Software Release Notes
2025 January 29 - ICA v2.32.0
Features and Enhancements
The End User License Agreement has been updated
New API endpoints for Docker Images management:
GET /api/dockerImages
GET /api/dockerImages/{imageId}
POST /api/dockerImages:createExternal
POST /api/dockerImages:createInternal
POST /api/dockerImages/{imageId}:addRegions
POST /api/dockerImages/{imageId}:removeRegions
Split up CWL endpoint (POST/api/projects/{projectId}/analysis:cwl) in 2:
CWL analysis with a JSON input (POST /api/projects/{projectId}/analysis:cwlWithJsonInput)
CWL analysis with a structured input (POST /api/projects/{projectId}/analysis:cwlWithStructuredInput)
Data Management
Next to using the Teams page to invite other tenants to use your assets, a dedicated bundle-sharing feature is now available. This allows you to share assets while also shielding sensitive information from other users, such as who has access to these assets
Improved visibility on ongoing data actions move and copy on the UI
Users can now add/remove bundles in an externally managed project. It will not be possible to link a restricted Bundle to a project containing read-only, externally managed data
JSON based input form now has a built-in check to make sure a tree does not have any cyclical dependencies
Added commands for creation and start of CWL JSON pipelines in the CLI
Users can now input external data into JSON based input forms from the API
Bench workspaces can be used in externally managed project
Users can now filter needles by customizable PrimateAI Score thresholds, affecting both plot and table variants, with persistence across gene views
The 'Single Subject View' now displays a summary of measurements (without values), with a link to the 'Timeline View' for detailed results under the section 'Measurements and Laboratory Values Available
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue which caused authentication failures when using a direct link
Actions which are not allowed on externally-managed projects are now greyed-out instead of presenting an error when attempting to use them
Improved handling of regions for Docker images so that at least one region must remain. Previously, removing all regions would result in deleting the Docker image
Improved filtering out Docker images which are not relevant to the current user
Tertiary modules are no longer visible in externally-managed projects as they had no functional purpose there
Fixed an issue where adding public domain users to multiple collaborative workgroups would result in inconsistent instrument integration results
Added verification on the filter expressions of notification subscriptions
Fixed an issue where generating a cURL command with empty field values on the Swagger page resulted in invalid commands
Added information in the API swagger page that the GET /api/projects/{projectId}/data endpoint can not retrieve the list of files from a linked folder. To get this list, use parentfolderid instead of parentfolderpath
For consistency reasons, UUID has been renamed to ID in the GUI
The bundle administrator will now see all data present in the bundle, including all versions with older versions in a different color
Data Management
Removed deprecated cloud connector from Activity/Data transfers option
Removed the erroneous 'Import' option from the direction filter which was present in Activity/Data transfers
Fixed an issue where entering multiple Download rules for a Service connector would result in not setting the correct unique sequence numbers
Improved the error message when erroneously trying to link data from an externally-managed subject to a sample. This is not allowed because data can only be linked to a single sample
Fixed an issue where filtering on file formats was not correctly applied when selecting files and folders for downloads with the service connector
Improved the download connector to fix Chrome compatibility issues
Fixed an issue where it was possible to update linked files if you had access to both the original file and the linked file
Fixed an issue where samples from externally-managed projects were not correctly linked to analyses
Fixed a JSON validation error when attempting to have more than one default value for a field configured as single value which would result in index out of bounds error
Fixed an issue where numerical values with a scientific exponent would not be correctly accepted
Improved the API error validation for usage of duplicate group id fields
Improved error handling when starting analysis via API with an incorrect DATA-ID in the request body
Improved handling of incorrect field types for JSON-based input forms
Improved error handling when trying to use externally-managed data as reference data
Removed the superfluous "save as" button from the create pipelines screen
Fixed an issue where refreshing the analysis page would result in an error when more than 1 log file was opened
Upon clicking "start run" to launch a pipeline, ICA now redirects to the "Runs" view
Fixed an issue where the minimum and maximum numbers of high values were incorrectly rounded for JSON input forms
Fixed an issue where the user could pass a value with the "values" parameter instead of "dataValues" for the data field type
Fixed an issue which caused the "dataValues" parameter to be valid for the textbox field type instead of "values"
Improved timeout handling for autolaunch workflow
Fixed auto-launched TSO500 pipelines using the StartsFromFastq=false setting to direct analysis outputs to the ilmn-analyses folder within the ICA project data
Added JSON validation to ensure only a single radio button can be selected at the same time as part of a radio-type list
Removed the Simulate button from the View mode pipeline detail screen
The proprietary option can now be set via the CLI on create pipeline commands
Added a validation to prevent pipeline input forms from having the same value for 'value' and 'parent'
Fixed an issue which caused bench workspaces to have incorrect last modified timestamps that were over 2000 years ago. They now will use the correct last updated timestamp
Adding or removing regions to bench images is now possible
Improvements to how workspaces handle deletion
Fixed issue where the error message for invalid disease IDs did not disappear after selecting the correct ontology, and filter chips were incorrectly created as 'UNDEFINED
Fixed issue where the search functionality in the ingestion file picker was not working correctly in production, causing a long delay and no files to display after entering a filename or folder name
Fixed issue where the Clinvar significance track was not resetting properly, causing the resized track and pointer to not return to the original position, with triangle data points displaying empty whitespace
Fixed issue where the 'PARTIAL' status for HPO filter chips was incorrectly removed when multiple chips were selected
Fixed issue where the pagination on the Variant List Needle Plot incorrectly displayed 741 items across 75 pages, causing a discrepancy with the actual number of displayed variants
The 'Search Attributes' box in the 'Create Cohort' page now properly scrolls and filters results when typing substrings, displaying matching results as the user types
Fixed issue where the search spinner continued loading after the search results were displayed in the Import Jobs table
Fixed issue where the 'stop_lost' consequence in Needleplot is corrected to 'Frameshift, Stop lost,' and the legend updated to 'Stop gained|lost.' The 'Stop gained' filter now excludes 'Stop lost' variants when the 'Display only variants shown in the plot above' toggle is on
Fixed issue where intermittent 500 error codes occurred on USE1 Prod when running Needleplot/VariantList queries with the full AGD/DAC dataset (e.g., LAMA1 gene query)
2024 December 13 - ICA v2.31.2
Fixed Issues
When creating a new cohort, the disease filter’s tree hierarchy was not showing up, meaning it was not possible to add disease filter into the cohort definition. This has been resolved.
2024 December 12 - ICA v2.31.1
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue which caused service degradation where analysis steps were not properly updated until analyses were finished, and log files only became available after completion.
