An Analysis is the execution of a pipeline.
Starting Analyses
You can start an analysis from both the dedicated analysis screen or from the actual pipeline.
From Analyses
Navigate to Projects > Your_Project > Flow > Analyses.
Select Start.
Select a single Pipeline.
Configure the analysis settings.
Select Start Analysis.
Refresh to see the analysis status. See lifecycle for more information on statuses.
If for some reason, you want to end the analysis before it can complete, select Projects > Your_Project > Flow > Analyses > Manage > Abort. Refresh to see the status update.
From Pipelines or Pipeline details
Navigate to Projects > <Your_Project> > Flow > Pipelines
Select the pipeline you want to run or open the pipeline details of the pipeline which you want to run.
Select Start Analysis.
Configure analysis settings.
Select Start Analysis.
View the analysis status on the Analyses page. See lifecycle for more information on statuses.
If for some reason, you want to end the analysis before it can complete, select Manage > Abort on the Analyses page.
Aborting Analyses
You can abort a running analysis from either the analysis overview (Projects > your_project > Flow > Analyses > your_analysis > Manage > Abort) or from the analysis details (Projects > your_project > Flow > Analyses > your_analysis > Details tab > Abort).
Rerunning Analyses
Once an analysis has been executed, you can rerun it with the same settings or choose to modify the parameters when rerunning. Modifying the parameters is possible on a per-analysis basis. When selecting multiple analyses at once, they will be executed with the original parameters. Draft pipelines are subject to updates and thus can result in a different outcome when rerunning. ICA will display a warning message to inform you of this when you try to rerun an analysis based on a draft pipeline.
When rerunning an analysis, the user reference will be the original user reference (up to 231 characters), followed by _rerun_yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss.
When there is an XML configuration change on a a pipline for which you want to rerun an analysis, ICA will display a warning and not fill out the parameters as it cannot guarantee their validity for the new XML.
Some restrictions apply when trying to rerun an analysis.
Analyses using external data
Analyses using mount paths on input data
Analyses using user-provided input json
Analyses using advanced output mappings
Analyses with draft pipeline
Analyses with XML configuration change
To rerun one or more analyses with te same settings:
Navigate to Projects > Your_Project > Flow > Analyses.
In the overview screen, select one or more analyses.
Select Manage > Rerun. The analyses will now be executed with the same parameters as their original run.
To rerun a single analysis with modified parameters:
Navigate to Projects > Your_Project > Flow > Analyses.
In the overview screen, open the details of the analysis you want to rerun by clicking on the analysis user reference.
Select Rerun. (at the top right)
Update the parameters you want to change.
Select Start Analysis The analysis will now be executed with the updated parameters.
The request to start the Analysis is being processed
Analysis has been queued
Initializing environment and performing validations for Analysis
Preparing Inputs
Downloading inputs for Analysis
In Progress
Analysis execution is in progress
Generating outputs
Transferring the Analysis results
Analysis has been requested to be aborted
Analysis has been aborted
Analysis has finished with error
Analysis has finished with success
When an analysis is started, the availability of resources may impact the start time of the pipeline or specific steps after execution has started. Analyses are subject to delay when the system is under high load and the availability of resources is limited.
During analysis start, ICA runs a verification on the input files to see if they are available. When it encounters files that have not completed their upload or transfer, it will report "Data found for parameter [parameter_name], but status is Partial instead of Available". Wait for the file to be available and restart the analysis.
Analysis steps logs
During the execution of an analysis, logs are produced for each process involved in the analysis lifecyle. In the analysis details view, the Steps tab is used to view the steps in near real time as they're produced in the running processes. A grid layout is used for analyses with more than 50 steps, a tiled view for analyses with 50 steps or less, though you can choose to also use the grid layout for those by means of the tile/grid button on the top right of the analysis log tab.
