene platform:
Illustration of data flow when creating a case with searchable field in Emedgene platform:
Go to the google cloud Console.
Navigate to IAM & Admin - In the left sidebar, go to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.
Create a New Service Account: Click on the "Create Service Account" button at the top.\
Fill in the Service Account Details:
Service account name: Give your service account a name.
Service account ID: This will be automatically generated based on the name.
Description: Optionally, provide a description for the service account.
Click "Create and Continue".
Assign Roles to the Service Account:
In the Grant this service account access to project step, you’ll assign the necessary roles.
Grant these role:
"storage object viewer" (read-only access)
Create the Service Account:
After assigning the roles, click "Done".
Generate and Download a Key:
Find your newly created service account, click the three dots on the right, and select "Manage Keys".
Click Add Key > Create New Key and choose the JSON format.
Download the key and store it securely, as it is used for authentication in your code or applications.
Encode the key in base 64:
use python function: put this function and your json (here named json_file.json) in the same directory and run.\
save the output printed.
Add the above 3 values into the appropriate fields:
Client_credentials_base64: pasting the output of 8.
Bucket: the bucket name.
Path: for default, fill with / else, put your path in the bucket. Seperate directories with /
Select Your Platform (Windows, macOS, or Linux), download and run.
Initialize and Authenticate with Google Cloud: In the Cloud SDK Shell/terminal, run:
gcloud init
This will open a browser window to authenticate your Google account. Follow the instructions to log in and select your project.
Set CORS Configuration via gcloud:
Create a JSON file (cors.json
) on your machine with the CORS rules.
Example\ it should look like:
origin: if using Illumina cloud:
else, Emedgene cloud:
Apply CORS Configuration to Your Bucket: run the next command.
gcloud storage buckets update gs://your-bucket-name --cors-file=cors.json
Verify the CORS Configuration:
gcloud storage buckets describe gs://your-bucket-name
Log in to Emedgene and navigate to Settings in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Click on the Management tab and then on Add Storage.
Choose Illumina BaseSpace storage type.
Fill Client Key, Client Secret and App Token as provided from BaseSpace (a description on how to get this information is provided below) and click Add storage to complete the setup.
Install BaseSpace CLI (Command Line Interface)
On BSSH, login to the workgroup you want to connect as the storage.
Once the BaseSpace CLI is installed, run the authentication command in the terminal.
The command will direct you to a link which requires to login.
After the authentication was completed successfully, find the access token in the config file.
The result should look like -
Populate the App_token with the accessToken value, and Server with the apiServer URL from the BSSH config file.
Client_key will be displayed in subsequent menus, so a descriptive name such as the workgroup name can be used.
Client_secret is unused when the App_token is available and can be set to "x".
Go to My Apps and click Create a new Application.
Fill details for the application and click on create an application.
Fill details and press save.
You will need to fill all the fields that it requested, please add “NA” to them.
Go to My Apps and click on your new app. Then go to the credentials tab.
You will find the Client ID (Client Key), Client Secret and App Token to enter to Emedgene platform.\
Log in into the desired Emedgene organization.
Go to Settings
Go to Management tab
Click on Add Storage
Select BaseSpace:
Add the information from your “Credentials” of the App previously created in BSSH.
If data is deleted or moved from the customer's storage, it might adversely affect the case. To learn more about possible consequences, check out this table:
In > Management Tab, add or edit the required credentials: CLIENT_ID
Download and install the Google Cloud SDK from the Google Cloud SDK Install page.
Follow the instructions on the if needed.
Go to the BaseSpace and login.
Format: ########-####-####-####-############
Value of the client_secret tuple (Value, Secret ID).
Format: #####-#######-######-######
(letters/digits/special chars)
ID of the tenant.
Format: ########-####-####-####-############
An arbitrary name that the customer must supply to define the ACCOUNT_URL.
Format: string
An arbitrary name that the customer must supply to define the ACCOUNT_URL.
Format: string
The account_url of the Azure account.
Format: https://account_name.blob.core.windows.net/container_name
However, if you have an Enterprise account and you would like Emedgene managed DRAGEN solution to save the DRAGEN output files in your own bucket, reach out to techsupport@illumina.com and follow this steps:
Emedgene visualizes data in IGV directly from your AWS S3 bucket. In order to do it, you should enable CORS for the Emedgene application URLs.
Reanalysis will fail (will be fixed)
CRAM (Output)
Reanalysis will fail
Reanalysis will fail
CSV, etc
Reanalysis will fail
BAM/CRAM (visualizations)
Visualization will fail
VCF (input)
Reanalysis will fail
CSV, etc
Reanalysis will fail (will be fixed)
This feature is only related to saving Dragen output files in your own bucket when using Dragen through Emedgene (without ICA).
If you are looking to:
Import data from AWS S3 to Emedgene go to Manage data storages
Integrating any data storage to Emedgene go to Manage data storages
Download any data from Emedgene go to Manage S3 credentials
Bring your own bucket is only available for Enterprise level support accounts and require Illumina support for setup
Bring Your Own Bucket, also known as BYOK, enables you to control your DRAGEN file outputs.
Emedgene managed DRAGEN solution saves the DRAGEN output files in a detected AWS S3 bucket that you have access to using your S3 credentials.
However, if you have an Enterprise account and you would like Emedgene managed dragen solution to save the DRAGEN output files in your own bucket, reach out to techsupport@illumina.com and follow this steps:
Emedgene requires access to the root folder, which means a dedicated bucket might be appropriated.
Bucket policy should allow Emedgene user access to the bucket.
Example bucket policy:
Emedgene visualizes data in IGV directly from your AWS S3 bucket. In order to do it, you should enable CORS for the emedgene application URLs.
Example CORS policy:
We will require to run a case and validate the managed DRAGEN pipeline finish successfully and all features are available in the platform.
The BYOB solution means you managed your own data, meaning if you accidentally deleted or moved the data the integration with Emedgene might break. You are responsible for your DRP and data backup solutions.
If a customer enables an AWS S3 Lifecycle policy in order to archive or change the S3 tiers for different files, they might create an adverse effect on the platform.
Reanalysis will fail (will be fixed)
CRAM (Output)
Reanalysis will fail
Reanalysis will fail
CSV, etc
Reanalysis will fail
BAM/CRAM (visualizations)
Visualization will fail
VCF (input)
Reanalysis will fail
CSV, etc
Reanalysis will fail
(will be fixed)
Cases table lists all the genomic sequencing cases submitted by your organization. It is the primary component on the left-hand side of the Cases tab.
A unique ID assigned to a case by Emedgene.
Proband's sample ID submitted by creating the case in the platform.
Current Case Status in the system. You can change Case Status without leaving the Cases table via a convenient dropdown.
Custom Case Statuses can be added in Settings>Management>Test Statuses>Case Statuses. Additionally, you can rearrange statuses by using drag and drop, and the order will be reflected in the Case Status dropdown featured in Cases table and Individual case page Top bar.
Automatically saved.
Can be set, changed or removed on the spot. To set a date, click on the calendar icon and select a date of interest. To change it, click on the previously set due date and select a new one. To remove the due date, click on the cross button next to it.
Proband phenotypes as submitted by the user.
Users involved in the case submission, analysis, finalizing, or those who subscribed to receive updates on the case. To receive email notifications on your colleagues' activities in the particular case, click on Subscribe icon. To unsubscribe, hover over your initials and click on the cross button.
Case Type (Array, Custom Panel, Exome, Whole Genome).
Custom Case labels.
User groups as defined in Settings > Management.
The Cases tab provides a bird's-eye view of all the previously submitted genomic sequencing cases.
Case details window that pops up on the right when activated
Case navigation panel on top
This section will guide you through adding new cases to the Emedgene platform.
Caution: Please note that refreshing or leaving the page, exiting the Add new case tab, or power failure of your computer before you've completed adding a new case will result in loss of the case creation progress.
Click on the Add new case button on the Top navigation panel.
At the Select sample type page, select the file type for your case analysis. Click Next to proceed to the Family tree panel.
The page is divided into two panels: Create family tree (left) and Add patient information (right).
In the Create family tree panel (left):
Build a pedigree using the visual tool;
Add Clinical Notes (optional) in a free text panel. In this section, you can record additional clinical information that does not fall under the other categories or provide further details that can give context and help solve the case.
You have an option to upload a file that includes description of the clinical presentation (.pdf, .xls, .txt, .doc, .jpeg, .jpg formats are supported). HPO terms for Phenotypes and Diseases are extracted from the files and can be added to Proband's Phenotypes in Patient info section.
You may select suspected Inheritance mode(s). This is for the case record and won't be used during analysis.
Select whether you want Secondary findings in Proband to appear in the AI Shortlist analysis results (checkbox).
In the Add patient information panel (right) for each of the family members:
Fill in a sample name (for cases starting from VCF, this must correspond to the corresponding proband or family member header within the file);
Click Next to proceed to the Case info screen.
In the Case info screen:
Select case type (Array, Custom Panel, Exome, Whole Genome, or other). When running cases as Exome, variants outside exons ±50 bp are filtered out and won't appear in the results.
Pick whether you want Carrier Analysis to be carried out (checkbox). Carrier analysis requires you to provide us with a targeted genes list.
Sequencing Information (Choose from existing kit, No kit). You can indicate if there was an Enrichment Kit used if you wish to compare the breadth and depth of coverage to that expected for the kit used. RefSeq coding regions will be used as a reference if no kit is provided. This option is relevant for Custom Panel and Exome case types. In the Kit info section, fill in the Enrichment Kit and optionally Lab, Machine, Sequencing reagents, and Expected coverage.
Select genes list (All genes, Phenotype based genes, Existing gene list, Create a new gene list) - indicate if you want the analysis to be limited to a specified list of genes.
Select preset group: We can implement different combinations of Presets to be used for different case types (i.e. Presets for exome may be different from Presets for genome) as defined by your SOPs to further streamline case review.
🆕 34.0+: If the user does not select a Preset group, the system automatically assigns the default Preset group to the case. The default Preset group is indicated by the word "default" in parentheses after its name.
Confirm subject consent for extended sharing (32.0+).
Optional: Additional case info:
Indication for testing. Add free-text notes.
Label. Add labels to your case. You can choose among the labels created beforehand by your organization's manager. Labels cannot be added after case creation.
Summary: confirm the selected case type and genes list before completing case creation.
Click Next to complete case creation.
Caution: Pressing Next at this stage will create a case, so please ensure that you've carefully checked all the information. After the case is delivered, you will only be able to edit the Proband phenotypes.
In the Done screen:
The Case ID is displayed;
Add participants to your case - subscribe your colleagues to notifications on Case status change.
To open a case, mouse over the corresponding row in the Cases table and click on the Open case text next to the Case ID (first column). Alternatively, once a row is selected, clicking on it again will open the case as well.
Go to Filters, select the field under Field, then choose or manually input value under List and click on Apply. To add another filter, click on Add new.
To remove a filter, under Active filters, click on the cross icon on the right of the filter setting. To clear filters altogether, click on the cross icon on the right of Filters.
Available filters include:
Case Id
Status: Issue reported, Uploading, In progress, Reanalysis, Archived, Delivered, Confirmed, Approved, Pending Sequencing, or any other customized case status
Participants - users involved in the case submission, analysis, finalizing, or those who subscribed to receive updates on the case.
Type: Custom Panel, Exome, Whole Genome
Sample Id
Resolved: Resolved, Not Resolved
Label: any customized Case label
You can sort cases by:
Creation date, or
Due Date.
To do this, hover over the column name and click on the up or down arrow to sort ascending or descending, respectively. The current sorting order is depicted as a single up or down arrow symbol next to the column's name.
Alternatively, you can click on the name of the column and select Sort ascending or Sort descending in the dropdown menu.
You can use the Case search tab in the top bar to search for cases by the Case ID or Proband ID.
To group cases by Case Status, go to Group and select Status; to undo grouping, select None.
A. Select fields to be displayed: go to Fields and set a toggle switch next to each field name in on or off position per your desired view.
B. Hide the currently displayed field: click on its title and select from the dropdown menu Hide column.
A. Drag and drop columns: hover over the column title cell, click on the six-dot icon on the left to the text, drag to the desired location and drop.
B. Set column order under Fields: go to Fields, hover over the field name, click on the six-dot icon on the left to the text, drag to the desired location and drop.
C. Move a particular column: click on the column title and select from the dropdown menu Move left or Move right.
Grab the right or left border of the column title cell and drag it with your cursor to the desired width.
Case status indicates the current stage of case processing by the Emedgene platform or a genomic analyst.
Status column of the Cases table;
The sequencing file is being uploaded on the platform.
Note: The Uploading status cannot be manually altered.
Case is running.
Note: The In Progress status cannot be manually altered.
The running stage completed, and the case is now available for users for analysis and review.
Analysis and review completed.
Note: access to applying or changing Finalized status could be restricted to specific users, such as organization managers and directors, who possess corresponding user roles.
Status Finalized by design should be assigned manually after summarizing the analysis findings through the Case Interpretation widget. Specifically, when finalizing a case, you should indicate its end result:
Confidently Solved (Positive),
Likely Solved (Positive),
Further Investigation (Uncertain), or
Unsolved (Negative).
Confidently Solved, Likely Solved and Further Investigation end result categories correspond to the Resolved case status supercategory, and Unsolved obviously falls into Not resolved (together with all the non-finalized cases). The indicated case analysis outcomes are used to calculate the diagnostic yield.
Indicates that the case is not subject to further review. Changing Case status to Archived requires technical support (pre-34.0 flow).
Note: The Archived status cannot be manually altered.
Makes the case unaccessible. This status is only assigned manually.
Note: Once moved to trash, the Case status cannot be altered without technical support.
The case has been created, but is not connected to any genetic data.
Note: The Pending Sequencing status cannot be manually altered.
The case failed to run. Please check the integrity of the files used and verify that the variant caller is on our accepted variant caller list.
Note: The Issue Reported status cannot be manually altered.
The system is re-running the AI Shortlist algorithm for the case.
Note: The Reanalysis status cannot be manually altered.
Note: You can change statuses Delivered and (provided you have the necessary roles) Finalized, as well as custom statuses. However, the default case statuses Uploading, In Progress, Archived, Move to trash, Pending Sequencing, Issue Reported and Reanalysis cannot be manually altered.
In the Individual case page Top bar, click on a dropdown icon next to the current case status.
Select the status from the menu.
In the Cases table, click on the current case status.
Select the relevant status from the dropdown menu.
From Settings>Management>Test Statuses>Case Statuses, you can create custom Case statuses, remove unused Case statuses, and rearrange their order.
Presets are combinations of that match your case analysis SOPs.