2024 December 4 - ICA v2.31.0
Features and Enhancements
General usability improvements for the project overview screen
The timing for when jobs are deleted has been updated so that:
SUCCEEDED remains 7 days
FAILED and PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED are increased to 90 days
Data Management
Data can now be uploaded into the BaseSpace-managed project
Analyses can now be started from the pipeline details screen
The analysis details now contain two additional tabs displaying timeline and execution reports for Nextflow analyses to aid in troubleshooting errors
Introduced a start command for starting a Nextflow pipeline with a JSON-based input form
Added new API endpoints to create a new CWL pipeline and start an analysis from a CWL pipeline with JSON-based input forms:
Pipelines with JSON-based input forms can now pre-determine and validate storage sizes
Added support for tree structures in dropdown boxes on JSON-based input forms to simplify searching for specific values
Introduced a new filtering option on the analyses gid to enable filtering for values which differ from, or do not equal (!=), a given value (such as exit codes in the pipeline steps in the analysis details screen)
The analysis output folder format will now be user reference-analysis id
The side panel now displays the Boolean logic used for a query with ‘AND’, ‘OR’ notations
The needle plot visualization now drives the content of the variant list table below it. By default, the list displays variants in the visualization and can be toggled to display all variants with subsequent filtering
For diagnostic hierarchies, concept children count and descendant count for each disease name is displayed
The measurement/lab value can be removed when creating query criteria
Fixed Issues
Notification channels are not created at the tenant level and are not visible to members of external tenants working on the same project
Data Management
Fixed an issue where move jobs fail when the destination is set to the user’s S3 bucket where the root of the bucket mapped to ICA as storage configuration and volume
Fixed a data synchronization issue when restoring an already restored object from a project configured with S3 storage
Corrected the status of deleted Docker images from incorrect ‘Available’ to ‘Deleted’
The reference for an analysis has changed to userReference-UUID, where the UUID matches the ID from the analysis. (The previous format was userReference-pipelineCode-UUID.)
Pipeline files are limited to a file size of 20 Megabytes
Fixed an issue which caused ‘ICA_PROJECT_UUID not found in workspaceSettings.EnvironmentVariables’ when creating a new Workspace
Fixed an issue where the system displays ALL/partial filter chips when the top level tree node is selected in a hierarchical search
Fixed an issue where the system displays 400 bad request error despite valid input of metadata files during import jobs
Fixed an issue where the system displays inconsistent hierarchical disease filter results
Fixed an issue where the system changes the layout when displaying the p-value column
Fixed an issue where the system disables the next blutton when there is no study available in the dropdown menu
Fixed an issue where studies could not be selected when a project has one study to ingest data into
2024 October 31 - ICA v2.30.1
Fixed Issues
Mitigated an issue causing intermittent system authentication request failures. Impact includes analysis failures with "createFolderSessionForbidden" error
2024 October 30 - ICA v2.30.0
Features and Enhancements
The projectdata upload CLI command will from now on give you the credentials to access the data
System notifications which could already previously be found on , both regional and global, are now shown in the ICA UI when an important ICA message needs to be communicated
Data Management
Introduced a limit to the number of data elements that can be put in POST /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUpdateBatch to 100.000 entries
Users can now access json-based pipeline input forms for both Nextflow and CWL pipelines. API access is not yet available for CWL pipelines
Added GPU compute types (gpu-small, gpu-medium) for use in workflows
Users can now sort analyses by request date instead of start date, which was not always available
The analysis details page has been upgraded with the following features:
The progress bar which could be found on the analyses overview page will now also appear in the details page
A maximum of 5 rows of output are shown for each output parameter, but the output can be displayed in a large popup to have a better overview
Orchestrated analyses are shown in a separate tab
Users can now use the Measurement concept API to create cohorts based on lab measurement data and harmonize their values to perform downstream analysis
Users can now access the Hierarchical concept search API to view the phenotype ontologies
Fixed Issues
The mail option is now automatically filtered out for those events that do not support it
Fixed an issue where there was no email sent after rerunning a workflow session
Fixed an issue which caused authentication failures when using a direct link
Made file and folder selection more consistent
Fixed an issue with the CLI where using the “projectsamples get” command to retrieve a sample shared via an entitled bundle in another tenant failed
Fixed filtering so you can only see subscriptions and channels from your own tenant
Improved GUI handling for smaller display sizes
Fixed the workflow session user reference and output folder naming to use BaseSpace Experiment Name when available
Data Management
The unlink action is now greyed out if data not linked is in the selection
Fixed an issue that when deleting folders, the parent folders were deleted first, giving the impression that the parent folder is deleted but not the subfolders and files
Fixed an issue where the connector downloads only downloaded the main folder, not the folder contents
For consistency, it is no longer possible to link to folders or files from within subfolders. Previously, you could link, but the files and folders are always linked to top level instead of the subfolder from where linking was done
Updated error handling for dataUpdateBatch API endpoint
Moving small files (>8Mb) will not trigger a "moving" event, only that the move has completed as out-of-order events caused issues and moving small files happens fast enough to not need the status of being moved, only the completion of the move
Improved error handling when encountering issues during cancellation of data copy/move
Improved error message when trying to unlink data from a project via the API when this data is native to that project and not linked
Fixed issue where analysis can proceed to download input data when any of the inputs are in status other than AVAILABLE, including records within folder data inputs
Redesigned UI component to prevent issues with Analysis summary display
Fixed an issue where the field content was not set to empty when the field input forms have changed between the original analysis and a rerun
Replaced retry exhaustion message, "External Service failed to process after max retries 503 Unique Reference ID: 1234" with a more useful message to end users that advises them to contact Illumina support: "Attempt to launch ICA workflow session failed after max retries. Please contact Illumina Tech Support for assistance. Unique Reference ID: 1234". This does not replace more specific error messages that provide corrective advice to the user, such as "projectId cannot be null"
For efficiency reasons, pipeline files are limited to a file size of 100 Megabytes
Fixed an issue which caused .bash_profile to no longer source .bashrc
Fixed the status of deleted docker images which previously were displayed as available
After creating a tool, the Information tab and Create Tool are now no longer accessible to prevent erroneous selection
Fixed layout issue where buttons were moved up when the user selected the option
Fixed issue where user was not able to view PheWas plot when multiple cohorts are open and same gene is searched
Fixed issue where the user was not able to view GWAS plot when multiple cohorts are open and user switched forth and back between cohorts
Fixed issue where users were not able to see the cryogenic map in the gene summary page for gene associated with the chromosome
2024 September 27 - ICA v2.29.1
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where various Data Transfer Ownership API calls were failing with a 'countryView' constraint violation error
2024 September 25 - ICA v2.29.0
Features and Enhancements
Dynamically linked folders and files now have their own icon type, which is a folder/file symbol with a link symbol consisting of three connected circles
Data Management
With the move from static to dynamic data linking, unlinking data is now only possible from the project top level to prevent inconsistencies
The user can now manually, dynamically link a folder
The icav2 project data mount command now supports the “--allow-other” option to allow other users access to the data
The user can now set a time to be archived or deleted for files and folders with the “timeToBeArchived” and “timeToBeDeleted” parameter on the “POST/api/projects/{projectId}/dataUpdateBatch” command
Added 4 new API endpoints which combine the create and retrieve upload information
POST/api/projects/{projectId}/data:createFileWithTemporaryCredentials Creates a file in this project, and retrieves temporary credentials for it
POST/api/projects/{projectId}/data:createFileWithUploadUrl Creates a file in this project, and retrieves an upload url for it
POST/api/projects/{projectId}/data:createFolderWithTemporaryCredentials Creates a folder in this project, and and retrieves temporary credentials for it
POST/api/projects/{projectId}/data:createFolderWithUploadSession Creates a folder in this project, and creates a trackable folder upload session
The default Nextflow version is now 22.04.03, from 20.10.0
The user can now specify the Nextflow version when deploying a pipeline via the CLI with the “--nextflow-version” flag
The user now has the option to choose either a tool or bench as a docker image when adding new docker images
It is now possible to open contents of a Bench workspace in a new tab from the Bench details tab > access section
Fixed Issues
Improved handling of API calls with an invalid or expired JWT or API token
Data Management
Renamed the "New storage credential" button to "Create storage credential"
Removed the "Edit storage credential" button. The user can now edit the column directly in the open dialog when clicking on the name
Performance improvements to scheduled data download
Fixed an issue where data records were shown more than once when updating the tags\
The data details were erroneously labeled with "size in bytes" while the size was in a variable unit
Fixed an issue where trying to download files could result in the error "Href must not be null" when the file was not available
Fixed an issue where existing data catalog views would return an empty screen caused by a mismatch in role naming
Fixed an issue that caused opening a pipeline in the read-only view to incorrectly detect there were unsaved changes to the pipeline
Fixed an issue when having different pipeline bundles with the same (name) resource models would result in duplicate listing of these resources
Improved error handling when encountering output folder creation failure, which previously could result in analysis being stuck in REQUESTED status
By default Nextflow will no longer generate the trace report. If you want to enable generating the report, add the section below to your userNextflow.config file:
trace.enabled = true
trace.file = '.ica/user/trace-report.txt'
trace.fields = 'task_id,hash,native_id,process,tag,name,status,exit,module,container,cpus,time,disk,memory,attempt,submit,start,complete,duration,realtime,queue,%cpu,%mem,rss,vmem,peak_rss,peak_vmem,rchar,wchar,syscr,syscw,read_bytes,write_bytes,vol_ctxt,inv_ctxt,env,workdir,script,scratch,error_action'
Fixed the issue where users not allowed to run or rerun workflows could start them from the API or BaseSpace SequenceHub. Now, users that cannot start workflows cannot rerun them.
