Projects Dashboard
The Projects dashboard helps with managing projects and the day-to-day flow of samples through the lab. This dashboard provides a dynamic, project-centric view of current lab activity. It allows for the management of projects and the day-to-day flow of samples through the lab.
Overall Status Bar
The Overall Status bar provides a snapshot of current lab activity.
Projects—The number of open and pending projects currently in Clarity LIMS. This number does not include closed projects.
Samples—The number of samples in open and pending projects.
Workflows—The number of workflows in which the samples are currently being worked through in the lab.
Alerts—The number of unresolved alerts in the system. To trigger alerts, select Request manager review as the next step for a sample (in the Assign Next Steps screen).
Project, Sample, Workflow Snapshot
Additional information provides a snapshot summary of projects and samples, including the workflows to which samples are assigned.
No Workflow Assigned
The number of projects containing samples that do not have a workflow assigned to them.
The number of samples that do not have a workflow assigned to them.
In Progress
The number of projects containing samples that are in progress and being worked on in the lab.
The number of samples that are in progress and being worked on in the lab.
Workflow Complete
The number of projects in which all samples have completed all workflows assigned to them.
The number of samples that have completed all workflows assigned to them.
Projects Table
By default, all open projects display in the Projects table and are sorted by creation date (most recent first).
Select any project in the table to view its details on the right.
Projects that have unresolved alerts display an icon in the upper-right corner.
The Projects table allows filtering to display projects that meet certain criteria.
The drop-down list provides several filters. Consider filtering for the following use cases:
Completed projects—Prepare data and invoices to be sent to clients.
Projects containing samples that do not have a workflow assigned to them—Find the projects containing these samples, assign workflows to the samples, and start working on them in the lab.
Projects assigned to a particular workflow or to a particular project—View and manage their progress in the lab. In this case, type the workflow/project name into the filter box and press the Enter key.
View Project Summary Information
Select a project to display summary information about the workflows and samples related to that project. The summary includes the following information:
The number of samples in the project that have not been assigned a workflow.
The workflows to which samples in the project are assigned. If needed, scroll to see all the workflows.
The number of samples involved in each workflow.
Any unresolved alerts in the project. Select the alert to view and resolve it.
The project completion percentage.
View Project Workflow Details
Below the Projects table and summary, the workflows for the selected project are listed.
Directly under each workflow name, the number of in-progress and completed samples currently in the workflow.
Select In-progress samples to view all in-progress samples across all protocols in the Samples table.
Select the Completed samples count to view those completed samples in the Samples table.
To view workflow details:
To the right of the workflow name, select the arrow.
The expanded workflow details area shows the following information:
All protocols included in the workflow, and the number of samples in each of those protocols.
The percentage of project samples currently assigned to each protocol (represented by blue shading). Hover over the shading to see this percentage. The percentage is derived from the number of samples in the protocol divided by the total number of samples in the workflow.
Select a protocol to see the steps it includes and the samples assigned to those steps.
View Step and Sample Details
Select a protocol to see the following information display in the Samples table:
The steps included in the protocol, and the submitted and derived samples that are in each of those steps.
The sample name and the first three sample custom fields.
In the Samples table, the following features are available:
View Alerts—Select an alert to go to the step in which the manager review was requested.
Run Automations on Derived Samples
Run automations on derived samples directly from the Samples table.
Select one or more derived samples (Ctrl + click to select multiple).
In the upper-right corner of the Samples table, expand the drop-down list and select an automation.
If the automation requires input, a prompt to enter a value displays. Enter a value and select Continue.
NOTE: If the parameter name is truncated, hover over it to view the full name.
As the automation runs, the status is shown in the samples list.
Last updated
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