Overview Dashboard

The Overview Dashboard displays summary information about the current activity in the lab. It provides lab managers with at-a-glance information about workflow, sample status, and alerts across projects. The dashboard is dynamic and updates automatically as changes occur in the lab.

By default, the system administrator and facility administrator roles have access to the Overview Dashboard. However, access is a configurable role-based permission. For details, see Configured Role-Based Permissions.

Overall Status Bar

The Overall Status bar provides a snapshot of lab activity.

  • Projects—The number of open and pending projects currently in Clarity LIMS. This number does not include closed projects.

  • Samples—The number of samples in open and pending projects.

  • Workflows—The number of workflows in which the samples are currently being worked through in the lab.

  • Alerts—The number of unresolved alerts in the system. To trigger alerts, select Request manager review as the next step for a sample (in the Assign Next Steps screen).


This section shows information for the lab workflows that currently have samples uploaded to them. Workflows are listed in alphabetical order.

For each workflow, the following information is shown:

  • Projects—The total number of projects containing samples that are currently in the workflow. This number includes samples that are in progress in the workflow and samples that have completed the workflow.

  • In progress samples—The number of samples that are currently in progress in the workflow.

  • Completed samples—The number of samples that have completed the workflow.

  • Protocols—The names of the protocols that are included in the workflow.

  • Samples—The number of samples in each protocol of that workflow.

Protocol Capacity

The percentage of capacity is calculated according to the total number of samples that are currently assigned to all occurrences of the protocol (ie, across all workflows).

  • Blue indicates that the number of samples currently in the protocol is less than or equal to the configured capacity.

  • Yellow indicates that the number of samples currently in the protocol is between 100% - 200% of the configured capacity.

  • Orange indicates that the number of samples currently in the protocol is greater than 200% of the configured capacity.

While the protocol for a particular workflow may have few, or even zero, samples assigned to it, its capacity might still display in yellow or orange. This display would occur if the number of samples in other occurrences of the protocol exceeds its configured capacity.

Hover over a protocol to view more information about its configured capacity and the total number of samples assigned to it.

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