Fixed issue where the users can select the lower needles despite the overlap of multiple needles at the same location in the needle plot
Fixed issue where the user would not be able to view the cryogenic map in the gene summary page for gene associated with the chromosome
Fixed issue where the user would not be able to view the PheWas plot when multiple cohorts are open and same gene is searched
2024 September 5 - ICA v2.28.1
Features and Enhancements
Data Management
Improved performance of data linking jobs
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue causing slow API responses and 500 errors
2024 August 28 - ICA v2.28.0
Features and Enhancements
The CLI readme file will now additionally contain the CLI build number
Data Management
Fixed an issue where there was a discrepancy between the Run Input tags shown to the user and what was stored on the data
Added a 25,000-item limit to the v3 endpoint for batch data linking. Using the v4 endpoint, which does not have this limitation, is recommended
Analyses and workflow sessions can now be resubmitted, and parameters can be updated upon resubmission
Changed the default image used for CWL pipeline processes with undefined image from to
Updated the choice of default nextflow docker image which is used when no docker image is defined. It is now
The analysis logs in the analysis details page can be refreshed
The user is now able to write a pipeline which executes files located in the /data/bin directory of the runtime environment
Pipeline files are now shown in a tree structure for easier overview
Updated GWAS UK Biobank data base gives users access to more phenotype information
Users can now incrementally ingest their molecular data for germline, CNV, structural variants, and somatic mutation data
Fixed Issues
Added an "All" option to the workgroup selection box in the projects view to reset the filter, which previously required you to delete all characters from the filter
Fixed an issue where updating two base permissions at the same time would sometimes not execute correctly
Fixed an issue where creating grid filters could result in a nullpointer error
Fixed an issue where 'Copy to Clipboard' button did not work anymore
After searching for a folder in the search box and going into that folder, the search box is now cleared
Improved the project permissions API to correctly handle empty values
Previously, when attempting to save and send a message from the Websolutions section without a unique subject, the system would report an error and still send the message. Now the non-unique message subject error is reported and no message is sent
Fixed an issue where linking samples in the sample screen would result in receiving the same "sample(s) linked" message twice
Improved error handling for CLI FUSE driver
Hardened log streaming for ongoing runs to better handle network issues which previously would result in missing log streaming
Add retries for "connected reset by peer" network-related errors during analysis upload tasks
Fixed an issue where inviting a user to collaborate on a project containing base would result in the error "entity not managed" if that user did not have base enabled in any project or if base was not enabled in the project tenant
Data Management
Fixed an issue where data could be moved to a restricted location called /analyses/ and no longer be visible after the move. Please contact Illumina Support with your data move job information to recover your data if you have encountered this issue
Fixed an issue where sorting on data format did not work correctly
Copying empty folders no longer results in a partially copied status
ICA now performs an automatic refresh after unlinking or deleting a sample
Improved handling of file path collisions when handling linked projects during data copy / move
Fixed an issue where, even though uploading a file in a linked folder is not permitted, this would erroneously present a success message without copying the file
Analysis-events which are too large for SQS (256KB) are now truncated at the first 1000 characters when using SQS
Improved error handling when trying to upload files which no longer exist
Fix system degradation under load by introducing rate limit for spawning tasks for a given analysis to 25 per 1 min
The createUploadUrl endpoint can now be used to upload a file directly from the region where it is located. The user can create both new files and overwrite files in status "partial"
Improved the project data list command with wildcard support. For example:
/ or /* will return the contents of the root
/folder/ will return the folder
/folder/* will return the contents of the folder
To optimize performance, a limit has been set to prevent concurrent uploading of more than 100 files
Fixed an issue where folder syncing functionality would sometimes result in “Unhandled exception in scheduling worker”
Fixed an issue where writing a pipeline which executes files in the /data/bin folder wasn't functioning properly with larger storage classes
Nextflow pipelines no longer require pipeline inputs when starting them via the CLI
Improved error handling when using an unsupported data format in the XML input forms during pipeline creation
Fixed the issue where it was not possible to add links in the detail page for pipelines and bundles
Sorting is no longer supported on duration and average duration columns for analysis grids
In situations where the user would previously get the error "zero choices with weight >= 1" after the first attempt, additional retries will execute to prevent this from occurring
Fixed an issue resulting in a blank error when a cohort with hundreds of diagnostic concepts was created
2024 July 10 - ICA v2.27.1
Features and Enhancements
Improved analysis queue times during periods of limited compute resource availability
2024 June 25 - ICA v2.27.0
Features and Enhancements
New notification to the user when a copy job finishes running
Updated the "GET analysis storage" API endpoint to account for the billing mode of the project. If the billing mode of the project is set to tenant, then the analysis storage of the user's tenant will be returned. If the billing mode of the project is set to project, then the analysis storage of the project's owner tenant will be returned
A ReadMe file containing used libraries and licenses is now available for ICA CLI
Data Management
New DataFormats YAML (.yaml, .cwl), JAVASCRIPT (.js, .javascript), GROOVY (.groovy, .nf), DIFF (.diff), SH (.sh), SQL (.sql) to determine the used syntax highlighting when displaying/editing new pipeline files in the UI
ICAv2 CLI supports moving data both between and within projects
Added an alert to notify users when data sharing or data move is disabled for the project
A new version of the Event Log endpoint has been developed to support paging, retrieval of previous events, and resolution of inconsistencies in date formats. This new endpoint introduces the EventLogListV4 data transfer object
The user is now able to select a single file and download it from the browser directly. This does not apply for folders and multiple files selected at once
User can subscribe to notifications when data is unarchived
The BaseSpace Sequencing Run Experiment name will now be added to the technical tags when a workflow session is launched
Fastqs with the .ora extension are now supported when staging these for secondary analysis, either as a list of fastqs or as fastq_list_s3.csv files
Before, users had to click on the pipeline on the pipeline overview screen to start a new analysis. Now, you will enter the pipeline in edit mode when you click on the pipeline name. If you want to select a pipeline to start an analysis, you need to check the checkbox
Fixed Issues
Removed the refresh button from the workspace detail view as it was superfluous
Fixed an issue where searching for certain characters in the search field of the Projects or Data overviews screen would result in an indecipherable error
Improved security handling around tenant admin-level users in the context of data move
Data Management
Fixed a bug so folders copied from another previously copied folder no longer results in a corrupted file
Fixed an issue where creating a new bundle would result in an error if a project with the same name already exists
Data move between projects from different tenants is now supported
Fixed an issue where not selecting files before using the copy or move commands would result in EmptyDataId errors
For the CLI, Improved notifications when files can not be downloaded correctly
Fixed an issue where scheduled downloads of linked data would fail without warning
Corrected an issue where the tenant billing mode would be erroneously set to Illumina after a data copy
Fixed an issue where BatchCopy on linked data did not work
Resolved an issue to ensure that when a user creates a pipeline using a docker image shared from an entitled bundle, their analyses utilizing that pipeline can pull the docker image without errors
Removed superfluous options from the analysis status filter
Awaiting input
Pending request
Awaiting previous unit
Fixed an issue where writing a pipeline which executes files in the /data/bin folder wasn't functioning properly with larger storage classes
Fixed an issue where many-step analyses are getting stuck in "In Progress" status
Fixed an issue where the wrapper scripts when running a CommandLineTool in CWL would return a warning
Fixed the issue which caused the "Save as" option not to work when saving pipelines
Fixed an issue where the ICA reference fields in the schema definition had the wrong casing. As a result of this update you might end up with 2 different versions of the reference data (one with keys written with an uppercase letter at the start, another one with keys written entirely in lowercase letters). To fix this:
Update your queries and use the Snowflake function : GET_IGNORE_CASE (ex: select GET_IGNORE_CASE( to_object(ica) , 'data_name' ) from testtableref)
Update the 'old' field names to the new ones (ex: update testtableref_orig set ica = object_delete(object_insert(ica, 'data_name', ica:Data_name), 'Data_name'))
Fixed an issue where using an expression to filter the "Base Job Success" event is not working
2024 June 6 - ICA v2.26.1
Fixed Issues
Resolved an issue to ensure that when a user creates a pipeline using a docker image shared from an entitled bundle, their analyses utilizing that pipeline can pull the docker image without errors.
