DRAGEN TSO 500 ctDNA Analysis Software has optional and required fields that are required in addition to general sample sheet requirements. Follow the steps below to create a valid samplesheet.
TSO 500L Data Section header changes depending on the deployment:
Standalone DRAGEN Server and ICA with Manual Launch: TSO500L_Data
ICA with Auto-launch: Cloud_TSO500L_Data
The unique ID to identify a sample. The sample ID is included in the output file names. Sample IDs are not case sensitive. Sample IDs must have the following characteristics:
- Unique for the run.
- 1–40 characters.
- No spaces.
- Alphanumeric characters with underscores and dashes. If you use an underscore or dash, enter an alphanumeric character before and after the underscore or dash. eg, Sample1-T5B1_022515.
- Cannot be called all
, default
, none
, unknown
, undetermined
, stats
, or reports
- Must match a Sample_ID listed in the BCL Convert Data section.
- Each sample must have a unique combination of Lane (if applicable), sample ID, and index ID or the analysis will fail.
Enter DNA
Not Required
Sample description must meet the following requirements: - 1–50 characters. - Alphanumeric characters with underscores, dashes and spaces. If you enter a underscore, dash, or space, enter an alphanumeric character before and after. eg, Liquid-Sample_213.
To ensure a successful analysis, follow these guidelines:
Avoid any blank lines at the end of the sample sheet; these can cause the analysis to fail.
When running local analysis using the command line save the sample sheet in the sequencing run folder with the default name SampleSheet.csv
, or choose a different name and specify the path in the command-line options.
Refer to the following requirements to create sample sheets for running the analysis on ICA with Auto-launch. For sample sheet requirements common between deployments see Standard Sample Sheet Requirements. Samples sheets can be created using BaseSpace Run Planning Tool or manually by downloading and editing a sample sheet template
To auto-launch analysis from the sequencer run folder, ensure the StartsFromFastq and SampleSheetRequested fields are set to FALSE. To auto-launch analysis from FASTQs after BCL Convert auto-launch, StartsFromFastq and SampleSheet Requested fields must be set to TRUE
Refer to [TSO500L_Data] Section for this section's requirements.
Not Required
The TSO500S software version
Set the value to TRUE or FALSE. To auto-launch from BCL files, set to FALSE. To auto-launch from FASTQ files after auto-launch of BCL Convert, set to TRUE.
Set the value to TRUE or FALSE.
To auto-launch from BCL files, set to FALSE. To auto-launch from FASTQ files after auto-launch of BCL Convert, set to TRUE.
Not Required
The same sample ID used in the Cloud_TSO500L_Data section.
Not Required
The BaseSpace project name.
Not Required
Combination of sample ID and index values in the following format: sampleID_Index_Index2
The Library Prep Kit used.
Not Required
The Index Adapter Kit used.
Not Required
The cloud GSS version used to create the sample sheet. Optional if manually updating a sample sheet.
Not Required
This value is a universal record number (URN) . The valid value is: urn:ilmn:ica:pipeline:850b4fe6-2a2f-4a85-ae57-cf082dfbefd4#DRAGEN_TruSight_Oncology_500_ctDNA_v2_6_1_4
The value is a URN in the following format: urn:ilmn:ica:pipeline: <pipeline-ID>#<pipeline-name>
This section describes fields specific for sample sheets for NovaSeq 6000Dx Analysis Application. For more information on DRAGEN TSO 500 ctDNA Analysis Software sample sheet requirements, refer to the sections above.
Mismatches between the samples and index primers can cause incorrect results due to loss of positive sample identification. Enter sample IDs and assign indexes in the sample sheet before beginning library preparation. Record sample IDs, indexes, and plate well orientation for reference during library preparation.
Enter the IRM iapp software version 2.6.1-4v2
The following instructions describe steps to set up a run on NovaSeq 6000Dx Analysis Application.
Use the following steps to configure a TruSight™ Oncology 500 ctDNA run in Illumina Run Manager.
Go to the "Runs" section of Illumina Run Manager by selecting "Runs" on the left-hand side.
Enter sample data manually or by importing a sample sheet
To enter sample data run manually, select “Create Run”.
Choose "DRAGEN TruSight™ Oncology 500 ctDNA Analysis Application" from the "Create Run" screen to set-up and analyze runs for TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA assay.
On the "Run Settings" screen, enter a run name with the following criteria:
1 - 40 characters.
Alphanumeric characters, underscores, or dashes only.
Unique across all runs on the instrument.
The run name identifies the run from sequencing through analysis.
