[CLI] Storage size can be entered by name
[CLI] Details of a project analysis can be retrieved by entering the analysis Id
[CLI] A list of metadata models can be retrieved
[CLI] A list of regions can be retrieved
[CLI] A list of storage configurations can be retrieved
[CLI] A pipeline can be linked to a project by using the name/id of the pipeline as an argument
[CLI] A pipeline can be unlinked from a project by defining the name/id as an argument
[CLI] A list of storage bundles can be retrieved
[API] Usability improvements for the list project data API:
Modify filePath query param to behave as prefix instead of exact match by default
Add filePathMatchMode query param
Add parentFolderPath query param
[API] Add API endpoint to refresh a JWT (POST /api/tokens:refresh)
[CLI] Add CLI command to create projects
[API] Support search by tags on samples search API
Renew macOS connector certificate
When a filter is applied and you select a folder, you can see the content from that folder without th* Connector rules for a project can only be changed when you are active in that project
It is possible to link more than 2000 files to a bundle or another project
Data coming from a project in another tenant can be linked when you are invite for collaboration
The error from a failed pipeline analysis is visible on the details page
Species and type are unique within a tenant, not across tenants
Sqs and sns test messages are aligned with the email test message
A collaborating user from another tenant is able to see the details view of a pipeline analysis run.
Bundle data can be used via API
When executing api/projects/{projectId}/data and a file already exist, there is an indication that thresponse.
Connector cancel button is renamed to delete to make its functionality more clearly
[CLI] Modify pipeline start command to use pipeline name or ID as an argument instead of a flag parameter
[API] Removed endpoint to POST on a sample metadata model
[Base] Fix error message when viewing a query from query history that no longer returns results
[CLI] Fix for CLI upload command when uploading a folder with 0 bytes files
[API] Fix create bundle API to return error when bundle with existing name is attempted to be created
[API] Fix for non-functional If-Match header on PUT requests
[CLI] Fix folder upload "panic: close of closed channel" error
[API] Fix API for project creation returning success with invalid storage configuration provided
[Bench] Fix for docker build logs not showing when build is interrupted
Fix population of sample metadata from multiple analyses on the same sample
Fix error message for missing docker image on tool creation
[CLI] Fix pipeline create command to make pipeline code an argument instead of a flag parameter
Fix UI element for tags to remove active button appearance
Fix error when attempting to link pipeline with no pipeline selected
Fix error message when attempting to add field to Base table schema with invalid characters
Fix issue with analysis outputs files and logs not showing after analysis completion
Fix UI issue with pipeline selection in the Generated by Pipelines field of the view to create a Base s
Fix issue with a duplicate workspace being created while editing a workspace
Fix issue for table creation using schedule for metadata
Fix Base viewer role when applied to workgroups
Fixed Issue: optional parameters for Nextflow pipeline cause error when value not provided
Fixed issue when selecting data records to export from the Data overview page on a Bundle
Fix for Base saved queries not visible in shared project
Fix minor price calculation error (rounding) for Base storage
API cursor-based and offset-set paging
Authorize calls using Illumina API key
Multiple reference data elements are possible when starting an analysis
APIs added for:
Account, User, Workgroup
Connector, Download Rule, Upload Rule
Data, Data Format, Data Transfer
Event Log
Project, Project Analysis, Project Data, Project Permission, Project Sample, Project Pipeline
Metadata model
Notifications, Event Codes
OpenAPI v3 API Spec published at https://ica.illumina.com/ica/api/swagger/index.html
Added sort parameter to several APIs
Custom event payload is defined as a json
Separate call to retrieve metadata model fields available
Add rclone temporary credentials support in the API to retrieve folder upload session details
Tokens API POST also contains basic authentication
Activation code endpoints are aligned with start analysis endpoints
Base templates cannot be deleted
Information can be written from Bench to Base
Viewer/Contributor permissions are introduced in Snowflake
Saved Template details can be edited
Access via Illumina authentication is available
Snowflake access token can be created
Added new Bundles feature for sharing data with other users
ICA allows the user to connect an S3 bucket as storage instead of an Illumina managed storage
An overview of all storage configurations is available
Secrets can be managed for the storage configuration
A new storage configuration can be added
The health status of a configuration can be monitored
A storage configuration can be deleted when not used in a project
Storage type and health are displayed in the overview
When selecting own storage ICA will return you a list of all BYOBs in the chosen region
A default bucket can be selected for every region
Data is automatically archived/deleted when the grace period (if present) is over
Data is archived/deleted automatically by a housekeeping mechanism
An admin user can change the date to be archived/deleted at any time
Data has a status
Data format is automatically detected at creation
Files can be grouped in a sample
Data can have additional linked projects
The data screen shows project data and data linked via a bundle
3 new columns are present in the data grid: "Owning Project", "Linked Projects" and "Linked Bundles"
The record is displayed in the data grid depending on the data being linked or not
Filter on Status with checkboxes on status values is possible
Total Data Size is available
Data can be linked/unlinked to/from a project
Only root parent files and folders are shown when opening the data grid
Deleted status does not exist anymore
Data from projects with Data Sharing disabled cannot be linked
Project is hidden instead of (soft-)delete
Metadata models can be created for linking to a project
Add support for Nextflow pipeline language
A pipeline input can have multiple formats
Output JSON for CWL analysis is shown
Ongoing logfiles are available for the user
You have two options to define a CWL pipeline: Graphical editor or code
Test connection button is available for SQS
Checkbox is added to toggle view between all rules or only your own rules
Notification channels can be validated
Subscription can be edited
Custom subscriptions are possible
Notifications can be received via SQS, SNS, Mail, and Webhook
All users have an overview of all the notifications used in their tenant
Notification channels are only visible for tenant admins
Notifications can have a filter expression to only receive specific events
A project administrator can grant permission to a single user on a project
A project administrator can invite somebody unknown to ICA to his project
A contributor can manage reference data
A project administrator can define who pays for using my project
A project administrator can invite a workgroup to a project
When multiple project roles are given to a user/workgroup the correct project role is applied
Team-page in projects and bundles are aligned
Reference data can exist in multiple regions
Species and type are being populated per tenant
Data can become reference data
Data tree shows all the regions in which the reference data is available