2024 June 5 - ICA v2.26.0
Features and Enhancements
The left side navigation bar will collapse by default for screen smaller than 800 pixels. The user can expand it by hovering over it
The browser URL may be copied to share analyses, pipelines, samples, tools, workspaces and data in various contexts (project, bundle)
Data Management
Users are now able to move data within and across projects:
The user can:
Move available data
Move up to 1000 files and/or folders in 1 move operation
Retain links to entities (sample, sequencing run, etc.) and other meta-data (tags, app-info) when moving
Move data within a project if the user is a contributor
Move data across projects if (1) in the source project the user has download rights, has at least contributor rights, and data sharing is enabled, and (2) the user has upload rights and at least viewer rights in the target project
Move data across projects with different types of storage configurations (user-defined or default ICA-managed storage)
Select and move data to the folder they are currently in through the graphical UI
Select and move data in a destination project and/or folder through the API
The user cannot:
Move linked data. Only the source data can be moved
Move data to linked data. Can only move data to the source data location
Move data to a folder that is in the process of being moved
Move data which is in the first level of the destination folder
Move data to a destination folder which would create a naming conflict such as a file name duplicate
Move data across regions
New Event Log entries are provided when a user links (ICA_BASE_100) or unlinks (ICA_BASE_101) a Cohorts data set to a bundle
Added support for the following data formats: ora, adat, zarr, tiff and wsi
New compute types (Transfer Small, Transfer Medium, Transfer Large) are supported and can be used in upload and download tasks to significantly reduce overall analysis runtimes (and overall cost)
API: All the endpoints containing pipeline information now contain the status from the pipeline(s) as well
External Docker images will no longer display a status as they consistently showed 'Available,' even when the URL is not functional
Performance improvements to needle plot by refactoring its API endpoint to return only sample IDs
Users now click a cancel button that returns them to the landing page
Users can now perform time series analysis for a single patient view
Refresh of PrimateAI data now drives data in variant tables
Users can now access the structural variant tab in the Marker frequency section
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where, when a user is added to or removed from a workgroup, they could be stuck on an infinite redirect loop when logging in
Fixed syncing discrepancy issues about deleted files in user-managed storage projects with Lifecycle rules & Versioning
Data Access & Management
Sorting API responses for the endpoint GET /api/jobs is possible on the following criteria: timeCreated, timeStarted and timeFinished
Improved the error message when trying to link a bundle which is in a different region than the project
More documentation has been added to the GET /eventLog regarding the order of rows to fetch
Fixed an issue where the API call - POST api/projects/{projectId}/permissions would return an error when DATA_PROVIDER was set for roleProject
Fixed an issue stemming from attempts to copy files from the same source to the same destination, which incorrectly updated file statuses to Partial
CLI: Fixed an issue where the environment variable ICAV2_X_API_KEY did not work
The analysis is no longer started from the API if error 400 ( 'Content-Type' and 'Accept' do not match) occurs
Fixed an issue where the Base schedule would not run automatically in some cases when files are present in the schedule
Improved error handling when trying to create a tool with insufficient permissions
Fixed an issue where the user is unable to download docker-image with adhoc-subscription
The "version":"string" field is now included in the API response GET /api/referenceSets. If no version is specified, the field is set to "Not Specified"
Fixed an issue where, under some conditions, fetching a job by id would throw an error if the job was in pending status
2024 April 24 - ICA v2.25.0
Features and Enhancements
Data Management
The GUI now has a limit of 100 characters for the name and 2048 characters for the URL for links in pipelines and bundles
Added a link to create a new connector if needed when scheduling a data download
Improved the data view with additional filtering in the side panel
New CLI environment variable ICA_NO_RETRY_RATE_LIMITING allows users to disable the retry mechanism. When it is set to "1”, no retries are performed. For any other value, http code 429 will result in 4 retry attempts after 0.5, 2, 10, and 30 seconds * Code-based pipelines will alphabetically order additional files next to the or workflow.cwl file
When the Compute Type is unspecified, it will be determined automatically based on CPU and Memory values using a "best fit" strategy to meet the minimum specified requirements
Paths can be whitelisted to allowed URLs on restricted settings
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where the online help button does not work upon clicking on it
Data Access & Management
Improved automatic resource cleanup when hiding a project
Fixed an issue with the service connector where leading blanks in the path of an upload/download rule would result in errors. It is no longer possible to define rules with leading or trailing blanks
Fixed an issue where a folder copy job fails if the source folder doesn't have metadata set
Linking data to sample has been made consistent between API and GUI
Improved resource handling when uploading large amounts of files via the GUI
Fixed an issue where the API endpoint to retrieve input parameters for a project pipeline linked to a bundle would fail when the user is not entitled on the bundle
Fixed an issue where deleting and adding a bundle to a project in one action does not work
The event sending protocol was rewritten to limit prematurely exhausting event retries and potentially leaving workflows stuck when experiencing high server loads or outages
Fixed an issue where specifying the minimum number of CPUs using coresMin in a CWL workflow would always result in the allocation of a standard-small instance, regardless of the coresMin value specified
Fixed an issue in the API endpoint to create a Nextflow analysis where tags were incorrectly marked as mandatory inputs in the request body
Fixed an issue with intermittent failures following completion of a workflow session
Improved syntax highlighting in Base queries by making the different colors more distinguishable
Fixed an issue where the Bench workspace disk size cannot be adjusted when the workspace is stopped. Now, the adjusted size is reflected when the workspace is resumed
Fixed an issue where regions were not populating correctly for Docker images
Fixed an issue where API keys do not get cleaned up after failed workspace starts, leading to unusable workspaces once the API key limit is reached
2024 April 15 - ICA v2.24.2
Features and Enhancements
Users can now query variant lists with a large number of associated phenotypes
Users can now perform multiple concurrent data import jobs
Fixed Issues:
Fixed an issue with displaying shared views when refreshing a Bundle’s shared database in Base
2024 April 4 - ICA v2.24.1
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where autolaunch is broken for any users utilizing run and samplesheet inputs stored in BSSH and operating in a personal context, rather than a workgroup.