[Optional] Enter a run description. The run description must have the following criteria:
1 - 50 characters.
Alphanumeric characters or spaces only.
Spaces must be preceded and followed by an alphanumeric character.
Select kit used during library preparation:
TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA
TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA v2
Index adapter kit will be automatically selected based on the library prep kit selection
[Optional] Enter a library tube ID.
Depending on the library prep kit selected, additional fields will be populated for run settings and are not editable. Read and index lengths will differ between library prep kit type.
Use the table on the "Sample Data" screen to enter sample information manually.
Select lane information. Options include one to four, or all lanes.
Enter a unique sample ID in the sample ID field with the following criteria:
Controls should be added first.
1 - 40 characters.
Alphanumeric characters, underscores, or dashes only.
Underscores and dashes must be preceded and followed by an alphanumeric character.
Select an index set ID for the DNA library prepared from the sample.
[Optional] Enter a library name.
Depending on the options selected for index set ID, additional fields will be auto-populated for sample data and are not editable.
Use the table on the "Sample Settings" screen to enter additional sample information.
[Optional] Enter a sample name with the following criteria:
1 - 50 characters.
Alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores, or spaces.
Spaces, underscores, and dashes must be preceded and followed by an alphanumeric character.
[Optional] Enter a sample description with the following criteria:
1 - 50 characters.
Alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores, or spaces.
Spaces, underscores, and dashes must be preceded and followed by an alphanumeric character.
Additional fields will be auto-populated based on selections made in the Sample Data screen, which are not editable.
Before starting your run, review that the information entered is correct in the “Run Review” page before saving.
Sample Sheet templates for TSO 500 ctDNA standalone DRAGEN server and ICA manual launch analysis can be found in the table below. For auto-launch compatible sample sheets, use BaseSpace Run Planner.
DRAGEN TSO 500 ctDNA analysis software is compatible with several instruments and assay workflows, each of which have implications for the sample sheet.
Sample sheet templates contain all required fields, including index sequences in the proper orientation for all indexes from a given library prep kit. The templates are provided as a starting point for creating a sample sheet manually when launching analysis on a standalone DRAGEN server or on ICA using manual launch.
For interactive run planning or to create a sample sheet for ICA Autolaunch, use to create valid sample sheets for either local or cloud analysis. To set up a run in BaseSpace run planner, refer to .
Users can visit the section to learn additional details on required fields and values as they fill-in their sample information. Use the lookup table below to select and download the sample sheet template that matches your instrument, assay, and workflow configuration:
A sample sheet is required for each analysis with DRAGEN TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA Analysis Software. A sample sheet is a comma-separated value (*.csv) file format used by Illumina instruments, platforms, and analysis pipelines to store settings and data for sequencing and analysis. The DRAGEN TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA Analysis Software is compatible with the sample sheet v2. For general information on the sample sheet v2, refer to .
The sample sheet includes a list of samples and their index sequences, along with additional information required to run DRAGEN TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA Analysis Software. For example, the library prep kit used for analysis will need to be listed in the sample sheet. Appropriate index adapter sequences are determined by the assay used to perform analysis.
When running analysis on a standalone DRAGEN server or on ICA, a valid sample sheet can be created by:
BaseSpace Run Planner (preferred), see for details
Downloading and modifying a sample sheet template following the requirements, see for details
When running analysis using a NovaSeq 6000Dx Analysis Application, a valid sample sheet can be created by:
Using the user interface of the DRAGEN TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA Analysis Application, see for details
Downloading and modifying a sample sheet template following the requirements (see for details), then importing it to Illumina Run Manager.
The run set up section of this guide includes specific instructions to plan a run and set up a valid sample sheet for each deployment of DRAGEN TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA Analysis Software.
Alternately, select Import Samples to upload sample information. Refer to for sample sheet requirements.
The BaseSpace Sequence Hub Run Planning tool is available, and is used to generate a valid sample sheet in v2 format for use on a TSO 500 ctDNA supported sequencer for both ICA and Standalone DRAGEN Server analysis options. Filling out the form on the user interface will produce a exportable sample sheet with the required fields filled in. Refer to ICA Auto-launch Sample Sheet Requirements for descriptions of fields that appear in ICA sample sheets.
The sections below represent each step in the BaseSpace Run Planning tool.
Note that NovaSeq X Series has a different run set up configuration screen than other instrument platforms. TSO 500 ctDNA does not support multi analysis, and in order to run TSO 500 ctDNA on NovaSeq X Series, enter the appropriate Read 1, Read 2, Index 1 and Index 2 described in the instructions below.
