There are a few ways to find out which version you are using:
Navigate to Cases Page and inspect the bottom right corner of the page.
Navigate to the workgroup selector by clicking your workgroup name in the top right corner of the page and click Change Workgroup.
Navigate to Configuration Page by clicking the ⚙ icon in the top right corner of the page and click the Software Update tab.
If you wish to upgrade, follow these steps:
Decide which workgroups you want to transition to the new version and when. You can upgrade one, several or all of workgroups as convenient for your organization.
Then, a lab director user needs to:
Click your workgroup name in the top right corner of the page.
Click Change Workgroup.
Click the workgroup that you want to upgrade.
Click Next.
Navigate to Configuration Page by clicking the ⚙ icon in the top right corner of the page
Click the Software Update tab.
Click Update. The workgroup will be upgraded to the next software version.
Repeat the above steps for each workgroup you want to upgrade.