For versions prior to 34.0, technical support is required to implement a customized filter Preset. But with version 34.0 and later, users can easily do it on their own.
To save Presets from active filters:
Open the panel and navigate to the tab;
Click on the three-dot icon;
Select Save as preset;
Enter a name for the Preset (Note: Avoid using non-Latin symbols that don't follow the ISO-5589-1 standard);
Click Save.
In Presets, scroll down and click Add beside Gene Lists.
Select the gene lists you want to utilize as filter presets by marking the relevant checkboxes. Starting from version 30.0+, a search bar simplifies list navigation by allowing you to search by list name.
Click Save.
Presets originating from gene lists will appear in Presets under Gene Lists.
On 32.0+, for a quick refresher, you may review the logic behind each Preset directly within your analysis flow. To do so, click on an downward arrow icon left to the Preset's name.
> Family tree screen > Add patient information panel > Patient info section
Note: The fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
Options: Male, Female, Unknown.
The default fixed value for Proband is Test Subject.
Expected format: mm/dd/yyyy.
Options: Affected, Healthy.
The default value for Proband is Affected, but you may change it to Healthy.
To add all relevant phenotypes for the Proband, use one of the following methods:
Note: the maximum permissible number of Proband Phenotypes is 100.
Please follow the steps described below for each phenotype:
Enter an HPO term (e.g., Hypoplasia of the ulna), an HPO ID (e.g., HP:0003022), or a descriptive phenotype name (e.g., Underdeveloped ulna) in the search box.
Select a matching term from a dropdown menu and press Complete after you've added all the terms and additional patient information below.
Paste a list of comma-separated HPO terms or HPO IDs (🆕32.0+) in the search box and press Complete.
A popup notification will appear at the bottom of the page if any input HPO term or HPO ID is unknown.
Only phenotypes from the 'Phenotypic abnormality' HPO branch are currently supported.
In the Clinical Notes section upload a description of the clinical presentation in .pdf, .xls, .txt, .doc, .jpeg, or .jpg format. Among the extracted HPO terms for Phenotypes and Diseases select the ones you want to add to Proband's Phenotypes.
Enter the disease name in the search box, select a matching term from a dropdown menu and press Complete. All the associated phenotypes will be automatically added to the Proband Phenotypes. To remove any phenotype described for the disease but not observed in your patient, click the ☒ button next to the HPO term in the Proband Phenotypes list.
Enter the suspected disease penetrance as a percentage.
Select the appropriate category to indicate the severity of the disease symptoms observed in the patient: Mild, Moderate, Severe, Profound.
Mark the checkbox if applicable.
> Family tree screen > Create family tree panel
Build a pedigree via the visual tool.
It is ideal that a proband selected for case analysis is affected and has disease phenotype(s).
You can add a Father, a Mother, a Sibling, or a Child to any family member, starting with the Proband. To do this, choose their icon, then click on the Add family member button in the bottom right corner of the pedigree builder to select a family member.
To delete a family member, choose their icon, then click on the Delete Subject button in the top right corner of the Add patient information panel.
Note: There is no technical limit on the size or number of generations for a family tree.
> Select sample type screen.
You can select the sample's file type from the given options:
FASTQ: .fastq.gz, .fq.gz, .bam, .cram.
Project VCF: .pvcf, .vcf, .vcf.gz, .pvcf.gz
VCF: .vcf, .vcf.gz, .targeted.json, *.gt_sample_summary.json
Emedgene provides the tightest integration with DRAGEN for germline variation analysis, providing accuracy, comprehensiveness, and efficiency, spanning variant calling through interpretation and report generation.
The Emedgene platform supports a variety of variant callers and applies specific quality parameters for each. The quality assessment is an essential step in the Emedgene pipeline because variants with low quality will not be considered by the AI components.
If the variant caller is not supported or not recognized, a default quality function will be applied. The default parameters are built on GT (genotype), depth (DP) and allele bias (AB). These fields are mandatory, and their absence will induce “Low quality” for all variants.
The following variant callers are currently supported on the Emedgene pipeline, providing a header with the variant caller command line should be present within the VCF headers.
Additional callers can be supported on demand.
Internally the list is also called a list of Emedgenizer / Emedgenizers. &#xNAN;Emedgenizer means to normalize a VCF to an expected format for the system.
To manage filter Presets, navigate to > > > . From here, you can , , or the preset as needed.
, or
Automatically infer disease-associated phenotypes (see below).
Note: If consanguinity is identified in the Proband's parents, but this box is not selected in case creation, this will result in a discrepancy alert in the .
Paternal and Maternal. Enter the name in the search box and select a matching term from a dropdown menu.
More information about the pedigree symbols can be found .
SNV, CNV, STR, SV, Targeted, MRJD, JSON PGx*
Recommended: V34.0
Recommended: V34.0
Recommended: V34.0
Recommended: V34.0
Affymetrix Extensible Data. converted to VCF
5.12, 5.20
Multi-Sample Viewer:
Private fork of ExomeDepth
3, 3.4, 3.5, 2014, 4, 4.1
GATK Mutect
Running: scramble2vcf.pl
4.x, 5.x and not: 5.12, 5.20
201808, 201911, 202010
Add new case page > Case info screen > Select genes list
You can limit analysis to a gene list in the platform while creating a case. Choose between:
No limitation of the analysis.
The list is automatically built from genes related to the HPO terms you entered for the case (per Emedgene knowledge base).
Select one of the previously added gene lists from a dropdown list.
Generate a new virtual panel: add a List title and then add all the gene symbols one by one (Selection mode) or in a batch (Batch mode).
Note: Please use the up-to-date gene symbols approved by the Hugo Gene Nomenclature Committee. When adding gene symbols in a Batch mode, those genes that do not comply with HGNC standards will be automatically excluded from the gene list. These genes will appear for 3 seconds in a black error box at the bottom of the screen.
For each gene please follow the steps described below: Enter a gene symbol in the search box in the right panel (Candidate Genes) and select a matching symbol from a dropdown menu.
After selecting batch mode, paste a list of comma-separated gene symbols in the search box in the right panel (Candidate Genes).
You can choose between two different modes of a gene list feature:
The default option.
Analysis is limited to the selected gene panel, no variants in other genes are considered in the results. If this in silico panel is used for analysis of exome or genome data, the gene restriction may be lifted during manual analysis to "open-up" the entire exome or genome for analysis.
Enabled through checkbox.
Analysis is performed for variants in all the genes. Variants in the targeted genes get upgraded scores during prioritization by the AI Shortlist algorithm.
To filter variants by the gene list, or remove the gene list restriction after the case has been delivered, go to the Analysis tools > Filters > Gene Filters > Candidate Genes filter.
If you have run a case in All genes mode, you still can filter variants by a gene list. Go to Analysis tools > Presets > Gene Lists and select a list of interest. The Gene Lists filter presets can be defined by organization's manager.
Alternatively to creating a gene list filter in Presets, create and manage gene lists in Settings > Management > Gene lists.
First, fill in the List title and click Add button. Then add the gene symbols one by one (Selection mode) or in a batch (Batch mode).
Selection mode - for each gene please follow the steps described below: Enter a gene symbol in the search box (Candidate Genes) and select a matching symbol from a dropdown menu.
Batch mode: Paste a list of comma-separated gene symbols in the search box (Candidate Genes).
When you finished, press Save.
To view the Gene list in read-only mode, click on its name. By pressing the corresponding icons next to the Gene list's name, you can duplicate, edit or delete it. If a gene list has already been used by a case in the platform, you will only have the possibility to duplicate it.
The following are the general format requirements for a CSV file used to create multiple cases:
The file must have a .csv extension.
The file must contain a [Data] header.
The row after [Data] header must include the field names identifying the data in each column. The column names are case-sensitive.
The row after the column name header and each subsequent row represents a sample.
Each column represents a data field.
It is essential that there are no empty rows between the [Data] header and the last sample row.
Number of cases per file can’t be greater than 50.
On versions before 34.0, cells should not contain commas. Consider replacing the commas with semicolons.
Must be present in the sample table at all times.
Case Type;
Family Id;
Phenotypes OR Phenotypes Id.
If these fields are left empty, it will result in the creation of an empty sample.
BioSample Name;
Files Names;
Storage Provider Id;
This field is mandatory if Files Names is empty:
Sample Type.
This field is required if the "auto" option is used for Files Names (only relevant for BSSH):
Default Project.
The sample table may include these supported optional columns.
Boost Genes;
Clinical Notes;
Date Of Birth;
Due Date;
Execute now;
Gene List Id;
Kit Id;
Label Id;
Opt In;
Selected Preset;
Visualization Files.
The sample table may contain custom columns to suit your specific needs and include any relevant information that is important for your workflow.
Note: In cases with more than one sample, custom fields are only recognized and added to case information if their values appear within the same table row where the Relation field is equal to "proband".
For BSSH, it is necessary to use the actual names (numbers):
instead of aliases
In version 37, we introduced an enhancement to the batch upload process that allows customers to provide a human-readable path in their batch CSV for BSSH files.
When a batch CSV includes a human-readable path, the system performs the following validations for paths in BSSH storage:
Single File in the Path:
If the provided path contains exactly one file or dataset, the batch upload proceeds successfully.
Two Files in the Path:
If the path contains two files with the same name (for example, two pairs of fastqs in a dataset) , the system will:
Select the dataset marked as QCPassed.
Fail the batch upload if both datasets are marked as QCPassed, as this indicates conflicting data.
More Than Two Files in the Path:
If the path contains more than two files or datasets, the system fails the batch upload, as the path is considered ambiguous or invalid.
Multiple QCPassed Datasets: If two datasets in the same path are marked as QCPassed, the batch upload will fail with a descriptive error indicating the conflict.
Excessive Files in the Path: If more than two files are found for the provided path, the batch upload will fail, instructing the user to provide a more specific or valid path.
Enables customers to use intuitive, human-readable paths in their workflows.
Automatically handles dataset selection based on quality control status.
Add new case page > Family tree screen > Add patient information panel > Add sample section
You can choose one of the following options:
Existing sample - pick one of the samples already loaded on the platform
Upload New Sample - upload files from your PC and enter sample name
Choose from storage - choose files from your cloud storage and enter sample name
No sample - postpone uploading files but proceed with case creation or skip uploading files for family members other than Proband
Note: A case won't run if Proband sample files are missing. However, sample files are not mandatory for the rest of the family members (although highly recommended).
Note: When you are loading sample files from your PC or choosing them from the storage, and there is more than one file per sample, please ensure that all the necessary files are simultaneously selected in the upload pop-up. You may only select one file type per case (i.e. you may not select both a .vcf and a .bam at the same time).
With version 33.0 and later, you have the flexibility to manage Case labels at any time: create, add, or remove them directly in the Cases table.
The organization's custom Case labels must be assigned while creating a case, in the Case info screen of the Add new case flow.
The desired Case labels should be created prior to case creation by the organization's manager in the Organization settings.
Once a case is created, Case labels cannot be removed or added.
Add new case page > Family tree screen > Create family tree panel > Show Secondary Findings
While creating a case, you can choose if you want Secondary (Incidental) findings in the Proband to appear in the results.
These are known or expected pathogenic variants in the genes that are unrelated to the primary purpose of the testing. The secondary finding genes list includes:
81 genes (Miller et al. 2023) on versions 33.0+;
78 genes (Miller et al. 2022) on versions <33.0.
Add new case page > Family tree screen > Add patient information panel > Patient info section
Note: The fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
Note: Please omit the Patient ethnicities field for non-proband samples.
Options: Male, Female, Unknown.
Indicates the family relationship of a subject to the Proband automatically inferred from the pedigree. Options: Father, Mother, Sibling, Child, Other.
Expected format: mm/dd/yyyy.
Mark the checkbox if you want to exclude the sample from the AI Shortlist analysis and Inheritance filters while preserving genotype data.
If a sample shares some phenotypes with the Proband, you can copy them by checking this box. Proband's phenotypes will appear in a newly created Related Phenotypes section. To remove any of the proband's phenotypes not observed in a current individual, click the ☒ button next to the HPO term in the Related Phenotypes section.
Note: A popup notification will appear at the bottom of the page if any input HPO term or HPO ID is unknown.
Phenotypes not shared with a Proband. They can be added one by one (Selection mode) or in batch (Batch mode).
Please follow the steps described below for each phenotype:
Enter an HPO term (e.g., Hypoplasia of the ulna), an HPO ID (e.g., HP:0003022), or a descriptive phenotype name (e.g., Underdeveloped ulna) in the search box;
Select a matching term from a dropdown menu and press Complete after you've added all the terms.
Paste a list of comma-separated HPO terms or HPO IDs (🆕 32.0+) in the search box and press Complete.
While adding a new case, you will build a pedigree and annotate each of the samples with data required for analysis (Add new case page > Family tree screen).
After the case has been created, the family tree is available in the Case details panel (righthand panel of the Cases page).
Icon fill color in other pedigree members indicates the presence or absence of the proband's phenotypes in a present sample (regardless of the potential presence of additional unrelated phenotypes):
2. Icon color intensity denotes whether sample files have been uploaded for the particular individual:
3. Icon line type indicates whether the sample is considered or excluded during analysis (relevant to samples with uploaded files only):
If you would like to update or make corrections your case details, phenotypes or gene list, you have the option to edit the case and save or reanalyze the data.
Open a ,
Press Edit case info button in the top right corner,
You'll access the flow. You can edit any information on the Family tree screen, as well as Select genes list, Select preset, and Additional case info sections of the Case info screen.
Note: When dealing with delivered cases, only specific data can be modified before initiating reanalysis:
Edits that won't affect the the AI Shortlist analysis, thus won't prompt reanalysis:
Family tree screen:
Clinical Notes,
Patient Ethnicities,
Suspected Disease Severity,
Proband Suspected Disease Condition,
Suspected Disease Penetrance.
Case info screen:
Indication for testing,
Edits that will affect the the AI Shortlist analysis, thus will trigger reanalysis:
Family tree screen:
Proband Phenotypes,
Medical Condition.
Case info screen:
Genes list;
Case Type.
⚠️ Any other modifications might result in reanalysis failure, so it's advisable to create a new case instead of modifying beyond these specified fields.
After you've finished editing the case and pressed Next in the Case info screen, a window will pop up:
Select Reanalyze if you want to rerun the case.
Please find below a list of variant level evidences saved for variants tagged by the user during reanalysis:
Tag value
Variant interpretation notes
Selected transcript
ACMG tags and notes
Sanger and Sanger notes
In addition, at a case level, the checked Presets will be saved as well.
Select Save if you want to save changes without rerunning the case.
Keep in mind that if you've changed Proband phenotypes, results from Phenomatch filters still may change. A reminder that case data has been modified and prompt to launch reanalysis on the updated data will appear in the Case details panel on the right.
