Technical Requirements

The following information is a summary of the technical requirements for an on-premise or based deployment of Clarity LIMS v6 and later. To install and use Clarity LIMS, the client and server systems must meet these requirements. Clarity LIMS is designed to run on standard commodity hardware. The requirements provide general guidelines for your hardware configuration. You can obtain specific configuration quotes from the hardware vendor of your choice.

Allow enough time for the procurement of your hardware and software. Make sure that all components are installed and configured before proceeding with the installation of Clarity LIMS.

Production Server Requirements

For on-premise deployments, Clarity LIMS has two levels of recommended hardware. For larger labs in full production, we strongly suggest the high-throughput requirements.

The production server must be configured in US locale.


  • Server class 64-bit CPU with at least eight cores at 2.9 GHz

  • 20 MB shared cache (L3) memory

  • 32 GB RAM

    • 6 GB allocated to Tomcat

    • 6 GB allocated to the database

    • 2 GB allocated to ElasticSearch

  • 100 GB hard disk drive space for the operating system, application, and log storage

  • 1 Gbps Ethernet network or faster


  • Server class 64-bit CPU with at least 16 cores at 2.9 GHz

  • 20 MB shared cache (L3) memory

  • 64 GB RAM

    • 12 GB allocated to Tomcat

    • 12 GB allocated to the database

    • 4 GB allocated to ElasticSearch

  • 100 GB hard disk drive space for the operating system, application, and log storage

  • 1 Gbps Ethernet network or faster

For hosted deployments, Illumina sizes the system accordingly for system load. We reserve the right to archive auditing information to maintain system performance as the data set grows.

If your subscription is not renewed for your hosted deployment, at your request, we will supply you with an export of all user data. In practice, we will provide a database dump and details on the database schema for you to pull out any data you need going forward.

Server Operating System Requirements

For on-premise deployments, Clarity LIMS has been qualified to run with the following server operating systems versions:

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux v8.10 (64-bit)

  • Oracle Linux v8.10 (64-bit)

For hosted deployments, Illumina uses the latest qualified Oracle Linux version.

Database Requirements

For on-premise deployments, Clarity LIMS has been qualified to run with PostgreSQL 15.7.

For hosted deployments, Illumina uses the latest qualified PostgreSQL version.

Web Client Requirements

The following client requirements apply to both on-premise and hosted deployments.


  • 64-bit processor (dual-core 3.0 GHz)

  • 8 GB RAM

Operating Systems

  • Windows (10 or later)

  • Linux (restricted to the server-supported versions listed previously)

  • Macintosh OS (13 Venture or later)

  • iOS (17 or later) on iPad running Safari browser

Web Browsers

  • Google Chrome (latest update)

  • Mozilla Firefox (latest update)

  • Apple Safari on iPad only (latest update)

Other Requirements

  • 1280 x 800 or higher

  • Cookies and JavaScript must be enabled

For both on-premise and hosted deployments, a 20 Mbs network connection speed from client to server is required. If remote access via VPN is needed for LDAP or instrument integrations, we recommend 100 Mb/s network connection speed between your site and the hosted instance.

Automation Worker Requirements

The following requirements apply to automation workers installed on premise, for both on premise deployments and hosted deployments, to support instrument integrations.


  • 64-bit processor

  • 2 Gb RAM

  • Hard disk drive space equivalent to twice the size of the largest file you are planning to transfer

Operating Systems

  • Windows 10 (or Windows Server 2016/2022)

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux v8.10

  • Oracle Linux v8.10


  • Linux – Illumina installs Java Open JDK 8.0 update 362 (1.8.0_362)

  • Windows – Clients must install Java Open JDK 8.0 update 362 (1.8.0_292)

Last updated

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