Enabling, Validating and Disabling Audit Trail

BaseSpace Clarity LIMS provides Audit Trail, a robust data-tracking system that allows you track:

  • All user activity - i.e. who did what and when.

  • Every action that is written to the database.

Audit Trail has two capture systems, Event Log and Detail Log.

  • Event Log records familiar BaseSpace Clarity LIMS user actions, and presents this information in a format that is easy to read and understand.

  • Detail Log records exacting information about the changes resulting from the actions recorded in the Event Log. This includes both the updated values and the previous values.


As of BaseSpace Clarity LIMS v6, Audit Trail is enabled by default.

When Audit Trail is enabled, you may experience a small performance hit due to the overhead of writing these entries to the database. It is therefore recommended that you periodically archive the Audit Trail database so that it does not become too large.

Enabling Audit Trail

All of the following steps are performed on the BaseSpace Clarity LIMS server.

With the exception of steps 1 and 8, all are performed as the glsjboss user.

  1. Stop Tomcat - as the glsjboss user:

    service clarity_tomcat stop
  2. Access the property tool:

    cd /opt/gls/clarity/tools/propertytool
  3. Enable Audit Trail:

    java -jar omxprops-ConfigTool.jar set -y -f clarity.audit.enabled 'true'
  4. Confirm the setting:

    java -jar omxprops-ConfigTool.jar get clarity.audit.enabled
  5. Migrate the database:

    cd /opt/gls/clarity/config
    yes | bash update_claritylims_tenant.sh
  6. Start Tomcat - as the glsjboss user:

    service clarity_tomcat start  

Validating Audit Trail

  1. Log in to BaseSpace Clarity LIMS and make a change – for example, add a project, create a sample, add a custom field, etc. The exact change is not important. There must simply be a change to the activity or the configuration data since Audit Trail was last enabled.

  2. Use psql (postgres) or SQL*Plus (Oracle) to query the main BaseSpace Clarity LIMS database (clarityDB) to verify whether rows are being written to the following two tables:

    • auditeventlog

    • auditchangelog

Disabling Audit Trail

All of the following steps are performed on the BaseSpace Clarity LIMS server.

With the exception of steps 1 and 8, all are performed as the glsjboss user.

  1. Stop Tomcat - as the glsjboss user:

    service clarity_tomcat stop
  2. Access the property tool:

    cd /opt/gls/clarity/tools/propertytool
  3. Disable Audit Trail:

    java -jar omxprops-ConfigTool.jar set -y -f clarity.audit.enabled 'false'
  4. Confirm the setting:

    java -jar omxprops-ConfigTool.jar get clarity.audit.enabled
  5. Migrate the database:

    cd /opt/gls/clarity/config
    yes | bash update_claritylims_tenant.sh
  6. Start Tomcat - as the glsjboss user:

    service clarity_tomcat start  

Last updated

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