The finalized case status locks the case to prevent further changes to interpretation notes, ACMG tags, variant tags, pathogenicity and case-level interpretations.
2. In the Case interpretation widget, indicate the final result of the analysis:
Confidently Solved (Positive),
Likely Solved (Positive),
Further Investigation (Uncertain), or
Unsolved (Negative).
Confidently Solved, Likely Solved, and Further Investigation end-result categories correspond to the Resolved case status supercategory.
Unsolved falls into the Not resolved status supercategory together with all the non-finalized cases.
The indicated case analysis outcomes are used to calculate the diagnostic yield.
You have the flexibility to reorder variants by drag-and-drop. The order of variants will be preserved in the Clinical Report within each variant table and/or section, defined by a variant tag and a variant type (e.g. SNVs tagged "In report").
Note: each variant in the Case interpretation widget is denoted at the coding DNA and protein level where applicable, otherwise, it's described at the genomic DNA level.
In Gene Interpretation, you can import gene annotation from Curate (30.0+).
5. To complete the Case interpretation flow, press Save.
You can download the report preview in a .pdf or .odt format.
All the generated reports are saved per case and each can be downloaded in a .pdf or .odt format.
If you're comfortable with scripting and API usage, you can upload multiple cases at once using those methods. But if you're not a technical expert, don't worry. There is a user-friendly alternative available in versions 32.0 or newer - importing a CSV file directly through the user interface.
Please follow the steps as described below.
Caution: Please note that refreshing or leaving the page, exiting the Add new case tab, or power failure of your computer before you've completed a batch case upload will result in loss of the case creation progress.
CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a simple file format used to store data in tabular form. A row represents a sample, and a column represents a data field.
Start by downloading a CSV template with an example line and mandatory and non-mandatory fields from the Add new case page set to Batch mode (see ). Fill the file with your data according to .
Click on the + New case button on the .
Click on the Switch to batch button in the top right corner. You'll be directed to the Select file page of the Batch upload flow. Note: Here you can download a CSV template in the valid format.
Drag and drop a CSV file into the box or upload it from the file explorer. Wait for file upload and validation to finish.
After validation is complete, you will be directed to the Batch validation page. It features validation results details for you to review:
File name,
Number of rows in the file,
Number of cases to be created
Number of errors found,
Status message:
if no errors were detected, a success message will be displayed;
Click on Create. A progress bar will appear on the right as the cases are created (Cases creation page).
If the cases have been created successfully, the Cases summary page will display the total number of cases that were created.
If there were any errors during the batch case creation process, the Cases summary page will display a table indicating the number of cases that were successfully created and the number of cases that failed.
You will have the option to download a CSV file containing two additional columns: Errors and Case ID. The Errors column will contain error messages for samples where case creation failed, while the Case ID column will contain the Case ID of a successfully created case for the lines where case creation was successful.
Emedgene platform version >= 32
Download and install node js platform via
Minimum version required: 16
Upgrade existing installation: nvm install --lts
Download the batch case create script.
Replace my-domain
with your Emedgene domain.
Illumina cloud: my-domain.emg.illumina.com
Legacy Emedgene cloud: my-domain.emedgene.com
Download the CSV template file.
Edit the downloaded batchCases.csv file. See for more details.
Execute the batch cases creator as java script using the command below.
Replace my-domain
with your Emedgene domain and my-email
with your user email.
A prompt for your Emedgene password will appear, enter the password and press Enter.
In case of validation errors in the input CSV, an output CSV called batchCases_results.csv will be created in the same location with detailed error results.
will create a log file in the same location.
More information can be found by running
You can enter a specific case from the by clicking Full details in the corresponding row of the case table.
Displays a Case ID and and includes Case interpretation, Edit case info, and Report preview buttons.
Highlights a shortlist of variants, suggested to be reviewed first - Most Likely Candidates and Candidates.
Illustrates quality metrics for the sequenced samples.
Provides numerous customizable filters to help you explore the total list of genetic variants in compliance with your organization's standard case review process. You can export shortlisted variants in .xlsx format.
Documents versions of all the resources used during case analysis.
Ethnicities of the proband's mother and father can be specified during the UI case creation. Starting from version 32.0.0, this can also be accomplished via API case creation. Please refer to the following list of supported ethnicities.
Each custom field must be assigned a unique name without spaces. Data from custom columns is saved per case under the Additional information section of .
(highlighted in red), (highlighted in orange), and fields should be filled in according to the following rules.
The reanalysis will update the annotation with the latest ones available and rerun the AI Shortlist analysis. Since analysis output depends upon the data entered, we highly recommended rerunning the edited case. will change to Reanalysis.
Importantly, variant-level evidence from the first run is erased during reanalysis, EXCEPT for by or confirmed by the user.
1. On the , click on the Case interpretation button located on the top bar.
3. In the Case interpretation widget, select which tagged variants to include in the (if any). Variants are described at the genomic DNA level.
4. In the Case interpretation widget, you may add Interpretation notes, Gene interpretation, and Recommendations in the free-text format. This data is saved per case. If you’re using our customizable reporting solution, these fields will automatically populate in the .
6. If you're using Emedgene for reporting, you may want to have a look at the before finalizing a case. To do this, click on the eye button located rightmost on the , select a template and click Preview.
7. Change to Finalized.
Note: Finalizing a case will prevent users from making further changes to the case. To change information within the case (including and , Interpretation notes, Gene interpretation, and Recommendations, finalized variants, case analysis outcome, and , the case status must be changed from Finalized to another status.
8. To , click on the printer button on the , select Create New or choose a previously generated report (if any), then select a template and click Generate.
Note: for finalized cases, you can view the Case Result, Interpretation Notes and Finalized Variants in a new Finalize tab in the righthand panel of the case page. Another way to see the variants that were selected when the case was signed off is to select Finalized in the dropdown menu onthe .
Free text
GenoMed Solutions
Free text
Free text
Amniotic Fluid
BioSample Name
Free text
Conditionally mandatory. An empty sample will be created if the field is left blank.
Boost Genes
1. "TRUE" 2. "FALSE"
Optional. Indicates whether the Boost genes mode will be used. "TRUE" means that variants in the targeted genes will receive upgraded scores during prioritization by the AI Shortlist algorithm. Default value is "FALSE". Only considered for proband.
Case Type
1. "Whole Genome" 2. "Exome" 3. "Custom Panel" 4. Array
5. Custom case type
Mandatory. Only considered for proband.
Whole Genome
Clinical Notes
Free text
A 14-year-old boy with a visual acuity of 20/200 in both eyes in whom hearing loss was first noted at 5 years of age on routine screening; audiometry revealed sensorineural hearing loss.
Date Of Birth
Default Project
Free text
Conditionally mandatory. Must be filled in if the "auto" option is used for Files Names (only relevant for BSSH).
Due Date
Execute now
1. "TRUE" 2. "FALSE"
Optional. Default value is "TRUE". Use "FALSE" if you don’t want to run the case upon uploading the file.e Only considered for proband.
Family Id
Free text
Files Names
1. Semicolon-separated list of paths to .fastq, .fastq.gz, .vcf, .vcf.gz, .bam, .cram, *gt_sample_sammary.json files without spaces 2. "existing" 3. "auto"
Conditionally mandatory. An empty sample will be created if the field is left blank. The "existing" option automatically locates FASTQ files based on the BioSample Name. Note: If data files for an existing case were sourced from the customer’s external bucket and later removed, attempting to create a case from those files will result in an error. With the "auto" option, BSSH users can automatically locate FASTQ files based on the BioSample Name and Default Project provided. When using BSSH without the "auto" option, ensure that your file path is formatted correctly.
Sex / Gender*
1. "F" 2. "M" 3. "U"
Optional. Default value is "U".
*The field is labeled as Sex in versions 33.0 and later, and as Gender in older versions.
Gene List Id
Optional. Must be the id of a previously defined Gene List. Only considered for proband.
Kit Id
Optional. Must be the id of a previously defined Kit. Only considered for proband.
Label Id
Optional. Must be the id of a previously defined Case Label. Only considered for proband.
Opt In
1. "TRUE" 2. "FALSE"
Optional. Indicates whether the case subject consented to the extended sharing of data with your network(s). Default value is "TRUE".
Semicolon-separated list of HPO phenotype terms
"Unaffected" is used for non-affected family members.
Mandatory for proband sample if Phenotypes Id is empty. List must be under 100. It is possible to include non-HPO terms if Phenotypes Id is empty.
Abnormal pupillary function;Orthotopic os odontoideum;
Phenotypes Id
Semicolon-separated list of HPO phenotype IDs
Mandatory for proband sample if Phenotypes is empty.
List must be under 100.
1. "proband" 2. "mother" 3. "father" 4. "sibling"
Optional. Default value is "proband". Values "proband", "father", "mother" can be only used once per Family ID. One sample with Relation "proband" is required per Family ID.
Sample Type
1. "FASTQ" 2. "VCF"
Conditionally mandatory. Required if Files Names is empty. Only considered for proband.
Selected Preset
1. Free text 2. "Default"
Optional. Must be the name of a previously defined Preset. If set to default, the default Preset will be applied. If left empty, no Preset will be applied.
High quality candidates
Storage Provider Id
Conditionally mandatory. Required if Files Names is not empty. Must be from the configured storage provider ID list.
Visualization Files
Semicolon-separated list of paths to sequence alignment data files of extension .bam, .cram; 🆕34.0+: also .tn.bw, .baf.bw, .roh.bed, .lrr.bedgraph, .baf.bedgraph
A "Afghan Jews" "Afghani" "African" "African American" "Afro-Brazilian" Alaska Native" "Algerian" "Algerian Jews" "Amish" "Anatolian" "Arab" "Argentinian/Paraguayan" "Armenian" "Ashkenazi Jews" "Asian" "Asian Brazilian" "Australian Native" "Azerbaijan Jews"
B "Bedouin" "Bengali/Northeast Indian" "British/Irish" "Bulgarian Jews"
C "Caribbean Australian" 32.0.0+: "Caucasus Jews" "Central African" "Central Asian" "Chilean" "Chinese" "Chinese Dai" "Christian Arab" "Circassian" "Colombia"
D "Druze" "Dutch"
E "East African" "East Asian" "East European" "Egyptian" "Egyptian Jews" "Emirates" "Ethiopia" "Ethiopian / Eritrean" "Ethiopian Jews" "Ethiopian Jews - Beta Israel" "European" "European American"
F "Fijian Australian" "Filipino" "Filipino Austronesian" "Finnish" "French" "French Canadian"
G "Georgian Jews" "Germans" "Ghanaian / Liberian / Sierra Leonean" "Greece Jews" "Greek Americans" "Greek / Balkan" "Guam/Chamorro"
H "Hawaiian"
I "Iberian" "India - Bene Israel Jews" "India - Cochin Jews" "Indian" "Indigenous Amazonian" "Indigenous peoples in Canada" "Indonesian" "Inuit" "Iranian" "Iranian Persian Jews" "Iraq" "Iraqi Jews" "Irish" "Italian" "Italian Americans" "Italian Jews"
J "Japanese" "Japanese Brazilian" "Jordan"
K "Kenyan" "Korean" "Kurdish" "Kurdish Jews"
L "Latino/Hispanic Americans" "Lebanese Jews" "Levantine" "Libyan" "Libyan Jews"
M "Maasai" "Malayali Indian" "Melanesian" "Mesoamerican and Andean" "Mexican American" "Middle Eastern" "Mongolian / Manchurian" "Mormon" "Moroccan" "Moroccan Jews" "Muslim Arab"
N "Native American" "Nepali" "Nigerian" "North African" "North and West European" "Northern Asian" "Northern Indian"
O "Other Pacific Islander"
P "Pakistani" "Papuan" "Polynesian" "Portuguese in Northern Brazil" "Portuguese in Southern Brazil"
R "Russian Jews" "Russians"
S "Samaritan" "Samoan" "Sardinian" "Saudi" "Scandinavian" "Senegambian / Guinean" "Siberian" "Somali" "South African" "South Asian" "Southern East African / Congolese" "Southern European" "Southern Indian" "Southern Indian / Sri Lankan" "Southern South Asian" "Spaniards" "Spanish Jews" "Sub-Saharan African" "Sudanese" "Swedes" "Syrian Jews" "Syrian-Lebanese"
T "Tajikistan Jews" "Thai / Cambodian / Vietnamese" "Tunisian" "Tunisian Jews" "Turkish" "Turkish / Anatolian" "Turkish Jews"
U "Ukraine" "Ukraine Jews" " zbekistan/ Bukharan Jews"
V "Venezuela"
W "West African"
Y "Yemenite" "Yemenite Jews"
Variants that are most promising for solving the case. This list is limited to 10 top-scored variants but may include more if more than one variant is tagged per gene (suggesting compound heterozygosity). We can change the Most Likely Candidates number limit upon request.
Several dozen highly scored variants worth considering.
As of version 30.0 and onwards, the ranking of variants by AI Shortlist considers both SNVs and CNVs, including SNV + CNV compound heterozygotes. Starting from version 32.0, AI Shortlist additionally considers SVs, mtDNA variants and STRs.
The AI Shortlist rates variants based on predicted variant effects, alternative allele frequency, familial segregation pattern, phenotypic match, in silico predictions, and other relevant information from scientific papers and databases.
During the case review, you can untag variants selected by the AI Shortlist or manually tag ones not selected by the AI Shortlist.
Allele Bias - indicates the percentage of reads that include an alternate allele out of all reads. Available only for SNVs.
Allele Freq - indicates variant frequency category according to the highest allele frequency in public population frequency databases:
Private: 0;
Rare: <0.01;
Low Frequency: 0.01-0.05;
Polymorphism: >0.05.
🔻 Allows alphabetical sorting
Alternate Read - number of alternate reads.
Available only for SNVs.
🔻 Allows numerical sorting
Coding Change - variant's coding sequence change (transcript-specific).
Conservation - summarized nucleotide conservation score. Tip: you can glance at the underlying scores in the pop-up tooltip
Depth (in proband):
SNV/Indel - sequencing depth of coverage at the variant position;
CNV - depth of coverage across the CNV region.
🔻 Allows numerical sorting
Tip: hover over the partially displayed disease name to see the full name in the pop-up window
Emedgene DB Frequency - variant frequency in Emedgene's internal control database.
Father Depth:
SNV/Indel - sequencing depth of coverage at the variant position;
CNV - depth of coverage across the CNV region.
🔻 Allows numerical sorting
SNV/Indel - based on Base Quality, Depth, Mapping Quality, and Genotype Quality;
CNV - based on CNV Quality, Size, and Bin Count.
