
The Projects tab is the landing page that displays after signing in to LabLink. The view of the Projects tab differs between administrators and collaborators:

  • LabLink administrators—the Projects tab displays all projects submitted to the lab.

  • Collaborators—the Projects tab displays only the projects submitted to the lab by the current collaborator.

Create Projects and Add Samples

To create a project and submit sample, go to the Projects tab and select Create.

The Create A New Project guided sample submission form displays. This form includes the following steps:

Step 1: Project Information

Enter general information for the project, as follows:

  1. Enter the project name.

  2. [Optional] Enter project notes for the lab.

  3. Select Continue.

By default, the Project Name and Project Notes fields are always shown. Other project fields can display, depending on the configuration of custom fields by the lab.

Step 2: Upload Sample

In this step, upload a sample submission document containing sample information for the lab.

Download a sample submission document template from the Resource Materials tab (the lab administrator uploads the templates). Populate the template with the sample information.

  1. Select Browse Document and locate the sample submission document. Select Open to upload the document.

  2. After the document has been added, LabLink validates the headers and fields. If the headers and fields are not valid, error messages display.

  3. After successfully uploading a document, a list of fields populated with sample information displays for review.

    • If the sample information is incorrect, replace the existing document by selecting Replace.

    • If the sample information is correct, select Continue.

    NOTE: The system will always read the first worksheet (irregardless of its visibility) in the workbook.

Step 3: Upload Additional Documents

In this step, upload additional documents to share with the lab regarding this project. Skip this step if additional documents are not needed.

  1. [Optional] Select Browse Documents and locate the document to be shared with this project submission.

  2. Select Open to upload the document.

  3. Upload additional documents or select Continue.

Step 4: Review Project

In this step, review a summary of the project and uploaded documents before submitting the project and samples to the lab.

If the lab has configured a disclaimer for sample submission, the disclaimer is available for review.

  1. After reviewing, select all required checkboxes.

    • The Submit Project button becomes available.

  2. Select Submit Project.

  3. After the project has been successfully created and submitted to the lab, a confirmation message displays.

  4. [Optional] Select View Confirmation to print an overview of the submitted samples.

    • The Project Submission Confirmation page opens in a new tab. The page includes an overview of project information, lines for a signature and date of signature, and a list of all samples submitted.

This page can be printed and shipped to the lab with the submitted samples.

About Project Status

Once submitted, all projects are associated with one of the three following status types:

  • Pending—The lab has not started processing the samples (or samples have not been received).

  • Open—The lab has received the samples and the samples are being processed.

  • Closed—The lab has completed processing the samples (or the lab has decided to close the project).

These three status types correlate to the status shown in Clarity LIMS. By changing the status of the project in Clarity LIMS, the status automatically changes in LabLink.

After samples are submitted to the lab, the project is listed with a Pending status until the lab changes the status in Clarity LIMS.

Search for and View Projects

To search for projects or samples in LabLink, enter a term in the search box and select one of the following criteria:

  • Projects—The search is performed on all projects.

  • Sample—The search is performed on all samples.

To view a single project, select a project in the project list.

Project Overview

By selecting a single project, the project opens in the Project Overview tab.

The Project Overview tab contains an overview of the project and options to complete the following actions:

  • View / Add Notes—Select this link to view or add notes. All notes are tracked in this view with date and time. The latest note is included at the top of the list.

The LabLink administrator uses this link to add notes. The latest note is shown as part of the project list in the Project tab.

  • View Confirmation—Select this link to open the Project Submission Confirmation page in a new tab.

  • Upload Documents—Select this button to add additional documents for the lab.


The Samples tab lists all samples submitted for a particular project. In this tab, 10 samples display at a time.

The submitted sample information can be modified in Clarity LIMS. Any changes in Clarity LIMS automatically update in LabLink.

For example, a LabLink user enters a paired end for the sequencing read type, but it should be single. A Clarity LIMS user can change this field in Clarity LIMS. The field automatically changes in LabLink.

Results and Documents

The Results and Documents tab displays two lists of documents.

  • Project Documents

    • Any documents uploaded.

    • Download these documents to view.

  • Sample Results and Documents

    • Download these result files and documents to view.

Last updated

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