BaseSpace Run Planning tool cannot generate a valid sample sheet for the NovaSeq 6000Dx TSO 500 ctDNA Analysis Application on Illumina Run Manager. Refer to Sample Sheet Requirements page to create a valid sample sheet.
Run Name
Run Name can contain 255 alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores, periods, and spaces; and must start with an alphanumeric, a dash or an underscore.
Run Description
Run Description can contain 255 characters except square brackets, asterisks, and commas.
Instrument Platform
Choose from TSO 500 ctDNA supported instruments:
NovaSeq 6000/6000Dx
NovaSeq X Series
Secondary Analysis
BaseSpace/Illumina Connected Analytics (to generate sample sheet for cloud analysis)
Read 1
Required on Instrument Platform NovaSeq X Series
Fill with value 101 for TSO 500 ctDNA analysis
Index 1
Required on Instrument Platform NovaSeq X Series
Fill with value 10 for TSO 500 ctDNA analysis
Index 2
Required on Instrument Platform NovaSeq X Series
Fill with value 10 for TSO 500 ctDNA analysis
Read 2
Required on Instrument Platform NovaSeq X Series
Fill with value 101 for TSO 500 ctDNA analysis
Sample Container ID
Unique Identifier for the container that holds the sample
Note: On NovaSeq X Series, this page is called "Configuration 1". The right hand corner of the UI displays the Read 1, Read 2, Index 1 and Index 2 entered on the previous run settings screen.
DRAGEN TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA Analysis Software - 2.6.1
Optional text field
Library Prep Kit
TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA (only for NovaSeq 6000/6000Dx instruments)
TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA v2
Index Adapter Kit
TSO 500 ctDNA:
TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA (NovaSeq6000Dx)
TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA (NovaSeq6000)
TSO 500 ctDNA v2:
TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA Index Set A and B (UDP 1-192) (NovaSeq6000Dx, NovaSeqX Series)
TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA Index Set A and B (UDP 1-192) (NovaSeq6000)
Users can manually enter sample information, or download a template file to bulk upload sample information. Users can import the completed template or a compatible sample sheet.
Read Lengths: Read 1 and Read 2
Required Not applicable on NovaSeq X Series
Auto filled with the standard values, but can be optionally overwritten.
Override Cycles
Required on NovaSeq X Series
Entered based on Run Settings read lengths & index 1 / index 2
Lane Usage
Not applicable on NovaSeq X Series
Checkbox allows users to apply the same lane across samples.
Required if Lane Usage is unchecked
Specify lanes for each sample. The unmarked checkbox at the top of the dropdown selects all lanes.
Index ID
Index set ID options are based on selected Index Adapter Kit
Optional field to describe the associated project
Starts from Fastq
True or False
If auto-launching TSO 500 ctDNA from BCL files, set the value to False. If auto-launching TSO 500 ctDNA from FASTQ after auto-launching BCL Convert, set the value to True.
DNA Barcode Mismatches Index 1
DNA Barcode Mismatches Index 2
Required on NovaSeq X
Default value is set to 1.
These fields are required by NovaSeq X and represent BCL Convert settings for index diversity checks when demultiplexing. These values are not used in TSO 500 ctDNA analysis.
Once all details are captured and pass validation, the user can review the details on the Run Review screen. From here they can choose to edit details in previous screens or export the sample sheet. Once completed, press the Cancel button to finish run planning.
Note: once leaving this screen, the run and sample sheet will not be accessible.
For NovaSeqX Plus users, the run can be saved as a draft or as a planned run (via “Save as Draft” and “Save as Planned” buttons respectively). Either selection will save the run to the Planned Runs screen on BaseSpace. There is no option to export the sample sheet on this screen.
The Planned Runs screen lists all planned or drafted runs. Users can set drafted runs to planned, export the sample sheet, and edit or delete a run on this screen.
Once the run is saved as Planned, it will appear on the NovaSeq X Series instrument where it can be selected for sequencing.
For more information on run planning, refer to the BaseSpace Sequence Hub support site page.
Please review these guided examples of analysis workflows that include a step of setting up a run in BaseSpace Run Planning tool:
TSO 500 ctDNA v1
NovaSeq 6000
TSO 500 ctDNA v1
NovaSeq 6000Dx (in RUO mode)
TSO 500 ctDNA v2
NovaSeq 6000
TSO 500 ctDNA v2
NovaSeq 6000Dx (in RUO mode)
TSO 500 ctDNA v2
NovaSeq X