🔻 Allows alphabetical sorting
SNV/Indel/single-gene CNV - an HGNC-approved gene symbol;
Multi-gene CNVs - a list of HGNC-approved gene symbols and number of genes included if only part of the list is shown. Tip: if only the beginning of the list is displayed in the table, you can see the full gene list in the pop-up tooltip.
gnomAD Het Count - number of gnomAD subjects who are heterozygous for this variant.
gnomAD Hom / Hemi - number of gnomAD subjects who are homozygous (autosomal or X-linked variant in a female) or hemizygous (X-linked variant in a male) for this variant.
Historic AF - variant frequency in the organization's pre-loaded Historic DB.
Known Variants - displays the variant's classification(s) in ClinVar and your own curated variant database.
Manual Classification - displays the user-assigned Pathogenicities from your previous cases. The color of each element indicates the variant's Pathogenicity, while a number corresponds to a number of the previous classifications. Tip: hover over the badge to see the Pathogenicity.
Mother Depth:
SNV/Indel - sequencing depth of coverage at the variant position;
CNV - depth of coverage across the CNV region.
🔻 Allows numerical sorting
SNV/Indel - based on Base Quality, Depth, Mapping Quality, and Genotype Quality;
CNV - based on CNV Quality, Size, and Bin Count.
🔻 Allows alphabetical sorting
Networks Classification - displays the Pathogenicities assigned by partnering organizations in your network. The color of each element indicates the variant's Pathogenicity, while a number corresponds to a number of the previous classifications. Tip: hover over the badge to see the Pathogenicity.
Phenomatch score - a score reflective of the phenotypic match between a patient's phenotypes and clinical presentation of one of the gene-related diseases (the one shown in the Disease column). The Phenomatch score is calculated by Emedgene's proprietary algorithm and ranges from 0 to 1.
Prediction - summarized in silico pathogenicity prediction score. Tip: you can glance at the underlying scores in the pop-up tooltip. 🔻 Allows alphabetical sorting
SNV/Indel - based on Base Quality, Depth, Mapping Quality, and Genotype Quality;
CNV - based on CNV Quality, Size, and Bin Count.
🔻 Allows alphabetical sorting
Protein Change - protein change (transcript-specific).
Splice Prediction - summarized in silico splicing prediction score. Tip: you can glance at the underlying scores in the pop-up tooltip.
Variant Details:
SNV/Indel: genomic coordinates, nucleotide change, and dbSNP identifier;
CNV: genomic coordinates and size.
🔻 Allows sorting by genomic start location
Filters panel - includes numerous adjustable Filters and Presets (on the left)
Variant table - a user-customizable display of all the analysis results (core section)
Variant page - when selecting a variant, the variant page opens, revealing a detailed annotation and other assessment tools for the particular variant.
The Genome View Tab, available from V37.0 and up, is a powerful feature designed to give users a clear, visual overview of the genome and chromosomes in their cases. This feature is especially useful for analyzing large Copy Number Variation (CNV) events and regions of homozygosity/loss of heterozygosity (ROH/LOH) across the genome, providing intuitive filtering and interactive insights for researchers and clinicians.
The Genome View tab is a dedicated section within the Case Page for Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), and Array data. This tab offers a graphical visualization of genomic data, focusing on CNV and LOH/ROH analysis for proband cases. Users can access this tab directly from the Case Page.
Chromosome Ideogram
The chromosome ideogram offers a visual representation of all 23 human chromosomes, with CNV and LOH/ROH events highlighted for intuitive analysis. Here's what you can expect:
Variant types:
Deletions (DEL): Marked in red, displayed to the left of the chromosome.
Duplications (DUP): Marked in blue, displayed to the right of the chromosome.
LOH/ROH (Regions of Homozygosity/Loss of Heterozygosity): Marked in gold, displayed over the chromosome.
Note: Variants with no coverage or reference (Ref) are excluded.
Filtering Options:
Users can filter segments by size, using a range selector with the following options: 50 bp,1 KB, 10 KB, 50 KB, 100 KB, 1 MB, 10 MB, Max (no filter).
The default filter is set from 50 KB to Max.
Limitation: Only the 500 largest variants are displayed in this tab in v37.0.
Hover and Click Interactions:
Hovering over a variant displays
Chromosome number, start and end positions, and size (e.g., chr1:100000-200000 (100 KB))
Cytoband range (e.g., p12.3 - q11.2) based on ISCN nomenclature
Variant type (DEL/DUP/LOH/ROH)
Number of genes affected
Clicking on a chromosome refines the genome view below to that chromosome.
Clicking on a variant opens a detailed Variant Page where many actions and further review can be made.
Legend: A clear legend explains color coding and icons for DEL, DUP, and LOH/ROH variants for quick reference.
The genome viewer provides a deeper dive into the genomic data through three interactive tracks:
Log R / TNS Track:
Displays copy number intensity data using values from the TNS BigWig file or LogR bedgraph.
Y-axis ranges from -3 to 3, with increments of 0.4.
X-axis displays the genome (whole genome view) or chromosome segments (whole chromosome view).
BAF Track:
Displays B Allele Frequency (BAF) data using values from the BAF BigWig file or BAFbedgraph.
Y-axis ranges from 0 to 1, with increments of 0.1.
X-axis aligns with the Log R track.
ROH Track:
Indicates regions of homozygosity for further analysis.
Zoom and navigation
Default View: Displays the entire genome.
Zoom-In Options: Users can zoom in to view individual chromosomes by clicking on them.
Interactive Navigation: Clickable chromosomes on the ideogram allow seamless switching between views.
"phenotype1" (e.g., "Mandibular prognathia")
"disease1" (e.g., Kabuki syndrome 1)
"inheritance mode1" (e.g., Autosomal dominant);
"coordinate1" (e.g., chr11:2686616)
"variant" (e.g., chr1:27089776G>T)
"range1" (e.g., chr11:2686616-2886620)
"cnv_size:size1" (e.g., cnv_size:100000-10000000)
"gene1" (e.g., BRCA1)
"gene1, gene2, gene3" (e.g., BRCA1, BRCA2, UBE3A)
Displays the analysis results, one variant per row;
Supports and sorting by various criteria;
Allows of up to 1500 filtered variants;
Enables users to variants to a delivered case.
Starting from version 34.0, the formatting of variant table rows provides hints about the variant status for the current user per particular case. It indicates whether the variant has been viewed by the current user, and whether it has been tagged either by the current user or by the AI Shortlist.
Not tagged variants are indicated by black font color;
Variants tagged by the AI Shortlist are indicated by green font color;
Variants tagged by any user, whether currently active or another user, are shown in blue font color.
Variants viewed by the current user are indicated by regular font weight. The variant is marked as viewed only if the current user has opened the variant page before the case was finalized.
Not viewed variants are indicated by bold font weight.
Any column can be shown or hidden by selecting the columns in the Show/Hide Columns menu (activated via an icon on 30.0.0+) in the top right corner of the page.
You can choose between comfort and compact view by pressing the button next to the Variant search tab.
All modifications are automatically saved for each individual user and retained until new changes are made.
When you:
Complement NGS with other genetic tests done on the side (long-read sequencing, optical mapping, CGH, SNP array, karyotyping/FISH, repeat-primed PCR, MLPA, Southern blot, etc), or
Choose to report a few adjacent variants as a single multi-nucleotide variant,
the need to add variants on top of the analysis results arises.
You can manually add variants absent from the VCF or not called from the FASTQ. Supported variant types are SNV, CNV, UPD, ROH, and STR. SV is coming soon!
In the Manually Add Variant window select variant type among SNV, CNV, UPD, ROH, and STR.
Fill in variant details according to the selected variant type:
Position Start,
Position End,
UPD: IUPDMAT (maternal isodisomy), IUPDPAT (paternal isodisomy), HUPDPAT (paternal heterodisomy), HUPDMAT (maternal heterodisomy),
REF Repeats Number,
ALT Repeats Number,
Repeats Unit,
Click on Create Variant.
Disease - the number of disease associations and corresponding mode(s) of inheritance derived from and , and the name of one of the diseases are listed.
Father Quality - overall score in father:
Father Zygosity - variant in father. 🔻 Allows alphabetical sorting
gnomAD All AF - overall alternative allele frequency across gnomAD populations (also called Total AF in the ). 🔻 Allows numerical sorting
Main Effect - of the variant on protein structure and function (transcript-specific). By default the most severe effect is presented. 🔻 Allows alphabetical sorting
Max AF - the highest alternative allele frequency among all public population databases. Note: not to be confused with Max AF in that only considers gnomAD statistics. 🔻 Allows numerical sorting
Mother Quality - overall score in mother:
Mother Zygosity - variant in mother. 🔻 Allows alphabetical sorting
Pathogenicity - variant pathogenicity that has been manually assigned in the .
Proband Quality - overall score in proband:
Proband Zygosity - variant in the proband. 🔻 Allows alphabetical sorting
Tag - assigned by Emedgene or selected by a user.
Variant Notes - indicates if the variant has notes.
Note: After a case , all variants appear as not viewed.
can be dragged-and-dropped.
Click on the plus button on the top right of the .
Note: if you do not see this option, please and we will provide you with the relevant .
Unlike regular variants, the manually added variant's has a blue frame and a "Manually added variant" title.
Note: and sections of the Variant page are not relevant for manually added variants, and section is not available for now. Automatic assignment of ACMG criteria is not available for manually added variants but you may manually select the relevant tags and the final variant class will be calculated on the fly.
In select Manually added variants:
by the AI Shortlist
by a user
by the AI Shortlist
by a user
Note: multiselection and bulk actions are only available in non-finalized cases to maintain data integrity and preserve the finalized case data.
Hover over a variant to reveal a checkbox at the start of the line;
Checking the box exposes the Multiselect actions bar which replaces the Search bar, and checkboxes appear for all variants in the current view;
Manually select variants one by one or check the Select all checkbox. Note: the Select all function applies solely to variants displayed on the current page, not all variants matching the active filters.
Select variants of interest;
In the Multiselect actions bar, click on the Viewed icon and select Viewed or Un-viewed. Note: user-tagged variants can’t be un-viewed.
Select variants of interest;
In the Multiselect actions bar, click on the Tag icon and choose a tag from the dropdown menu. Note: If any variants already possess tags, a warning message will appear. Click on Apply to proceed.
Select variants of interest;
In the Multiselect actions bar, click on the Tag icon, then click on:
Clear to remove user-assigned tags, or
Select variants of interest;
In the Multiselect actions bar, click on the Pathogenicity icon and choose a pathogenicity class from the dropdown menu. Note: only tagged variants can have pathogenicity assigned.
Select variants of interest;
In the Multiselect actions bar, click on the Pathogenicity icon, then click on Clear.
The Emedgene Workbench offers a wide array of dynamic filters to help reveal or limit variants that are the most relevant to your clinical case. Each filter contains multiple options to customize the case review process according to your organization's best practices.
You can implement different combinations of Presets to be used for different case types (i.e. Presets for exome may be different from Presets for genome) as defined by your SOPs to further streamline case review.
The combination of Presets is referred to as a Preset group.
Preset group selection is available in the Case info screen of the Add new case flow while creating or editing a case.
To manage filter Preset groups, navigate to Settings > Organization Settings > Lab Workflow:
From here, you can create (from Presets/from a JSON file, edit, hide/unhide and download Preset groups as needed.
Here, you can set a Preset group as default, so it will be used unless another Preset group is selected during case creation.
To do this, click on the Export icon on top of the Analysis tools tab.
Note: If your current selection comprises more than 1500 variants, only the first 1500 variants will be downloaded.
Quality Filters: Variant quality metrics
Polymorphism Filters: Alternative allele frequencies and genotype counts in public and internal databases
Variant Type Filters and Variant Effect Filters: Variant consequences, ACMG pathogenicity classes, variant types (sequence, structural, mtDNA), and whether and how the variant is classified in clinical variation databases.
Gene Filters: Disease-associated genes, genes of unknown significance, ACMG clinically actionable genes, cancer-associated genes, candidate gene list, etc.
Phenomatch Filters: Gene-disease associations that match the proband's clinical phenotypes
Inheritance Filters: Select a mode of inheritance that is compatible with the genotypes and phenotypes of affected and healthy family members
Zygosity Filters: Filter by genotypes in selected samples
User Filters: Variants tagged by the user or the AI Shortlist, manually added variants, and other organization level filters.
Note: Quality, Polymorphism, and Variant filters can operate in either a Simple or Advanced mode.
Clear - deselect all filters and reveal all the variants;
Reset to Default - set default filters values: moderate/high quality (Quality Filter), low/moderate/high severity (Variant Filters), and Het/Hom zygosity in the proband (Zygosity Filters);
🆕 34.0+: Save as preset - create a new preset based on the currently active filters.
The Inheritance Filters allow filtering variants using an assumed inheritance mode that is consistent with the segregation of genotypes and phenotypes in the family.
The Inheritance Filters are primarily relevant for cases with sequencing data for a trio pedigree and less relevant for singletons. For large and complex pedigrees, consider using that are more flexible.
Autosomal Recessive - Homozygotes. Autosomal variants that are Hom in the Proband and other affected family members (if any) and Het, Ref, or No Cov in the unaffected members.
Autosomal Recessive - Compound Heterozygotes. Two or more autosomal Het variants in the same gene inherited from different parents.
X-Linked Recessive. X-chromosome variants in a male Proband (i.e. Hemi) that are Het in his unaffected mother.
X-Linked Dominant. X-chromosome variants that are Het in affected females in the pedigree.
De Novo Dominant. Autosomal and X-chromosome variants that are Het in the Proband and Ref in parents.
Autosomal Dominant. Autosomal variants that are Het in the Proband and other affected family members but Ref in healthy relatives.
With the Display No Coverage slider, you can control whether to include or exclude variants that are No Cov in Proband or any other sequenced sample in that pedigree.
The Phenomatch Filters highlight variants located in the genes whose phenotypic annotation matches the proband's clinical presentation.
Phenomatch - High Specificity – strictly filters genes with disease phenotypes matching the exact patient HPO phenotypes.
Phenomatch - Powered by AI – filters genes with disease phenotypes loosely matching the patient HPO phenotypes.
(30.0+) - the latest and most refined phenotypic matching model based on Phenomatch - Powered by AI.
Phenomatch with Unknown – filters genes of unknown significance based on indirect links to patient phenotypes (including mouse models, gene families, pathways, etc.).
Not relevant to remove tags assigned by Emedgene's algorithm.
The Polymorphism Filters enable filtering variants by alternative allele frequencies and genotype counts in public and internal databases. The filters can operate in a Simple or Advanced mode.
Switch on or off Display Polymorphism option:
When switched on, no restrictions are being applied.
When switched off, variants with allele frequency >0.05 in public databases or >0.25 in the EmedgeneDB are filtered out.