There are system processes involved in the lifeycle for all analyses (ie. downloading inputs, uploading outputs, etc.) and there are processes which are pipeline-specific, such as processes which execute the pipeline steps. The below table describes the system processes. You can choose to display or hide these system processes with the Show technical steps
Setup Environment
Validate analysis execution environment is prepared
Run Monitor
Monitor resource usage for billing and reporting
Prepare Input Data
Download and mount input data to the shared file system
Pipeline Runner
Parent process to execute the pipeline definition
Finalize Output Data
Upload Output Data
Additional log entries will show for the processes which execute the steps defined in the pipeline.
Each process shows as a distinct entry in the steps view with a Queue Date, Start Date, and End Date.
Queue Date
The time when the process is submitted to the processes scheduler for execution
Start Date
The time when the process has started exection
End Date
The time when the process has stopped execution
The time between the Start Date and the End Date is used to calculate the duration. The time of the duration is used to calculate the usage-based cost for the analysis. Because this is an active calculation, sorting on this field is not supported.
Each log entry in the Steps view contains a checkbox to view the stdout and stderr log files for the process. Clicking a checkbox adds the log as a tab to the log viewer where the log text is displayed and made available for download.
Analysis Cost
To see the price of an analysis in iCredits, look at Projects > your_project > Flow > Analyses > your_analysis > Details tab. The pricing section will show you the entitlement bundle, storage detail and price in iCredits.
Log Files
In the analysis output folder, the ica_logs subfolder will contain the stdout and stderr files.
If you delete these files, no log information will be available on the analysis details > Steps tab.
Log Streaming
Logs can also be streamed using websocket client tooling. The API to retrieve analysis step details returns websocket URLs for each step to stream the logs from stdout/stderr during the step's execution. Upon completion, the websocket URL is no longer available.
Analysis Output Mappings
Currently, this feature is only availabe when launching analyses via API.
Currently, only FOLDER type output mappings are supported
By default, analysis outputs are directed to a new folder within the project where the analysis is launched. Analysis output mappings may be specified to redirect outputs to user-specified locations consisting of project and path. An output mapping consists of:
the source path on the local disk of the analysis execution environment, relative to the working directory
the data type, either FILE or FOLDER
the target project ID to direct outputs to; analysis launcher must have contributor access to the project
the target path relative to the root of the project data to write the outputs
If the output directory already exists, any existing contents with the same filenames as those output from the pipeline will be overwritten by the new analysis
You can jump from the Analysis Details output section to the individual files and folders by opening the detail view (projects > your_project > Flow > Analyses > your_analysis > Details tab > Output files section > your_output_file) and selecting open in data.
You can add and remove tags from your analyses.
Navigate to Projects > Your_Project > Flow > Analyses.
Select the analyses whose tags you want to change.
Select Manage > Manage tags.
Edit the user tags, reference data tags (if applicable) and technical tags.
Select Save to confirm the changes.
If you want to share a link to an analysis, you can copy and paste the URL from your browser when you have the analysis open. The syntax of the analysis link will be <hostURL>/ica/link/project/<projectUUID>/analysis/<analysisUUID>
. Likewise, workflow sessions will use the syntax <hostURL>/ica/link/project/<projectUUID>/workflowSession/<workflowsessionUUID>
. To prevent third parties from accessing data via the link when it is shared or forwarded, ICA will verify the access rights of every user when they open the link.
Input for analysis is limited to a total of 50,000 files (including multiple copies of the same file). You can have up to 50 concurrent analyses running per tenant. Additional analyses will be queued and scheduled when currently running analyses complete and free up positions.
When your analysis fails, open the analysis details view (Projects > your_project> Flow > Analyses > your_analysis) and select display failed steps. This will give you the steps view filtered on those steps that had non-0 exit codes. If there is only one failed step which has logfiles, the stderr of that step will be displayed.
Exit code 55 indicates analysis failure due to an external event such as spot termination or node draining. Retry the analysis.
Last updated
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