Requeue and Rework Samples

To requeue and rework samples, specific role-based permissions are required. For details, see Configured Role-Based Permissions.

Requeueing samples for a Step

Occasionally, a sample must be rerun through a particular step. For example, there may have been a technical error in the lab. More sequencing may be needed at the end of a workflow if there are not enough samples.

To solve this problem, return samples to the queue and repeat the step.

There are several ways to requeue samples:

Requeue samples from a completed protocol step
  1. In the header, select Search.

  2. Select Protocol Step from the drop-down list of search categories, type the step to search for, and press the Enter key.

    Type the complete step name or part of it followed by an asterisk.

  3. In the search results list, select the arrow to the right of the step name to show details for all the samples that have been run through the step.

  4. Select Requeue to requeue samples as required.

Requeue a specific sample
  1. Select Sample from the drop-down list of search categories, type the sample name to search for, and press the Enter key.

  2. Expand the search results details to view all the steps performed on the sample and select Requeue to return the sample to the queue for the required step.

Reworking samples from a previous step

In addition to requeueing samples for the same step, you can also rework samples from a previous step. For example, an action is needed if there is an insufficient quantity of a particular sample to meet the required target concentration level.

Rework a sample when assigning next steps
  1. In the Assign Next Steps screen, select the next step drop-down list, select Rework from an earlier step.

  2. All the steps performed on the sample are listed, up to and including the current step. Select the required step and select OK.

    Clarity LIMS takes the upstream sample from the selected step and places it back in the queue for the selected step, so it can be reworked from that point in the workflow.

  3. The Rework from <step name> option is reflected in the next steps field.

  4. The sample no longer advances in the workflow, but the sample is now found in the queue for the selected rework step.

Last updated

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