Filter variant list by limiting the maximum Allele Frequency, Hom/Hemi and Het counts in one of the public database options (GnomAD, ExAC, 1000 Genomes, or GME) or, by default, in all (All Databases). The default values for Hom/Hemi and Het can be exceeded using the text box.
In addition, limit results by the maximum Allele Frequency in internal databases:
Emedgene Database - a static sample set of 806 healthy individuals. Aimed at getting rid of the artifacts generated by our FASTQ processing pipeline
Organization Databases, e.g., NoiseDB - a blacklist of variants (implemented by request).
When Filters are Reset to Default, The Polymorphism Filters are set to the Display Polymorphism option of the Simple mode, i.e., no filtering.
All Disease Associated Genes - variants in the genes with a published disease association;
All Unknown Genes - variants in the genes of unknown clinical significance;
Candidate Genes - variants in a Gene list if defined during case creation;
All ACMG genes - variants in the clinically actionable genes defined by the ACMG:
Versions 30.0+: 81 genes (Miller et al. 2023);
Versions <30.0: 78 genes (Miller et al. 2022).
Cancer Associated Genes - variants in genes with published association with oncological disease;
LoF Genes (Emedgene Knowledgebase 26+) - variants in extremely LoF intolerant genes (gnomAD pLI ≥ 0.9). Note: if a variant is a CNV that overlaps more than one gene, it will appear in the filtering results if at least one of the genes has gnomAD pLI ≥ 0.9);
Established HI/TS Genes (Emedgene Knowledgebase 26+) - variants in genes with sufficient evidence of dosage sensitivity (defined by having ClinGen's Haploinsufficiency and/or Triplosensitivity scores of 3);
Coding regions - variants restricted to the protein-coding sequences.
In Targeted Regions - variants in the regions defined by the Enrichment Kit selected while creating a case.RefSeq coding regions will be used as a reference if no kit is provided.
When Filters are Reset to Default, the Gene Filters remain disabled, except for cases launched in Virtual panel mode of the Gene list. In such a case, the Candidate Genes filter is activated by default.
The Zygosity Filters enable manual selection of zygosity status (Het, Hom, Ref, No Cov) for each sequenced sample in the pedigree.
The Evidence page presents the most relevant evidence behind the automatic variant classification suggested by the AI Shortlist.
This view can be generated for any other variant after the variant has been manually .
Click on the variant bar.
You can switch between the graph and text view by clicking on the link on top of the page (Show evidence graph or Show evidence as text, respectively). The graph view is helpful for exploring the data, while the text view is relevant for collecting notes.
AI Shortlist collects data from credible studies and public databases in an internal knowledge base that maps complex connections between variants, genes, mechanisms, diseases, and phenotypes.
The main effect of the variant, its HGVS nomenclature for coding DNA and protein changes, and zygosity, including if the variant is de novo.
Gene symbol, if the gene is tolerant to variation, and assumed inheritance mode in the case under review. This is suggested based on the observed level of genotype-phenotype co-segregation and inheritance mode of the genetic condition (reported or suspected).
In addition to the conventional inheritance modes (Autosomal Dominant, Autosomal Recessive, Compound Heterozygote Autosomal Recessive, X-Linked Dominant, X-Linked Recessive), the platform also employs Autosomal Dominant Partial Penetrance and Partial Autosomal Recessive designations.
Autosomal Dominant Partial Penetrance is used when the gene-associated condition is AD, and the variant is Het in the test subject and at least one of their parents. This suggests that the phenotypes may be due to incomplete penetrance of the genetic condition.
Partial Autosomal Recessive is used when the gene-associated condition is AR and the variant in the test subject is Het. This helps to account for the possibility that another causative variant is undetected - in the same (compound heterozygosity) or another (digenic inheritance) gene.
Condition name as suggested by OMIM, other disease databases or in the literature.
Proband's phenotypes that match phenotypes reported for the suspected disease. Exact, indirect, and matches by ascendance are considered.
Phenotypes reported for the suspected disease but not observed in the proband.
Phenotypes observed in the proband but not known to be manifested as part of the suspected disease.
Follow the links to the primary sources to explore the evidence further. The links are in the References section (text view) and are accessible by hovering over the arrows (graph view).
The evidence graph can be manually edited to include additional evidence for the case's resolution. To enter the edit mode, click on the pencil icon in the top left corner of the page. In this mode, you can edit, add, and delete text boxes.
The Variant Effect Filters allow filtering variants by consequence, ACMG pathogenicity classes, and whether/how the variant has been classified internally or in clinical variation databases. The filters can operate in a Simple or Advanced mode.
Filter variant list by:
Severity of variant effect (High, Moderate, Low, Modifier);
CNV Severity is set according to the image below;
Known Variant (Known Variants, Known Pathogenic Variants) - variant status in clinical variation databases (ClinVar, HGMD) and previous classifications by your organization or network.
Further restrict analysis results by:
Specific Main effect of the variant on protein structure and function;
ACMG Classification (Pathogenic, Likely Pathogenic, Uncertain Significance, Likely Benign, Benign)- ACMG pathogenicity class assigned manually or automatically. Note: applicable only for Candidate and Most Likely variants;
ClinVar Known Variants (Pathogenic, Likely Pathogenic, VUS, Likely Benign, Benign, Other) - variant status in ClinVar;
Custom database Known Variants (Pathogenic, Likely Pathogenic, VUS, Likely Benign, Benign, Other) - variant status in your own curated variant database, including CNVs detected by means of NGS and/or chromosomal microarray;
Manually Classified Variants - select this option to restrict results to variants from previous cases with user-assigned Pathogenicity.
When Filters are Reset to Default, the Variant Filters are set to:
Severity: High, Moderate, Low;
Known Variant - no filtering.
Go to the and click on the See evidence button under the Evidence box.
On the Evidence page, each proband's phenotype is marked according to the degree of similarity to the phenotypes observed in the genetic condition presumably associated with a variant under review.
Same term as in the clinical synopsis of the suspected disease
Phenotypes share a parent term in the HPO hierarchy
Phenotypes are closely related in the HPO hierarchy, but term relatedness is lower than in Match by ascendance
The phenotype is not reported for the suspected disease.
Each phenotypic match strength level is denoted by a particular icon next to the HPO term in the Case info tab of the Case details panel:
With Notes – variants that are accompanied by Variant Interpretation notes. This filter returns all the automatically and manually tagged variants, except those with manually removed Variant Interpretation notes (if any).
Submitted for Sanger confirmation – variants manually assigned as eligible for Sanger sequencing in the Variant page's Evidence section.
Manually added variants - variants added manually on top of the analysis results.
Most Likely – variants tagged as Most Likely by AI Shortlist or by the user.
Candidates – variants tagged as Candidate by AI Shortlist or by the user.
Incidental – variants tagged as Incidental by AI Shortlist or by the user.
Carrier – variants tagged as Carrier by AI Shortlist or by the user.
Not Relevant – variants manually tagged as Not Relevant.
My Tags – variants tagged by the current user.
AI Shortlist (Auto Analysis) - variants tagged by the AI Shortlist.
With Pathogenicity Tag – variants with Pathogenicity manually assigned in the Variant page's Evidence section.
highlights the key sample quality indicators, with more details provided in the subsequent sections.
reports sequencing run technicalities as indicated during case creation:
Kit type
Expected coverage
provides a broad overview of the case quality:
Ensures each chromosome has a minimum of one variant with high quality.
Note: Applies only to chromosomes with at least 100 SNV variants within defined Kit or coding regions.
Ensures each chromosome has a minimum of one variant annotated with GnomAD.
Note: Applies only to chromosomes with at least 100 SNV variants within defined Kit or coding regions.
ClinVar validation
Ensures each chromosome has a minimum of one variant annotated with ClinVar.
Note: Applies only to chromosomes with at least 100 SNV variants within defined Kit or coding regions.
Ensures at least one variant has been tagged by the AI Shortlist.
Note: Not applicable for cases with a gene list below the gene list threshold. The default threshold is set to 50 genes.
Ensures that the mtDNA reference used was rCRS.
highlights metrics for each sample:
Overall sample quality indicator based on the average depth of coverage for the indicated kit (or RefSeq coding regions if no kit is provided), percentage of bases covered >20x, error rate, percentage of reads mapped to the reference sequence, and presence of contamination.
Sex validation (called "gender validation" in versions before 33.0) is performed by comparing the observed homozygous/heterozygous genotype ratio on the X chromosome with the expected ratios for females (<2) and males (>2). Only high-quality Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs) in the targeted regions specified by the kit (or RefSeq coding regions if no kit is provided) are considered. It is crucial to note that a minimum of 50 variants is required for accurate sex validation. Importantly, if we lack 50 high-quality SNVs, sex validation would not be performed, resulting in an "empty" return. For sample where sex was designated as "unknown" during case creation, the sex validation will present the "predicted" sex.
The DRAGEN Ploidy Estimator detects aneuploidies and determines the sex karyotype in whole genome samples. When the customer hovers their mouse over 'Failed,' they can view the problematic Chromosomes. It's worth mentioning that the 'Failed' notification appears when any of the autosomal median scores are below 0.9 or above 1.1. Learn more about the algorithm in the DRAGEN™ Bio-IT Platform documentation.
Average coverage, bases with coverage >20x, error rate, % mapped reads, etc. Blue bars represent each of these parameters per sample, while a vertical line represents a general metric across all the samples across all the cases in the account.
Detailed QC metrics can be downloaded upon clicking on the download icon next to the section title.
Displays the results of the relatedness check by Peddy.
For each possible pair of samples in a pedigree, the declared family relation is compared with the observed relatedness coefficient. The relatedness coefficient is calculated from the percentage of shared alleles and the size of the Identity By Descent blocks. IBS0 indicates the number of sites lacking shared alleles. This metric can help differentiate between sibling-sibling and parent-child relationships when both are expected to have ~50% relatedness.
When the relatedness coefficient for a parent-child pair or a full sibling pair falls outside the range of 40 to 60%, the relatedness check is considered failed.
If the relatedness coefficient indicates a very low chance of shared ancestry, it is classified as 'Shared Ancestry' (0.2%-4%). For relatedness coefficients that suggest closer genetic ties, it results in 'Consanguinity' (4%-15%). When the genetic similarity reaches a high threshold (>15%), it not only results in 'Consanguinity' but also triggers a warning/ 'Failed' quality.
Here, you can directly check if your genes of interest have been entirely covered. Consider using Sanger sequencing to cover gaps in the genes of interest.
Note: this feature is available only for FASTQ files.
Enter a gene symbol in the search box and select it from the dropdown.
From the Coverage dropdown menu, choose between ≤0x, ≤5x, ≤10x, ≤20x, and ≤All.
You can Download insufficient regions or explore them in the table. Pressing the More details button will open a pop-up window specifying the genomic coordinates of the poorly covered regions.
Simply click the Add Gene List button and select any of your pre-loaded gene lists.
by the maximal depth of coverage and the maximal percentage of bases covered greater than 20x.
Click on More details:
In the pop-up window click on View on IGV:
The Versions tab reports versions of all the tools and resources used during the case analysis in the following categories:
Emedgene Resources
Knowledgebase Sources
Organization Local Databases
Population Databases
Variant Databases
Note: These versions remain static from the time a case is run. They are not updated unless a case is reanalyzed.
With Emedgene's reporting solution, creating comprehensive Clinical Reports is a piece of cake.✨ All the relevant case- and variant-level information is automatically populated to the corresponding sections of the report.
Note: Emedgene offers the capability of customizing Clinical Reports upon request. We tailor Report templates for any use case according to your SOPs and aesthetic sense.
Includes (numbers indicate ):
Patient details: Patient's name [1], date of birth [2], sex [2] and MRN [1];
Technical sample details: Specimen's type [1] and quality [3], dates collected [1] and received [1];
Provider details: Lab number [1], ordering physician's name [1];
Report date [3];
Case type [2];
Clinical information: Indication for testing [2] or, if it's not available, Proband's phenotypes [2]; Secondary findings requested [2]: Yes/No.
Results summary gives a general overview of the test result:
Test result summary [4];
Secondary ACMG findings summary [4];
Interpretation summary [4];
Recommendations [4].
Detailed results highlight the genetic testing findings:
Basic sequence variant details:
Gene [3],
Genomic location [3],
Zygosity/Inheritance [3] (Zygosity in Proband and their relatives),
Classification [6] (Pathogenicity),
Condition [7] (Disease and Inheritance mode if available).
Basic copy number variant details:
Chromosome region [3],
Type: DEL/DUP [3],
Genes [3],
Zygosity/Inheritance [3] (Zygosity in Proband and their relatives),
Minimum length [3],
Classification [6] (Pathogenicity).
Individual sequence variant interpretations:
Basic variant details [3]: gene, genomic location, coding sequence and protein sequence change HGVS notations, exon involved, variant's main effect, Prediction, Conservation and Splice Prediction scores, gnomAD population statistics,
Associated diseases [3] - all the diseases known to be associated with the gene,
Quality [3]: Zygosity, base quality, depth in Proband and their relatives,
Summary [8].
Individual copy number variant interpretations:
Chromosome region [3],
Type: DEL/DUP [3],
Minimum length [3],
Zygosity in Proband [3],
Classification [6] (Pathogenicity),
Summary [8].
Gene interpretation [4]
Test details:
Test methodology [5];
Test limitations [5].
The References [9] section lists all the PubMed citations mentioned in the report. References will be auto-formatted if the PMID is supplied in the report.
The Signatures section documents who and when generated the report [3]
You can download the report preview in a .pdf or .odt format.
You can download the report in a .pdf or .odt format.
[1] - API;
[3] - automatically inferred by Emedgene,
[5] - fixed text,
[9] - in any of the free text fields you can add PMIDs in one of the following formats: PMID1234, PMID 1234, PMID:1234.
Variant [3] (HGVS description relative to the transcript selected as a reference in the of the ),
After you completed the , you may want to have a look at the Report Preview before finalizing a case. To do this, click on the eye button located rightmost on the , select a template and click Preview.
After you changed to Finalized, you can Generate Report. All the generated reports are saved per case. Click on the printer button on the , select Create New or choose a previously generated report (if any), then select a template and click Generate.
[2] - filled in while ; displayed in ; for non-finalized cases;
[4] - filled in in the Case Interpretation widget while ,
[6] - manually assigned in the Pathogenicity box of the of the Variant Page,
[7] - depends on the evidence generated on the ,
[8] - automatically or manually filled in in the Variant Interpretation notes of the of the Variant Page,
Hom = Homozygous for alternative allele;
Het = Heterozygous;
Hemi = Hemizygous (X-chromosome variants in males except for heterozygous variants in pseudoautosomal regions);
Ref = Homozygous for reference allele;
No Cov = Genotype unknown.
