Every Base user has 1 snowflake username: ICA_U_<id>
For each user/project-bundle combination a role is created: ICA_UR_<id>_<name project/bundle>__<id>
This role receives the viewer or contributor role of the project/bundle, depending on their permissions in ICA.
Every project or bundle has a dedicated Snowflake database.
For each database, 2 roles are created:
<project/bundle name>_<id>_VIEWER
<project/bundle name>_<id>_CONTRIBUTOR
Project viewer role
This role receives
REFERENCE and SELECT rights on the tables/views within the project's PUBLIC schema.
Grants on the viewer roles of the bundles linked to the project.
Project contributor role
This role receives the following rights on current an future objects in the project's/bundle database in the PUBLIC schema:
select, insert, update, delete, truncate and references on tables/views/materialized views
usage on sequences/functions/procedures/file formats
write, read and usage on stages
select on streams
monitor and operate on tasks
It also receives grant on the viewer role of the project.
For each project (not bundle!) 2 warehouses are created, whose size can be changed ICA at projects > your_project > project settings > details.
Last updated
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