2024 March 27 - ICA v2.24.0
Features and Enhancements
Data Management
Data (files and folders) may be copied from one folder to another within the same Project
The empty ‘URN’ field in the Project details at Project creation is now removed
The ‘Linked Bundles’ area in the Project details at Project creation is now removed as you are only allowed to link Bundles after Project creation
The card or grid view selected will become the default view when navigating back to the Projects or Bundles views
Added a new API endpoints to retrieve and accept the Terms & Conditions of an entitled bundle:
Added a new API endpoint to retrieve orchestrated analyses of a workflow session
GET /api/projects/{ProjectID}/workflowSessoins/{WorkflowSessionID}/analyses
Code-based pipelines will alphabetically order additional files next to the or workflow.cwl file
New JupyterLab - 1.0.19 image published for Bench using the Ubuntu 22.04 base image
Resources have been expanded to include more options for compute families when configuring a workspace. See ICA help documentation for more details
Sample count for an individual cohort may be viewed in the variants table
Filter the variants list table through the filter setting in the needle plot
Execute concurrent jobs from a single tenant
Improved the display of error and warning messages for import jobs
Structural variant tab may be accessed from the Marker frequency section
Fixed Issues
Data Access & Management
Bundles now reflect the correct status when they are released instead of the draft status
Double clicking a file opens the data details popup only once instead of multiple times
Improved performance to prevent timeouts during list generation which resulted in Error 500
The counter is now accurately updated when selecting refresh in the Projects view
Fixed an issue resulting in one job to succeed and one to fail when running two or more file copy jobs at the same time to copy files from same project to same destination folder
Fixed an issue resulting in an error in a sample when linking nested files with the same name
Added a new column to the Source Data tab of the Table view which indicates the upload status of the source data
Removed the unused ‘storage-bundle’ field from the Data details window
Fixed an issue where the Project menu does not update when navigating into a Project in Chrome browsers
(CLI) Fixed an issue where deleting a file/folder via path would result in an error on Windows CLI
Improved schedule handling to prevent an issue where some files were not correctly picked up by the scheduler in exceptional circumstances
Fixed an issue where an incorrect owning tenant is set on a schedule when running it before saving
The number of returned results which is displayed on the scheduler when trying to load files now reflects the total number of files instead of the maximum number of files which could be displayed per page
Fixed an issue where Null Pointer Exception is observed when deleting Base within a Project
Fixed an issue where users were unable to delete their own Bench image(s) from the docker repository
Fixed an issue where the value in the tumor_or_normal field, in the phenotype table in database, would not set properly for germline and somatic mutation data
Fixed an issue where large genes with subjects containing large sets of diagnostic concepts caused a 503 error
2024 March 7 - ICA v2.23.1
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where automated analysis after sequencing run in non-US regions may fail for certain analysis configurations
2024 February 28 - ICA v2.23.0
Features and Enhancements
Data Management
The --exclude-source-path flag has been added to the ‘project data download’ command so that subfolders can be downloaded to the target path without including the parent path
The system automatically re-validates storage credentials updated in the graphical UI
Added a new API endpoint to validate storage configurations after credentials are changed: /api/storageConfigurations/{storageConfigurationId}:validate
Added support for multi-version notification event payloads corresponding to versioned API response models
(API) Improved the analysis-dto by adding a new POST search endpoint as a replacement for the search analysis GET endpoint. The GET endpoint will keep working but we advise using the new POST endpoint.
Improved analysis statuses to reflect the actual status more accurately
Parallelized analysis input data downloads and output data uploads to reduce overall analysis time
No scratch size is allocated if tmpdirMin is not specified
Performance improvements of the ingestion pipeline
Performance improvements to subject list retrieval
Increased the character limit of ingestion log messages to the user
Fixed Issues
Data Access & Management
Fixed an issue where the target user cannot see analysis outputs after a successful transfer of analysis ownership in BaseSpace Sequence Hub
Update the API Swagger documentation to include paging information for: /projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/data
Fixed an issue resulting in errors when creating a new bundle version
Fixed an issue where the GET API call with the ‘Sort’ parameter returns an error when multiple values are separated by commas followed by a space
Fixed an issue where adding the –eligible-link flag to the ‘projectdata list’ API endpoint caused other flags to not work correctly
Added cursor-based pagination for the ‘projectdata list’ API endpoint
Fixed an issue with the entitled bundles cards view where the region is cut off when the Status is not present
Fixed an issue where bundle filtering on categories did not work as expected
Fixed an issue where file copy across tenants did not work as expected
Added a cross-account permission check so that file copy jobs fail when the cross-account set up is missing instead of being retried indefinitely
Fixed an issue where ‘Get Projects’ API endpoint returns an error when too many projects are in the tenant
Fixed an issue where the UpdateProject API call (PUT /api/projects/{projectId}) returns an error when technical tags are removed from the request
Fixed an issue where users need to confirm they want to cancel an action multiple times when clicking the back button in the graphical UI
Fixed an issue where clicking into a new version of a bundle from the details view does not open the new version, and instead directs to the bundle card view
Fixed an issue where the analysis logs are returned in the analysis screen “outputs” section and included in the getAnalysisOutputs API response. The log output is no longer considered as part of the analysis outputs
Analysis history screen has been removed
Fixed an issue resulting in inability to retrieve pipeline files via the API when the pipeline is shared cross-tenant
Fixed an issue where the API endpoint to retrieve files for a project pipeline would not return all files for pipelines created via CLI or API
Fixed an issue where the API does not check the proprietary flag of a pipeline before retrieving or downloading the pipeline files
The ‘Download’ button is available to download Base activity data locally (and replaces the non-functional ‘Export’ button for restricted bundles)
Fixed an issue resulting in missing ICA reference fields in table records if the file was loaded into the table with no metadata
Improved consistency of the references included in the scheduler
Users are now logged out from a terminal window opened in a workspace after a period of inactivity
Fixed an issue where permissions could not be enabled after a workspaces has been created
Fixed an issue where a Contributor could not start/stop a workspace
Fixed an issue where large genes with subjects with large sets of diagnostic concepts cause a 503 error
Fixed an issue where the value in tumor_or_normal field in the phenotype table in the database is not set properly for germline and somatic mutation data
Resolved a discrepancy between the number of samples reported when hovering over the needle plot and the variant list
2024 January 31 - ICA v2.22.0
Features and Enhancements
Users can now access the system via or
Data Management
Users are now able to revalidate storage configurations in an Error state
Improved existing endpoints and added new endpoints to link and unlink data to a bundle or a project in batch:
POST /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUnlinkingBatch
GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUnlinkingBatch/{batchId}
GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUnlinkingBatch/{batchId}/items
GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUnlinkingBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId}
Analyses started via the API can now leverage data stored in BaseSpace Sequence Hub as input
ICA now supports auto-launching analysis pipelines upon sequencing run completion with run data stored in BaseSpace Sequence Hub (instead of ICA)
Updated the API for creating pipelines to include "proprietary" setting, which hides pipeline scripts and details from users who do not belong to the tenant which owns the pipeline and prevents pipeline cloning.