Case ID,
Gene symbol,
Genomic location of the variant,
Variant Interpretation notes if available,
Variant tag field.
If the variant has been tagged manually (besides or instead of automatic tagging by the AI Shortlist), the user-selected tag will be shown. Otherwise, you'll see an automatically selected tag or N/A for no tag. Clicking on the Variant tag field lets you review a record of tagging in a dropdown, in the Assigned tags section. 🆕 34.0+: the Variant tag menu also includes Viewed by section. Note: After a case reanalysis, all variants appear as not viewed.
A link to your Curate database. If the variant is already in your Curate database, you will see an Open Curate button. Otherwise, you will see an Export to Curate button.
Most Likely Candidate - most promising for solving the case;
Candidate - worth considering;
- found in one of the medically actionable genes defined by the ACMG;
Carrier - identified by the Carrier analysis pipeline;
In Report - manually selected to be reported;
Not relevant - automatically tagged variant that has been disregarded after manual review;
Any custom tag used in your organization (e.g., Submitted for Sanger confirmation).
Variant tags are shown in the Variant tagging widget of the . If the variant has been tagged manually (besides or instead of automatic tagging by the AI Shortlist), the user-selected tag will be shown in the Variant tag field. Otherwise, you'll see an automatically chosen tag or N/A for no tag.
Click on the dropdown icon in the Variant tag field and select a suitable tag. The Variant tag field showcases the most recently assigned tag.
25.0.0+: click on the Variant tag field and scroll to the Assigned tags section.
23.0.0 and older: click on the View all tags.
Click on the dropdown array in the Variant tag field and select Not relevant.
Click on the dropdown array in the Variant tag field and select Clear.
Note: you can't clear a tag added by another user.
A shortlist of the most promising variants with the highest scores from the AI Shortlist:
before 30.0: SNVs;
30.0+: SNVs and CNVs;
32.0+: SNVs, CNVs, SVs, mtDNA variants and STRs.
These variants are initially selected by the AI Shortlist, but you may untag variants or tag them manually during the case review.
Pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in the medically actionable genes defined by the ACMG. These variants are automatically tagged only if you've selected the Secondary findings checkbox while creating a case.
Variants identified by the Carrier analysis pipeline. Carrier variants are automatically tagged only if you've selected the Carrier Analysis checkbox while creating a case. Analysis requirements and a list of targeted regions are specified by the organization's manager. This Carrier analysis flow is implemented by request.
Variants that were manually selected to be reported.
To select variants with a particular tag, use the Filter candidates dropdown menu in the top right corner. You can choose between Most Likely, Candidate, Incidental, Carrier, Not Reviewed, or any custom tags used in your organization.
For each variant on the Candidates tab, you can explore the suggested diagnosis, gene symbol, main variant details, and variant tag.
When a variant is found in a gene with no known association with a disease, the possible diagnosis cannot be indicated. Such variants are displayed under the Gene of Unknown Significance title.
All the relevant fitting a сompound heterozygous mode of inheritance are presented together. This refers to both confirmed and assumed compound heterozygosity (cases with at least one parent and singleton cases, respectively).
If you want to inspect the complete variant information, click on the variant bar to continue to the . You can visualize evidence in text or graphical format (Click on the interactive text in the top left corner: Show evidence as text or Show evidence graph to toggle between the two).
You can expand to a broader genetic testing option if the results of more targeted testing are inconclusive. You may reflex from Custom Panel to Exome or Genome, or from Exome to Genome.
To do this, you should change the Case type in Edit case info flow, thereby rerunning using the broader analysis.
The Quality Filters allow one to filter variants by variant quality metrics. The filter can operate in a Simple or Advanced mode.
Select a minimum degree of sequencing Quality (Low, Moderate, High).
Select a minimum degree of sequencing Quality (Low, Moderate, High),
Define minimum Mapping Quality (0-60 - value can be exceeded using the text box),
Specify minimum Depth (0-500 - value can be exceeded using the text box),
Set minimum number of alternate reads in Alternate Read (0-500 - value can be exceeded using the text box). Note: available for cases run with pipeline version 5.26+.
Set limits on Allele bias (0-100). Note: when applied to mtDNA variants, the Allele bias filter operates on heteroplasmy levels.
Set limits on CNV Length (50bp, 1kb, 10kb, 100kb, 1Mb, 100Mb, Max CNV length),
Set minimum CNV Bin Count (1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500).
Quality: Moderate and High,
Mapping Quality ≥45,
Depth ≥ 10,
Alternate Read - no filtering,
Allele bias - no filtering,
CNV Length - no filtering,
CNV Bin Count - no filtering.
As of version 2.26:
When are Reset to Default, The Quality Filters are set to:
The Desktop apps panel allows you to activate or inactivate connections with your IGV and Alamut desktop applications. This means there won't be any IGV and Alamut windows popping up unless you want them to!
Once you've configured your preferences for the desktop applications connections, they will be saved for your user account and applied to all cases.
The Desktop apps panel appears as a tab in the Variant page sidebar.
Individual case page > Analysis tools tab > Variant table > Variant page
The Variant page showcasing the comprehensive variant information is accessible from the Variant table by selecting the corresponding variant row with a click. Once you're on the Variant page, you can move between variants using left and right arrow keys of your keyboard.
Note: You can alternatively use arrows on either side of the Variant page window.
Navigation panel (left). Divided into five tabs, leading to the corresponding page sections.
Page body:
Summary section. Highlights core variant-related information from other sections
Clinical Significance section. Reports essential variant- and gene-level information and indicates gene-related diseases.
Quality section. Outlines the major variant quality parameters in each sample and demonstrates the family tree with the zygosity for each sequenced sample.
Visualization section. Features the IGV-based BAM file viewer.
Population Statistics section. Addresses alternative allele frequency, alternative allele count, and the number of homozygotes in public and internal databases.
Related Cases section. Displays statistics regarding the pathogenicity and tags assigned to the variant under review, incorporating data from previous cases within both your organization and networks.
Evidence section. Highlights user-selected variant pathogenicity, ACMG class (for a sequence or a genomic variant), and interpretation notes.
Variant activity panel (right). Records variant-level user activities, such as tagging a variant, adding comments or evidence notes, or editing the evidence graph. Variant activity panel pops up upon clicking the Activities button.
The Variant activity panel on the righthand side of the Variant page records variant-level user activities, such as:
Tagging a variant,
Adding comments,
Drafting Variant Interpretation notes,
Editing evidence graph, etc.
The Variant activity panel appears as a tab in the Variant page sidebar.
The Clinical Significance section summarizes essential variant-level and gene-level information and indicates the gene's associated diseases.
Variant type,
Main effect,
Zygosity in each sequenced family member,
Gene symbol and HGVS descriptions on coding DNA and protein levels. The transcript is marked:
with a tick - if it is canonical,
with a Curate logo - if it has been selected in your Curate database.
You may change the reference transcript by selecting one from the dropdown menu, or adding one not listed.
For certain variants, such as upstream or downstream gene variants, HGVS descriptions may not be available. In these cases, you have the option to manually input coding change information. The notation should adhere to the format: GENE,NM_123456:c.-123N>N
(no spaces are allowed). Once added, this information becomes available for the report.\
Exon number and the total number of exons in the transcript chosen,
Links to resources, such as UCSC genome browser, GeneCards, PubMed, WikiGenes,
dbSNP ID and link (Note: SNV/Indel variants only),
SV Type: DEL/DUP (Note: CNVs only),
SV Length (Note: CNVs only),
Link to DECIPHER (Note: CNVs only).
Standalone scores for Pathogenicity (Missense) Prediction, Conservation, and Splicing Prediction. These are the summarized indicators computed by our proprietary algorithm based on the in silico prediction tools' output. Click on the dropdown icon next to the score to see the individual scores.
Currently available in silico predictions per variant type:
Pathogenicity (Missense) Prediction
+ Polyphen2 HDIV Polyphen2 HVAR SIFT MutationTaster LRT DANN REVEL PrimateAI-3D (34.0+)
+ SiPhy 29 Mammals GERP RS phastCons 100 vertebrate
Splicing Prediction
+ dbscSNV-RF dbscSNV-Ada SpliceAI DS AG SpliceAI DS AL SpliceAI DS DG SpliceAI DS DL
Note: variants of types CNV, SV and STR are not annotated with in silico predictions.
from ExAC and gnomAD that resemble clinically relevant gene properties:
pLI = p(LoF intolerant) is a probability of being loss-of-function intolerant to heterozygous and homozygous LoF variants.
🔴 pLI ≥ 0.9: extremely LoF intolerant,
🟠 pLI > 0.1 & < 0.9: intermediate value,
🟢 pLI ≤ 0.1: LoF tolerant.
The Z missense score indicates intolerance to missense variants based on the deviation of observed missense variants versus the expected number.
🔴 Z missense ≥ 3: missense intolerant,
🟠 Z missense > 2.5 & < 3: intermediate value,
🟢 Z missense ≤ 2.5: missense tolerant.
p(REC) is a probability of being intolerant to homozygous, but not heterozygous LoF.
🔴 p(REC) ≥ 0.8: Hom LoF intolerant,
🟠 p(REC) > 0.2 & < 0.8: intermediate value,
🟢 p(REC) ≤ 0.2: Hom LoF tolerant.
RVIS = Residual Variation Intolerance Score is indicative of a gene's intolerance to functional variation based on comparing the overall number of observed variants in a gene to the observed common functional variants.
🔴 RVIS ≤ 30: functional variation intolerant,
🟠 RVIS > 30 & < 50: intermediate value,
🟢 RVIS ≥ 50: functional variation tolerant.
O/E Score is the ratio of the observed/expected number of LoF variants. It is a continuous measure of gene tolerance to LoF variation that incorporates a 90% confidence interval. The closer the O/E is to zero, the more likely the gene is LoF-constrained. If a hard threshold is needed for the interpretation of Mendelian disease cases, use the upper bound of the O/E confidence interval < 0.35.
Note: Gene Metrics are not available for CNVs or mtDNA variants.
as reported in OMIM, ORPHANET, CGD, ClinVar, and academic papers included in the Emedgene's knowledge graph. Each of the entries is provided with an inheritance mode icon and a link to the source.
highlights previous pathogenicity classifications of the variant under review:
Manually Classified indicates if the variant has been previously classified in any of the organization's cases by any user.
Networks Classified indicates if the variant has been previously classified by the partnering organizations in your network.
Caution: Please be aware that as of 32.0 there might be instances where the Variant page > Clinical significance > Networks classified section appears erroneously empty. However, you can still rely on the Variant page > Related cases, which will continue to display relevant information as intended. Please utilize the Variant page > Related cases section while the fix is being implemented.
Curate indicates if the variant has been previously classified in your Curate variant database.
ClinVar provides a list of ClinVar submissions for the selected variant.
ClinGen Regions (only for CNVs) indicates whether a variant overlaps the established dosage-sensitive region defined by ClinGen.
HGMD provides a link to the HGMD public page for the selected variant.
Custom database shows a variant class from the variant database(s) curated by your organization. We can easily implement an organization's curated database of classified SNV or CNV variants to facilitate the case review.
MITOMAP shows a variant's status in MITOMAP. By clicking on the MITOMAP interactive link, you will be taken to MITOMAP: Reported Mitochondrial DNA Base Substitution Diseases: Coding and Control Region Point Mutations.
Emedgene uses ExpansionHunter by DRAGEN to call short tandem repeats (STR), also known as repeats expansions.
Thirty clinical genes associated with diseases caused by repeat expansion are called in DRAGEN version 3.9 and presented in the platform. Those genes are: AFF2, AR, ATN1, ATXN1, ATXN10, ATXN2, ATXN3, ATXN7, ATXN8OS, C9ORF72, CACNA1A, CBL, CNBP, CSTB, DIP2B, DMPK, FMR1, FXN, GIPC1, GLS, HTT, JPH3, NIPA1, NOP56, PABPN1, PHOX2B, PPP2R2B, RFC1, TBP, TCF4.
Exact sizes of short repeats are identified from spanning reads that completely contain the repeat sequence.
When the repeat length is close to the read length, the size of the repeat is approximated from the flanking reads that partially overlap the repeat and one of the repeat flanks.
If the repeat is longer than the read length, its size is estimated from reads completely contained inside the repeat (in-repeat reads). In-repeat reads anchored by their mate to the repeat region are used to estimate the size of the repeat up to the fragment length. When there is no evidence of long repeats with the same repeat motif elsewhere in the genome, pairs of in-repeat reads can also be used to estimate the size of long (greater-than-fragment-length) repeats.
Note: ExpansionHunter for STR calling is designed for use in PCR-free WGS only. While STR variants might be called in exome cases, the limitations are currently unknown and it is therefore not recommended for use.
In light of our recent experience and an internal investigation by the Illumina’s scientific team, we believe it is appropriate to enable prioritization for a subset of STR loci, but not all loci typed by DRAGEN. This is due to technical genotyping challenges and/or lack of scientific evidence of pathogenicity for the remaining loci. Current list of genes where STR may be tagged when appropriate is provided below:
Spinocerebellar ataxia 10 (SCA10)
Autosomal Dominant
Spinocerebellar ataxia 8 (SCA8)
Autosomal Dominant
Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA)
Autosomal Dominant
Spinocerebellar ataxia 1 (SCA1)
Autosomal Dominant
Spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SCA2)
Spinocerebellar ataxia 3 (SCA3)
Autosomal Dominant
Spinocerebellar ataxia 7 (SCA7)
Autosomal Dominant
Spinocerebellar ataxia 6 (SCA6)
Autosomal Dominant
Myotonic dystrophy 1 (DM1)
Autosomal Dominant
Myotonic dystrophy 1, mild
Autosomal Dominant
Fragile X tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) or Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)
Fragile X Syndrome (FXS)
Huntington's disease (HD)
Autosomal Dominant
Spinocerebellar ataxia 12 (SCA12)
Autosomal Dominant
Spinocerebellar ataxia 17 (SCA17)
Autosomal Dominant
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and/or frontotemporal dementia (FTDALS1)
Autosomal Dominant
Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA)
Friedreich ataxia (FRDA)
Autosomal Recessive
Myotonic dystrophy 2 (DM2)
Autosomal Dominant
Huntington disease-like 2 (HDL2)
Autosomal Dominant
Spinocerebellar ataxia 36 (SCA36)
Autosomal Dominant
The Summary section highlights core variant-related information from other Variant page sections:
Each of the Summary section cards has a button linking to its original location on the Variant page where you can see more details and/or edit the evidence.
Let's look closer at each of the cards:
Notes added automatically or manually in the Evidence section. Shown only if not empty.