Added support for partial matches against a single input string to the “Search subjects” flexible filtering logic
Users can now view an overview page for a gene when they search for it or click on a gene in the marker frequency charts
ICA Cohorts includes access to both pathogenic and benign variants, which are plotted in the “Pathogenic variants” track underneath the needle plot
Ingestion: UI notifications and/or errors will be displayed in the event of partially completed ingestions
Users can share cohort comparisons with any other users with access to the same project
Fixed Issues
Improved the project card view in the UI
Fixed an issue with user administration where changing the permissions of multiple users at the same time would result in users receiving Invalid OAuth access token messages
Data Access & Management
Improved the error message when downloading project data if the storage configuration is not ready for use
Fixed an issue causing Folder Copy jobs to time out and restart, resulting in delays in copy operations
Fixed an issue where only the Docker image of the first restricted bundle that was added could be selected
Improved the performance of folder linking with "api/projects/{ProjectID}/dataLinkingBatch"
The URL for links for "post/api/bundles" endpoint can be up to 2048 characters long
Improved the error response when using offset-based paging on API responses which contain too much data and require cursor-based paging
Fixed an issue resulting in failures downloading data from CLI using a path
The correct error message is displayed if the user does not have a valid subscription when creating a new project
Fixed an issue where changing ownership of a project does not change previous owner access for Base tables
Input parameters of pipelines are now displayed in the "label (code)" format unless there is no label available or the label equals the code, in which case only the code is shown
Fixed an issue where multiple folders were created upon starting new analyses
Fixed an issue preventing analyses from using inputs with BaseSpace v1pre3 APIs
Fixed an issue causing analyses with a specified output path to incorrectly return an error stating that the data does not exist
The following endpoint "/api/projects/{projectId}/workflowSessions/{workflowSessionId}/inputs" now supports using external data as input
Any value other than "economy" or "standard" for submitted analysis jobs will default to "standard" and use "standard"
The parameter to pass an activationcode is now optional for start-analysis API endpoints
Improved the display of errors in the activity jobs screen if a Meta Data schedule fails
If an error occurs when processing metadata a failed job entry will be added in the Base Activity screen
Fixed an issue where records ingested via schedules from the same file could be duplicated
Fixed an issue where exporting the view shared via bundle would show an error 'Could not find data with ID (fol. ....)'
Resolved a NullPointerException error when clicking on Format and Status filters in the details screen of a Schedule in the Results tab
Fixed an issue where a schedule download would fail when performed by different user than the initial user
Fixed an issue when trying to query a Base table with a high limit within a workspace
Fixed an apt-get error when building images due to an outdated repository
Fixed an issue where a stopped workspace would display "Workspace paused" instead of "Workspace stopped"
Fixed an issue where large files (e.g., 150GB+) could not be downloaded to a fuse-driver location from a Workspace, and set the new limit to 500GB
Fixed an issue where split Nirvana JSON files are not recognized during ingestion
Fixed an issue causing the UI hangs on large genes and returns a 502 error
Fixed an issue where OMOP files are not correctly converted to CAM data model, preventing OMOP data ingestions
Fixed an issue where OMOP large drug ingestions led to memory issues and preventing further drug data ingestion
Fixed an issue where users from a different tenant accessing a shared project could not ingest data
2023 December 05 - ICA v2.21.0
Features and Enhancements
Analysis logs (task stdout/stderr files) are now written to a folder named ‘ica_logs’ within the analysis output folder
Default scratch disk size attached to analysis steps reduced from 2TB to 0B to improve cost and performance of analyses. Pipelines created before ICA v2.21.0 will not be impacted
Notifications can now be updated and deleted in externally managed Projects
Clarified on the Swagger page which sorting options apply to which paging strategy (cursor-based versus offset-based). Changed the default sorting behavior so that:
When no paging strategy is specified and no sort is requested, then cursor-based paging is default
When no paging strategy is specified and sort is requested, then offset-based paging is default
Procedure Search Box: Users can now access additional UI functionalities for Procedures
Users can now access Procedure codes from OMOP
Improved handling of drug codes across all reports, excluding Survival comparison
Users now have enhanced job warning log and API status improvements
Users now require download permissions to facilitate the data ingestion process
Fetch Molecular Files: Improved import – Users can now input a directory path and select sample files individually
Variant Type Summary: Users can now access a new variants tab that summarizes Variant type statistics per gene
Added sorting and filtering capabilities to report tables, such as variants observed in genes
Users can now view sample barcodes, replacing internal auto-increment sample IDs in the Structural Variants table within the Genes tab
“Search subjects” functionality improved with flexible filtering logic that now supports partial matches against a single input string
Fixed Issues
Data Management
Fixed an issue with data copy via the CLI where the file was being copied to a subfolder of the intended location instead of the specified folder
Resolved an issue where browser upload hangs intermittently when creating data
Fixed an issue where the delete popup does not always disappear when deleting data
Fixed an issue where GetFolder API call returns 404 error if the Create and Get operations are performed 100ms apart
Fixed an issue where file copy would fail if the file was located at the root level of User’s S3 storage bucket
Fixed an issue causing data linked from externally managed projects to be incorrectly excluded from the list project data API response
Fixed an issue where User cannot use data URNs to identify the destination folder when interacting with copy data API endpoints
Bundles: Fixed an issue where clicking the back button before saving a new bundle leads to inconsistencies
Fixed an issue where pipeline documentation is not scrollable when launching pipeline
Fixed an issue with logfiles of a task not being available for streaming while the task is still running
Fixed an issue where using the 're-run' button from the analysis page reverts the storage size selection to default
Fixed an inconsistency where the following two endpoints would show different analysis statuses:
GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses
GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId}
Improved performance issues with UI loading data records when selecting inputs for analysis
Fixed a caching issue which resulted in delays when running pipelines
Fixed an issue where back button for analysis or pipeline details does not always direct Users back to analysis or pipelines view, respectively
Fixed an issue where system performance is degraded when large batches (e.g., 1,000) of data are added as input to Analyses via the graphical UI. It is recommended to start Analyses with large numbers of input files via API
Fixed an issue where enabling Base from a Base view other than Base Tables returned a warning message
Fixed an issue where Base access was not enabled when a bundle with tables is added to a project without Base (Base is automatically enabled so users can see the bundle's tables). However, access to the bundle's tables is revoked upon the deletion of Base, and was not granted again once Base was re-enabled
Fixed an issue where a Base job to load data into a table never finished because the file was deleted after the job started and before it finished. Now the job will end up in a Failed state
Fixed an issue where needle plot filtered out data points reappear when zooming in the exon when a filter is in place
Fixed an issue where users from a different tenant who accept a project share may encounter a failure at the final step of the data ingestion process
Fixed an issue where users can encounter intermittent errors when browsing and typing for a gene
Fixed an issue where the UI hangs on large genes and returns a 502 error
2023 November 9 - ICA v2.20.1
Fixed Issues
Data Management
Fixed an issue where multiple folder copy jobs with the same destination may get stuck In Progress
Fixed an intermittent issue where tags on the target folder for a batch data update call are not set, but are set for all child data
Fixed an issue causing intermittent pipeline failures due to an infrastructure error
2023 October 31 - ICA v2.20.0
Features and Enhancements
Navigation: If multiple regions are enabled for the same tenant, the region will be indicated in the waffle menu
Logging: Data transfers of BaseSpace Sequence Hub projects with data stored in ICA will be traced in ICA logs
Disease Search Box: Added support for specifying subjects by age of onset of disease(s)
Drug Search Box: Added a new query builder box for Drugs
Ingestion: Support for Drug, drug route, etc. attached to subjects
Cohorts building: Users can build cohorts by specifying drugs, drug route, etc.