Sequence variant (SNV/Indel), mtDNA variant (SNV/Indel): main effect*,* gene symbol, if available - HGVS descriptions on coding DNA and protein levels.
Sequence variant (SNV/Indel), mtDNA variant (SNV/Indel), STR:
variant caller (32.0+),
sample name,
depth of coverage,
percentage of alternative allele reads,
overall variant quality.
variant caller (32.0+),
sample name,
overall variant quality.
Population statistics from gnomAD (calculated for the combined gnomAD population including both exome and genome samples):
Total AF - overall alternative allele frequency,
Allele count - Counts of alternative allele (or Homoplasmy Count for mtDNA variants),
Hom/Hemi count - Counts of alternative allele in homozygous or hemizygous state (or Heteroplasmy Count for mtDNA variants),
Max AF - the highestalternative allele frequency among gnomAD populations;
Population statistics from organization databases (if available):
Allele count - Counts of alternative allele,
Hom/Hemi count - Counts of alternative allele in homozygous or hemizygous state.
STR repeats distribution displays allele counts in gnomAD and 1000 Genomes Project, as well as gnomAD pathogenicity ranges.
Number of gene-disease connections for this gene within Emedgene knowledge base,
Disease name,
Disease inheritance mode,
Link to the gene-disease connection source(s),
Number of patient's phenotypes matching disease phenotypes out of the total. Note: displayed by default for automatically tagged variants; for manually tagged variants you need to first trigger automatic generation of the evidence by entering the variant's Evidence page.
Here you can see manually-assigned variant Pathogenicity, change it or select one from the dropdown if it's empty.
This card highlights previous pathogenicity classifications in public and your private variant databases including Curate. Each classification source is represented by one badge. Uncertain and Other classifications are only shown if there are no Benign/Likely Benign and/or Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic classifications of this variant in a particular database.
Showcases ACMG tags assigned to the variant and the resulting classification.
Sequence variant (SNV/Indel), mtDNA variant (SNV/Indel)
32.0+: the final class, the criteria used and the score.
Overall estimations of in silico prediction results.
Small variant (SNV): Missense Prediction, Conservation, Splicing Prediction;
Small variant (Indel): Conservation;
mtDNA (SNV/Indel): Missense Prediction;
CNV (DEL/DUP), SV, STR: not available.
The Quality section:
Demonstrates the family tree with zygosity status and the overall variant quality indicated for each sample. Zygosity (HET, HOM, HEMI, or REF) is marked inside the pedigree symbol, and variant quality grade (H, M, or L) is denoted on the side.
The variant quality score in the proband is highlighted in the section title. Upon 32.0+, the title also features variant caller notation.
Outlines the major variant quality parameters underlying the general grade in each sequenced individual:
SNV/Indel variants:
Base Quality,
Mapping Quality,
Copy Number,
CNV Quality,
Repeat Number,
Illustrates the allele fraction per sample in a pie chart. Not relevant for CNVs.
To change the sample in review for the particular variant, click on the corresponding icon in the family tree.
The Visualization section features an IGV-based tool for the visual review of alignment data for validation and interpretation of variant calls.
Drag visualization tracks, set parameters on the right-hand side and zoom in or out to easily customize your view. To see more details, click on the track of interest.
FASTA track displays reference genome sequence;
RefSeq Genes track displays gene(s) and transcript(s) affected by the variant;
Protein domain track (37.0+) - Immediately under the RefSeq track we have added a Protein domain visualization track, using data from Uniprot GRCh38 with a liftover to GRCh37. Clicking a domain will display Name, start, end, ID and link out to UniProt. The track is available for cases created with knowledge graph 73+ versions.
Test Subject VCF track (2.28+) represents proband's variants stored in the VCF file. It may come in handy when you're looking for MNVs or large CNVs that may overlap with other variants;
Test Subject track showcases read mapping (in a FASTQ case or a VCF case with enabled read alignment view).
BAM tracks for non-proband samples represent read alignment in patient's relatives;
BigWig (2.29+)/ TNS (32.0+) track visualizes output of a systematic noise reducing pipeline - tangent normalized signal (TNS). The TNS track simplifies and increases reliability of CNV analysis. Note: On versions prior to 34.0, BigWig / TNS track is only available for WGS cases run from FASTQ.
BAF (32.0+) track presents B-Allele Frequency. The track aids in CNV and LOH analysis. Note: On versions prior to 34.0, BAF track is only available for WES and WGS samples run from FASTQ.
ROH (32.0+) track displays runs of homozygosity from whole genome calls on autosomal human chromosomes. The Regions of Homozygosity (ROH) plot is a visualization of homozygosity that may suggest the presence of uniparental isodisomy or partial isodisomy. Multiple ROH in an individual sample can indicate parental relatedness, which may be associated with an increased risk for a recessive disease. Note: On versions prior to 34.0, ROH track is only available for WGS cases run from FASTQ.
When hovering over the region, the ROH score, the number of homozygous SNVs, the number of heterozygous SNVs, and region's start and end positions are displayed.
ClinVar* track shows short variants submitted to ClinVar.
ClinVarSV* track shows structural variants submitted to ClinVar.
Curate* track (34.0+)shows short variants that have an entry in the Curate database.
CurateSV* (34.0+) track shows structural variants that have an entry in the Curate database.
*Colors indicate variant pathogenicity:
Green = Benign/Likely Benign,
Yellow = VUS,
Red = Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic,
Black = Conflicting interpretation of pathogenicity;
Grey = No assertion provided.
To assist in identifying and tracking genomic variants, the platform highlights variant regions with a light blue overlay in all relevant tracks. The highlight remains visible when zooming or panning and dynamically moves to newly selected variants.
To enhance clarity and facilitate a better understanding of genomic data, distinct reference lines are incorporated across various tracks, tailored to provide critical data points at a glance:
TNS Track:
Grey dashed line at Y=0.0
Red dashed line at Y=-0.5
Blue dashed line at Y=0.5
Y-axis fixed range from 2.0 to -2.0
BAF Track:
Grey dashed lines at Y=1.0, Y=0.5, and Y=0.0
Y-axis fixed range from 1.1 to -0.1
LogR (Array Only) Track:
Grey dashed line at Y=0.0
Red dashed line at Y=-0.5
Blue dashed line at Y=0.5
Y-axis fixed range from 2.0 to -2.0
On versions 2.29+, the Visualization section offers two viewing modes: Simple and Advanced.
By default, the Simple mode displays:
RefSeq Genes track;
Test Subject track;
Test Subject VCF track (2.28+).
Additionally, you can select whether to show:
Read alignment tracks for other case samples
(separate feature up to 2.28, part of Additional tracks in 2.29+);
All Curated data tracks for all case samples (2.29+);
All Additional tracks for all case samples (2.29+).
In the Advanced mode, you have more control over track visualization, namely, you can specifically select which Curated data tracks and Additional tracks you want to review for each sample.
The Variant page > Related Cases section offers a Dynamic CNV overlap percentage filter as well as an Overlap column for CNVs in the data table. This percentage is computed by dividing the length of a common region between CNVs by the size of the CNV under study.
Examples of CNV overlap percentage calculation (see legend below):
Orange represents the current CNV;
Violet blue represents a previously reported CNV;
Darker shade indicates the region of overlap between the current and previously reported CNV.
The ACMG SNV Classification wizard is located in the Evidence section of the Variant page. It facilitates classification of variant pathogenicity through the automation of 23 out of 28 ACMG criteria and enabling manual review and editing of the tags presented as interactive buttons.
Starting from version 32.0, the ACMG SNV Classification wizard includes a pathogenicity bar that visually represents the pathogenicity score.
The wizard is available for tagged sequence variants in disease-associated genes. The results of the classification are also highlighted in the Clinical Significance section of the Variant page. Unlike the wizard, automatically assigned criteria and resulting variant class are shown in the Clinical Significance section for all variants in disease-associated genes, regardless of their tagging status.
Each ACMG tag is represented by an interactive button including checkbox (1), name (2) and evidence strength indicator (3).
Pathogenic criteria are represented by red boxes, while benign criteria boxes are colored green. Each ACMG criterion has three possible states:
Neutral (1) - represented by an empty checkbox. Criterion requires further investigation.
Negative (2) - represented by a cross. Criterion is not applicable.
Positive (3) - represented by a tick and dark color. Criterion is applicable.
Each ACMG tag can be manually checked, unchecked, or set to an undefined state by clicking the interactive button's checkbox element.
To examine in detail or modify the underlying evidence for the particular ACMG tag, select it by clicking on the tag name. The button becomes flood-filled (b), as opposed to it's original, non-selected, state (a).
Upon selection, a description of the criterion and its underlying evidence emerges below. Yes and No radio buttons accompany each piece of evidence. The tag can be assigned if Yes has been selected for all the underlying conditions.
You may modify evidence strength in the Strength dropdown (Stand Alone, Very Strong, Strong, Moderate, Supporting), which will impact both the pathogenicity class and score calculations.
On versions 32.0+, you have the capability to add a note alongside a tag.
After you've modified ACMG classification, you can either save manual changes by pressing the Save button or reset via Revert manual changes. Keep in mind that after saving your edits, Revert manual changes will become unavailable.
The ACMG SNV Classification wizard is available for ACMG classification of tagged mtDNA variants. To classify an mtDNA variant, please manually assign the relevant criteria; the resulting ACMG classification will be calculated automatically.
Seven criteria have been removed in compliance with Specifications of the ACMG/AMP standards and guidelines for mitochondrial DNA variant interpretation (2020): PM1, PM3, PP2, PP5, BP1, BP3, BP6.
The Population Statistics section addresses detailed population allele data across various ethnicities in public and internal databases.
Public databases (SNVs): 1000 Genomes, ESP 6500, ExAC, and gnomAD
Public databases (CNVs): 1000 Genomes, gnomAD SV, Decipher, DGV
Internal databases: EmedgeneDB and organization's NoiseDB or other custom databases
By clicking on a particular row of the table, it will provide additional details including alternative allele frequency, alternative allele count, and homozygotes count reported for the selected population by different sources.
The Population Statistics section displays population allele data across various ethnicities in:
Public databases: gnomAD and MITOMAP
Internal databases: EmedgeneDB and organization's NoiseDB or other custom databases
By clicking on a particular row of the table, it will provide additional details including the highest homoplasmy frequency, heteroplasmy count, homoplasmy count, and the total number of samples.
The Related Cases section highlights tagged variants that appear in previously analyzed cases, both within your organization and among organizations in your network(s).
Note: data is automatically lifted over between genome references on the fly.
Simple mode allows you to show or hide Network data altogether.
Advanced mode gives you the flexibility to select specific networks to display.
Green - Benign,
Blue - Likely Benign,
Light grey - VUS,
Orange - Likely Pathogenic,
Red - Pathogenic,
Dark grey - N/A;
You can filter cases by Pathogenicity simply by clicking on the respective section of the percent bar. To clear filters, click on See all.
The filter allows to manually adjust the lower limit of one-way annotation overlap between the current CNV and CNVs that have been reported earlier by using a slider.
Variant and case specifics are available with a single click on the corresponding row of the table (31.0+):
Proband ID,
proband phenotypes,
proband age,
proband sex,
maternal and paternal ethnicity,
case type.
Collaborator (32.0+)
The organization from which the case originates. Either your organization or the collaborating organization that is part of your network.
Case status icon (32.0+)
Lock icon(32.0+)
The lock icon is displayed for cases that have opted out of extended sharing.
Case ID (32.0+) or Case name (before 32.0)
Displays the Case ID and the reference genome used.
Variant Details (2.29+, CNV variants)
Displays variant coordinates in GRCh37 and GRCh38 genome references, along with the CNV length.
Overlap (2.29+, CNV variants)
CNV annotation overlap percentage.
Variant's Pathogenicity assigned in the previous case.
Date of case creation.
Previously assigned Variant tag.
Zygosity (30.0+) or Variant Inheritance (before 30.0)
Variant zygosity in the proband and other case samples. Bold indicates an affected individual.
Link icon (32.0+)
Available for cases from your organization. Upon clicking, the Cases tab, filtered by the respective Case ID, will open in a new browser tab. Here you can check the Case details.
Letter icon (32.0+)
Want to get in touch with a collaborator from your network? Simply click the letter icon, and their email address will be copied to your clipboard.
where you and other users in your group can manually assign variant pathogenicity by selecting an option from the dropdown (Pathogenic, Likely Pathogenic, VUS, Likely Benign, Benign).
If the variant is already in your Curate database, the previously selected pathogenicity will be marked with a Curate logo.
that include basic variant details added by the AI Shortlist algorithm.
The notes can be manually edited (Edit text link). In editing mode, Paste icon becomes available. You can select actions from the dropdown menu, including:
Import data from Curate:
Gene - import Interpretation from Curate Genes)
Variant - import Interpretation from Curate Variants
Choose from related cases - connect summary notes available for the variant if it was classified in one of your organization's previous cases.
Choose from template - generate variant interpretation using the Variant interpretation template.
under the Evidence box links to the Evidence page where you can assess more extensive evidence and generate an evidence graph for the variant under review.
to review and modify the automatically assigned sequence variant pathogenicity class. 23 out of 28 ACMG criteria are automated; the other five should be checked manually. On 32.0+. the software additionally calculates the variant score based on a points-based system recommended by the ACMG.
to review and modify the automatically assigned genomic variant pathogenicity class. Mostly automated.
to indicate if the variant should or has been submitted for validation through Sanger sequencing.
Note: Keep in mind that the Evidence section is active only for variants that have been automatically or manually tagged. To enable the Evidence section, you need to assign any tag to the variant under consideration.
The collapsible Variant page sidebar allows you to access key case information, connect with Alamut and IGV, and view activity log, all within the Variant page. To expand the sidebar, click the arrow icon on the top right, and click again to collapse it.
The Variant page sidebar consists of three tabs:
Case Info tab displays relevant details about the case: sample names, the location of the BAM files connected to the case (if any), affected vs healthy sample status, and proband phenotypes.
Desktop App tab allows users to manage integration with the IGV and Alamut desktop applications.
Activity tab records variant-level user activities such as tagging a variant, adding comments, drafting variant interpretation notes, and editing the evidence graph. This aids collaboration and ensures a traceable record of variant interpretation.
is immediately accessible for cases that have been analyzed from FASTQ or BAM files. If the analysis was performed from VCF files, mapping visualization can be enabled using local BAM files.
a. Creating a case via API with location of alignment files* defined in JSON;
b. Loading local alignment files* to your case in Emedgene.
Click on the button in the top right corner of the section and select relevant BAM and BAI files stored on your PC. After that, you will be able to select the samples to be shown in the viewer by selecting the corresponding sample names on top of the section.