Combine different variant types during ingestion (small variants, cnv, sv)
Cohorts supports Illumina Pisces variant caller for hg19 VCFs
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where the graphical UI hands with ha spinning wheel when saving or executing a command
Fixed an issue where rich text editor for Documentation tab on Pipelines, Tools, Projects and Bundles does not populate with correct styles in edit mode
Data Management
Fixed an issue where multiple clicks on create data in Project API endpoint resulted in multiple requests
Fixed an issue where the secondary data selection screen could not be resized
A spinning wheel icon with ‘copying’ status is displayed at the folder level in the target Project when a folder is being copied. This applies to the actual folder itself and not for folders higher up in the hierarchy
Fixed an issue where API to retrieve a project data update batch is failing with 500 error when either the Technical or the User tags are updated during the batch update request
Fixed an issue where linking jobs fail to complete if other linking jobs are running
Improved performance for data transfer to support BaseSpace Sequence Hub Run transfers
Fixed an issue causing some folder copy jobs to remain in "Partially Succeeded" status despite being completed successfullyBundles: Fixed an issue where the URL and Region where a Docker image is available is not displayed for a Docker image Tool shared via an entitled Bundle
Fixed an issue where the folder copy job was getting stuck copying large amounts of big files
Fixed an issue where the folder counts were not matching expected counts after Data linking
Fixed an issue where delete data popup would occasionally not disappear after deleting data.
Fixed an issue with data copy where referencing data from another region would not result in immediate failure
Fixed issue where uploading a folder using the CLI was not working
Fixed an issue where a Docker image shared via an entitled Bundle can be added to another region
Fixed an issue where workflow does not fail if BCL Convert fails for a BCL Convert-only run
Improved performance when batches of data up to 1000 are added as input to an Analysis
Nextflow engine will return exit code 55 if the pipeline runner task is preempted
Fixed an issue where log files cannot be opened for any steps in an analysis while the analysis is in progress
Fixed an issue with concurrent updates on analysis
Fixed an issue where unknown data inputs in the XML of an analysis are not being ignored
The warning, close, and machine profile icons for Tools can now be seen in the graphical CWL pipeline editor
Fixed an issue where user cannot expand analysis output folder if user permissions change after starting analysis. Now, if a user has the correct permissions to start an analysis, that analysis should be able to finish correctly no matter the permissions at the time it succeeds
Fixed an issue switching back from template to Empty Table did not clear the fields
Data linked from an externally managed project can be added to Base Tables
Fixed an issue in the graphical UI where schema definition does not scroll correctly when many columns are defined
2023 October 3 - ICA v2.19.0
Features and Enhancements
Data Management/API
Added a new endpoint available to change project owner
POST /api/projects/{projectId}:changeOwner { “newOwnerId”:”}
Added a new endpoint to copy data from one project to another:
Data Management/CLI
Added the ability to copy files and folders between projects in the UI and CLI. This includes support for copying data from projects with ICA-managed storage (default) to projects with S3-configured storage.
When starting an analysis via the API, you can specify the input files based on HTTP(s). When your analysis is done, you will see the URL corresponding to the inputs in the UI, but you will not be able to start an analysis from the UI using this URL
Added two new endpoints for workflow sessions:
Get /api/projects/{projectId}/workflowSessions
Get /api/projects/{projectId}/workflowSessions/{workflowSessionId}/inputs
Added a new endpoint to retrieve configurations from a workflow session
Duplicate analyses submitted via the CLI will be avoided
Removed the ability to start analyses from data and sample views in the UI where a single input is selected to start analyses in bulk
Flow/Autolaunch ICA Workflow Session and Orchestrated Analyses (launched by the workflow session) now saves outputs in an organized folder structure: /ilmn-analysis/<name_used_to_create_sequencer_run_output_folder>
The Base module has a new feature called ‘Data Catalogue’. This allows you to add usage data from your tenant/project if that data is available for you.
Data Catalogue views will be available and can be used in Base to query on
You will be able to preview and query Data Catalogue views through Base Tables and Query screens
The Data Catalogue will always be up to date with the available views for your tenant/project
Data Catalogue views cannot be shared through a Bundle
Data Catalogue views will also be available to team members that were added after the view was added
Data Catalogue views can be removed from the Base tables and corresponding project
By removing Base from a project, the Data Catalogue will also be removed from that project
Cohorts: Disease Search box
Cohorts now includes a disease search box to search for disease concepts. This replaces the disease concept tree explorer
Disease search box located under a Disease tab in main Query builder
Search box allows for a copy/paste action of codes to be processed as separate query elements. Currently, the feature is limited to a complete valid list
Each disease entered into the search box is displayed as a separate query item and can be set to include or exclude.
Diseases in search box can be used with boolean logic in cohort creation
Search box allows for an auto-complete of diagnosis concepts and identifiers
The disease filter is included in the cohort query summary on cohort page
Fixed Issues
Data Management
Data copy between ICA-managed projects and S3 storage configured projects is supported
Fixed an issue where storage configurations matching ICA-managed buckets would cause volume records to get associated with the wrong storage configuration in the system
The endpoint GET/api/projects/{ProjectID}/samples/{SampleID} correctly returns all the own samples and linked samples
Improved handling of bulk update via API when concurrent deletion of file has occurred
Fixed an issue where projectdata update tags would not update the tags
Fixed an issue to support adding the server-url as a parameter instead of having the config set
Fixed an issue resulting in failure to send a notification resulting in a failed workflow
Fixed an issue where one workflow session may override another when both are executed at the same time
Fixed an issue where query download in JSON format returns an error
Added a message in the UI when a query takes longer than 30 seconds to inform the user that the query is ongoing and can be monitored in the Activity view
Added a section describing the Data Catalogue functionality
Fixed an issue where resizing the workspace to current size would prevent users from resizing for the next 6 hours
Fixed an issue where Gene Expression table does not display with TCGA data or for tenants with a hyphen (e.g., ‘genome-group’)
Fixed an issue where user had no way to delete a cohort comparison from a deleted cohort
Fixed an issue in the UI where multi-cohort needle plot tracks are overlapping
Fixed an issue causing failures during annotation step with ‘CNV’ data type when selection ‘GB=hg19’ and ‘CNV data’ for liftover; also observed with ‘SM data’ and ‘hg38’ without liftover (in APS1 and CAC1 regions) due to a ‘404 Not Found’ error.
2023 September 14 - ICA v2.18.4
Fixed Issue
Fixed an issue uploading folders via the CLI
2023 September 8 - ICA v2.18.3
Fixed Issue
Fixed an issue causing CWL pipelines using Docker images that do not contain bash shell executable to fail.
2023 September 7 - ICA v2.18.2
Fixed Issue
Fixed an issue leading to intermittent system instability.
2023 September 6 - ICA v2.18.1
Fixed Issue
Issue fixed where GTEx plot is not available for tenants with a hyphen (e.g. ilmn-demo).