BAM and BAI (or CRAM and CRAI)
The ACMG CNV Classification wizard is located in the of the . Itis available for tagged genomic variants.
The tool automatically scores sections 1, 2, 3, and partially scores sections 4 and 5 of the , including the full PVS1 calculation required for intragenic variants. All the relevant data is summarized in an accessible table.
Automatically calculated ACMG class | ACMG score
ACMG score sliderdepicting ranges of ACMG score values for each ACMG class and where the current classification falls: Benign: ≤-0.99; Likely Benign: -0.98...-0.90; VUS: -0.89...0.89; Likely Pathogenic: 0.90...0.98; Pathogenic: ≥0.99.
Reclassify button that enables Edit mode
Gene Number:
Number of protein-coding RefSeq genes overlapped by the CNV; of these:
Genes affected by breakpoints - protein-coding RefSeq genes affected by CNV's breakpoints, and positions of breakpoints relative to the canonical transcript of each affected gene. Keep in mind that sometimes a breakpoint falls into more than one gene because genes may overlap.
Gene table that provides a summary of the affected protein-coding genes:
Gene description:
Name - HGNC gene symbol,
Strand orientation;
Overlap info:
Gene - percentage of a gene involved in a CNV,
CNV - percentage of a CNV that overlaps with a gene;
ClinGen dosage sensitivity scores:
TS - ClinGen triplosensitivity score,
HI - ClinGen haploinsufficiency score;
HI predictors:
gnomAD pLI score (colored in red if pLI > 0.9),
DECIPHER HI index (colored in red if HI < 10);
Canonical transcript:
RefSeq ID,
5’ UTR - affected or not,
exons involved out of total,
NMD flag if the CNV is predicted to undergo nonsense mediated decay.
ClinVar flag if there are Clinvar Path SNV in the last exon
*Criteria with variable score:
2F, 2I;
4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4I, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4O;
5A, 5B, 5C, 5E, 5G, 5H.
Since version 32.0, the software calculates the variant score based on a recommended by the ACMG.
The software computes the ACMG score for SNVs by assigning points to each active criterion based on the strength of evidence provided:
Supporting evidence: 1 point,
Moderate evidence: 2 points,
Strong evidence: 4 points,
Stand alone/very strong evidence: 8 points.
The total score is determined by summing the points from the pathogenic criteria checked, minus the sum of points from benign criteria. The score is interpreted according to the following thresholds:
Pathogenic: ≥ 10,
Likely Pathogenic: 6 to 9,
Uncertain Significance: 0 to 5,
Likely Benign: -6 to -1,
Benign: ≤ -7.
For mtDNA variants, the software excludes the following tags from the score calculation: PM1, PM3, PP2, PP5, BP1, BP3, and BP6.
We implemented a technical automated solution for most criteria based on our scientific advisors’ recommendations and feedback from top clinical customers. For each criterion, we elaborate on the logic employed and the associated underlying thresholds. In addition, we give the user the flexibility to change the weight of specific criteria based on his professional judgment as recommended by ACMG/AMP guidelines.
For mtDNA variants, the software excludes the following tags from the score calculation: PM1, PM3, PP2, PP5, BP1, BP3, and BP6.
Importantly, we have made some adaptations of specific criteria (described below), and several criteria are not automatically calculated and require manual evaluation: PS4, PP4, BP5, BS1 and BS2.
PVS1: “Null variant in a gene where LOF is a known mechanism of disease.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
Variant must be “null variant”: We assess null variants as variants with high severity effect (i.e stop-gain, frameshift etc.). It should be noted that variants with a high splice prediction effect will be included in this tag independently of their main effect.
LoF is a known mechanism of disease within the relevant gene: We are checking in ClinVar if there are any submissions of pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants with the following attributes: A review status with minimum 2 stars, LoF variant, variant within the related gene and size less than 51bp.
PS1: “Same amino acid change as a previously established pathogenic variant regardless of nucleotide change.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
Variant must be a missense.
The splicing prediction for the variant should not be High.
A different missense ClinVar pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant (with 2-4 stars) has been previously described leading to the same amino acid change.
PS2: “De novo (both maternity and paternity confirmed) in a patient with the disease and no family history.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
Variant is de novo variant: A de novo variant is defined as a variant with zygosity heterozygote (on autosome or on chromosome X for female) or HEMI (on chromosome X for male) for the proband and reference for the parents (parents have to be unaffected).
The relatedness of the samples has been confirmed: As part of the lab validation service, we are checking the familial relatedness based on the genomic data.
PS3: “Well-established in vitro or in vivo functional studies supportive of a damaging effect on the gene or gene product.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant was reported in ClinVar as Pathogenic or Likely Pathogenic with 2-4 stars.
Supporting evidence from functional studies is available. For this, we are checking the publications associated with ClinVar submission and if any of them contain functional studies.
On the UI interface, the user also has the possibility to add a publication supporting a damaging effect on the gene or gene product.
PS4: “The prevalence of the variant in affected individuals is significantly increased compared with the prevalence in controls.”
This criterion is not currently automated, however the user can manually enter the corresponding information on the UI.
PM1: “Located in a mutational hot spot and/or critical and well-established functional domain (e.g., active site of an enzyme) without benign variation”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant should be a missense variant.
The variant should be in a Hotspot region: A Hotspot region is defined as a region of 30 bp surrounding the variant, where the number of missense pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants reported in ClinVar is greater than 70% of the total number of missense variants reported in ClinVar for this region.
The Hotspot region should contain at least 10 missense variants reported in ClinVar.
Note: The tag isn't relevant for mtDNA variants and won't be automatically applied to them.
PM2: “Absent from controls (or at extremely low frequency if recessive) in Exome Sequencing Project, 1000 Genomes Project, ExAC or Gnomad (not comprising Gnomad other) and Local database if >1000.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
For dominant disorders, the variant was not reported in any relevant population statistic database.
For recessive disorders, the variant was reported with an allele frequency lower than 0.5 % and an hom/hemi count lower than 3 in any relevant population statistic database.
PM3: “For recessive disorders, detected in trans with a pathogenic variant.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The case must contain parental information.
The variant must be compound heterozygote.
The second variant (in trans) must be reported as pathogenic/likely pathogenic in ClinVar (with 2-4 stars).
The disease inheritance mode must be recessive.
Note: The tag isn't relevant for mtDNA variants and won't be automatically applied to them.
PM4: “Protein length changes as a result of in-frame deletions/insertions (in a non-repeat region) and stop losses.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant is an in-frame insertion or deletion variant.
The variant is not within a repeat region. The repeat regions used are the ones as defined by Repeat masker data from UCSC.
OR 3. The variant is a stop lost.
PM5: “Novel missense change at an amino acid residue where a different missense change determined to be pathogenic has been seen before.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
Variant must be a missense variant.
This variant or a different missense pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant has been previously described in ClinVar at the same amino acid position. Please note, we modified this condition to take into consideration the described variant.
PM6: “Assumed de novo, but without confirmation of paternity and maternity.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
Variant is a de novo variant: A de novo variant is defined as a variant with zygosity heterozygote (on autosome or on chromosome X for female) or HEMI (on chromosome X for male) for the proband and reference for the parents (parents have to be unaffected).
The relatedness of the samples has not been confirmed.
PP1: “Cosegregation with disease in multiple affected family members in a gene definitively known to cause the disease.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The case should contain at least 2 affected members.
The variant segregates with the disease within the pedigree.
The variant is in a gene known to cause a disease with a phenotypic match.
PP2: “Missense variant in a gene that has a low rate of benign missense variation and in which missense variants are a common mechanism of disease.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant must be a missense variant.
The gene has a low rate of benign missense variation and in which, missense variants are a common mechanism of disease. This condition is evaluated by comparing the number of missense pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants reported in ClinVar (with 2-4 stars) to the number of missense benign/likely benign variants reported in ClinVar (with 2-4 stars). The condition is fulfilled if the number of pathogenic/likely pathogenic missense variants is higher or equal to twice the number of benign/likely benign missense variants.
At least 10 missense variants with 2-4 stars were submitted to ClinVar for this gene.
Note: The tag isn't relevant for mtDNA variants and won't be automatically applied to them.
PP3: “Multiple lines of computational evidence support a deleterious effect on the gene or gene product (conservation, evolutionary, splicing impact).”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of at least 2 out of the 3 following conditions:
The conservation prediction score is HIGH.
The splicing prediction score is HIGH.
The variant effect is predicted to be damaging.
PP4: “Patient’s phenotype or family history is highly specific for a disease with a single genetic etiology.”
This criterion is not currently automated, however, the user can manually enter the corresponding information on the UI.
PP5: “Reputable source recently reports variant as pathogenic, but the evidence is not available to the laboratory to perform an independent evaluation.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant was reported in ClinVar as Pathogenic or Likely Pathogenic with 2-4 stars.
Supporting evidence from functional studies is not available. For this, we are checking the publications associated with ClinVar submissions and if any of them contain functional studies.
Note: The tag isn't relevant for mtDNA variants and won't be automatically applied to them.
BA1: “Allele frequency is >5% in Exome Sequencing Project, 1000 Genomes Project, ExAC or Gnomad (not comprising Gnomad other) and Local database if >1000.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant has an allele frequency > 5% in the relevant population statistic database.
BS1: “Allele frequency is greater than expected for the disorder.”
This criterion is not currently automated, however the user can manually enter the corresponding information on the UI.
BS2: “Observed in a healthy adult individual for a recessive (homozygous), dominant (heterozygous), or X-linked (hemizygous) disorder, with full penetrance expected at an early age.”
This criterion is partially automated, however the user can manually enter the corresponding information on the UI.
The variant has been observed in a population statistics database.
The observed zygosity for the variant is similar to the one described in the population statistics database.
The associated disease should occur at an early age (age of onset < 10 years old).
The disease should have 100% penetrance.
BS3: “Well-established in vitro or in vivo functional studies show no damaging effect on protein function or splicing.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant was reported in ClinVar as Benign or Likely Benign with 2-4 stars.
Supporting evidence from functional studies is available. For this, we are checking the publications associated with ClinVar submission and if any of them contains functional studies.
On the UI interface the user also has the possibility to add a publication supporting no damaging effect on the gene or gene product.
BS4: “Lack of segregation in affected members of a family.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The case is not a singleton.
The variant is not segregating with the disease within the pedigree.
BP1: “Missense variant in a gene for which primarily truncating variants are known to cause disease.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant must be a missense.
Primarily truncating variants are known to cause disease for this gene. This condition is evaluated by comparing the number of missense pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants reported in ClinVar (with 2-4 stars) to the number of missense benign/likely benign variants reported in ClinVar (with 2-4 stars). The condition is fulfilled if the number of benign/likely benign missense variants is higher or equal to 5 times the number of pathogenic/likely pathogenic missense variants.
At least 10 missense variants with 2-4 stars were submitted to ClinVar for this gene.
Note: The tag isn't relevant for mtDNA variants and won't be automatically applied to them.
BP2: “Observed in trans with a pathogenic variant for a fully penetrant dominant gene / disorder or observed in cis with a pathogenic variant in any inheritance pattern.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The case must contain the parents.
The variant must be compound heterozygote.
The second variant (in trans) must be reported as pathogenic/likely pathogenic in ClinVar (with 2-4 stars).
The disease inheritance mode must be dominant.
Or the fulfillment to the following conditions:
The case must contain the parents.
There is a variant in cis which has been reported pathogenic or likely pathogenic in ClinVar (with 2-4 stars).
BP3: “In-frame deletions/insertions in a repetitive region without a known function.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant is an in-frame insertion or deletion variant.
The variant is within a repeat region. The repeat regions used are the ones as defined by Repeat masker data from UCSC.
Note: TheThe tag isn't relevant for mtDNA variants and won't be automatically applied to them.
BP4: “Multiple lines of computational evidence suggest no impact on gene or gene product (conservation, evolutionary, splicing impact, etc.)”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The conservation prediction score is not HIGH.
The splicing prediction score is LOW or Unknown.
The variant effect is predicted to be neutral.
BP5: “Variant found in a case with an alternate molecular basis for disease.”
This criterion is not currently automated, however the user can manually enter the corresponding information on the UI.
BP6: “Reputable source recently reports variant as benign, but the evidence is not available to the laboratory to perform an independent evaluation.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant was reported in ClinVar as benign/likely benign with 2-4 stars.
Supporting evidence from functional studies is not available. For this, we are checking the publications associated with ClinVar submission and if any of them contain functional studies.
Note: The tag isn't relevant for mtDNA variants and won't be automatically applied to them.
BP7: “A synonymous (silent) variant for which splicing prediction algorithms predict no impact to the splice consensus sequence nor the creation of a new splice site AND the nucleotide is not highly conserved.”
For this criterion, we are checking the fulfillment of the following conditions:
The variant must be a synonymous variant.
The splicing prediction score is LOW or Unknown.
The conservation prediction score is not HIGH.
While navigating between variants in the emedgene platform, there is an option to change the genomic position in the full-featured desktop application according to the currently selected variant. How cool is that?
In order to enable or disable control of IGV from a web browser, please open your desktop IGV application and follow the instructions:
Go to the View menu and select Preferences.
Go to the Advanced tab.
Select or unselect the Enable port option to enable or disable the feature, respectively.
Save the changes.
That's it!
* CNV (DEL/DUP): CNV length, variant type, number of genes involved, list of gene symbols. If the gene list is partial, you may hover over it to see the full list.
before 32.0: the final class and the criteria used.
Genotype Quality.
Bin Count.
Repeat Length.
This tool is highly accurate and can save 75-90% of manual review time for CNVs ().
Number of established ClinGen genes, i.e., genes with sufficient evidence of dosage sensitivity (defined by having of 3) or dosage insensitivity (scores of 40),
Number of predicted haploinsufficient genes (if applicable) - defined as genes with gnomAD probability of loss of function intolerance (pLI) score ≥0.9 and the DECIPHER HI index ≤10.00.
3’ UTR - affected or not.
Evidence sections. The wizard is designed to allow users to easily edit and rescore each section: a. In each section, the criterion selected is color-coded based on its score (hence, pathogenicity of the piece of evidence): * green indicates negative scores (benign evidence), * grey indicates zero (neutral evidence), and * red indicates positive scores (pathogenic evidence).
b. Clicking on a section box reveals the active criterion, its score, and notes box. Here you can: i. add notes; ii. change the criterion's score .
Emedgene implementation of the ACMG variant classification for SNV follows the “” published in 2015 by Sue Richards et al. Genetics in medicine 17.5 (2015): 405-423. These guidelines define 28 criteria that address types of evidence for the interpretation of sequence variants.
The variant is not part of the .