2023 August 31 - ICA v2.18.0
Features and Enhancements
Versioning: The ICA version can now be found under your user when you select "About"
Versioning/API: It is possible to retrieve system information about ICA, such as the current version through GET/api/systeminfo
Logging: When an action is initiated by another application, such as BaseSpace Sequence Hub, it will be traced as well in the ICA logs
Data Management
New API endpoints are available for:
Creation of a data update in bulk: POST/api/projects/{projectId}/dataUpdateBatch
A list of data updates for a certain project: GET/api/projects/{projectId}/dataUpdateBatch/{batchId}
A list of items from the batch update: GET/api/projects/{projectId}/dataUpdateBatch/{batchId}/items
A specific item from the batch update: GET/api/projects/{projectId}/dataUpdateBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} Note: Batch updates include tags, format, date to be archived and date to be deleted
Data Management/API
The sequencing run information can be retrieved through its Id by using the API endpoint GET/api/sequencingRuns/{sequencingRunId}
Auto launch now supports BCL Convert v3.10.9 pipeline and both TruSight Oncology 500 v2 pipelines (from FASTQs)
Removed "fpga-small" from available compute types. Pipelines using "fpga-small" will use the "fpga-medium"-equivalent compute specifications instead
Analyses launched/tracked by BaseSpace Sequence Hub contain relevant BaseSpace information in analysis details view
getPipelineParameters API returns parameter type in response
Added endpoints to retrieve and update a project pipeline definition
New API endpoint available to request the analyses in which a sample is being used
When leaving activationCodeDetailId empty when starting an analysis, the best match activation code will be used
Include "mountPaths" field in response for API and CLI command to retrieve analysis inputs
Two new API endpoints added to accept Terms and Conditions on a bundle:
GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/termsOfUse/userAcceptance/currentUser Returns you the time of acceptance when you, the current user, accepted the Terms & Conditions.
POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}/termOfUse:accept
Add temporary credentials duration to API documentation
List of events to which you can subscribe contains new ICA notification containing analyses updates
A new Bench permission is being introduced: Administrator. This permission allows users to manages existing workspaces and create new workspaces
The Bench Administrator role allows you to create new Bench workspaces with any permissions even if you as a Bench administrator do not have these permissions. In that case, you can create and modify the workspace, but you cannot enter that workspace. Modifying is only possible when the workspace is stopped
As a Bench Contributor you are not allowed anymore to delete a Bench Workspace, you need the Bench Administrator role.
Users can now ingest raw DRAGEN bulk RNAseq results for genes and transcripts (TPM), with the option to precompute differential expression during ingestion
Added support for running multiple DEseq2 analyses in the ingestion workflow through bulk processing based on sample size and specific requirements
In multiple needle plot view, individual needle plots can now be collapsed and expanded
Pop-outs for needle plot variants now contain additional links to external resources, such as UCSC
For a given cohort, display a distribution of raw expression values (TPM per gene) for a selected attributes
Use of the Cohorts maintains session between core ICA and Cohorts iFrame to prevent unwanted timeouts
Cohorts displays structural variants that include or overlap with a gene of interest
Fixed Issues
Collaboration: Fixed an issue where a user is presented with a blank screen when responding to a project invitation
Data Management/API
Improved error handling for API endpoint: DELETE/api/bundles/{bundleId}samples{sampleId}
Fixed an issue where the API endpoint GET /api/samples erroneously returned a 500
API endpoint GET/api/projects/{projectId}/analyses now returns the correct list when filtering on UserTags whereas it previously returned too many
Improved retry mechanism for API endpoint to create folderuploadsession
Data Management/CLI
When an upload of a folder/file is done through the CLI, it returns the information and ID of the folder/file
Data Management
CreatorId is now present on all data, including subfolders
Improved external linking to data inside ICA using deep linking
Improved error handling when creating folders with invalid characters.
Fixed an inconsistency for URN formats on output files from Analyses. This fix will apply only for analyses that are completed starting from ICAv2.18.0
Improved resilience in situations of concurrent linking and unlinking of files and folders from projects
It is only possible to delete a storage configuration if all projects that are using this storage configuration have been hidden and are not active projects anymore
Improved accuracy of the displayed project data size. Prior cost calculations were accurate, but the project data size visualization included technical background data
Fixed an issue where there is a discrepancy in number of configurations between Storage->Configurations and Configurations-> Genomics.Byob.Storage Configuration view
Improved error handling when invalid project-id is used in API endpoint GET /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines
Fixed an issue when an Analysis completed with error "incomplete folder session", the outputs of the Analysis are not always completely listed in the data listing APIs
Updated ICA Swagger Project > createProject to correctly state that the analysis priority must be in uppercase
When a spot instance is configured, but revoked by AWS, the pipeline will fail and exit code 55 is returned
Fix to return meaningful error message when instrument run ID is missing from Run Completion event during an auto launched analysis
Improved parallel processing of the same analysis multiple times
Improved error handling when creating queries which use two or more fields with the same name. The error message now reads "Query contains duplicate column names. Please use column alias in the query"
Fixed an issue where queries on tables with many entries fail with NullPointerException
Clarified that changes to Bench workspace size only take effect after a restart
Fixed issue where counts of subjects are hidden behind attribute names
Fixed issue where the state of checked files are not retained when selecting molecular files that are in multiple nested folders
Fixed issue where projects that contain files from linked bundles cause a time out, resulting in users not being able to select files for ingestion
Fixed an issue where the 'Import Jobs' page loaded within the Data Sets frame, depending on where the import was initiated
Fixed an issue in the Correlation plat where x-axis counts were hidden under attribute names
Fixed an issue where users were previously incorrectly signed out of their active sessions
2023 August 3 - ICA v2.17.1
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue causing analyses requesting FPGA compute resources to experience long wait times (>24h) or not be scheduled
2023 June 27 - ICA v2.17.0
Features and Enhancements
Data Management
Performance improvements for data link and unlink operations – Larger and more complex folders can now be linked in the graphical UI, and progress can be monitored with a new visual indication under Activity > Batch Jobs
Notifications are now available for batch job changes
Increased the allowed Docker image size from 10GB to >20GB
CWL: Added support for javascript expressions “ResourceRequirements” fields (i.e., type, size, tier, etc.) in CWL Pipeline definitions
Added support for using Pipeline APIs to query Pipelines included in Entitled Bundles (i.e., to retrieve input parameters)
Added support for providing S3 URLs as Pipeline data inputs when launching via the API (using storage credentials)
Added support for specifying multi-value input parameters in a Pipeline launch command
Project and Tenant Administrators are now allowed to stop running Workspaces
Enhanced ingestion workflow to ingest RNAseq raw data from DRAGEN output into backend Snowflake database
Added support for running multiple DEseq2 analyses in the ingestion workflow through bulk processing based on sample size and specific requirements
Multi-Cohort Marker Frequency - Added Multi-Cohort Marker Frequency tab allowing users to compare expression data across up to four Cohorts at the gene level
Multi-Cohort Marker Frequency includes a pairwise p-value heat map
Multi-Cohort Marker Frequency - Includes frequencies for Somatic and Copy Number Variants
Tab added for a multi-cohort marker frequency analysis in cohort comparisons
Multi-Cohort Needle Plot - Added new tab in the Comparison view with vertically aligned needle plots per cohort for a specified gene, allowing collapsible and expandable individual needle plots
Additional filter logic added to multi-cohort needle plot
Improved DRAGEN data type determination during ingestion allowing for multiple variant type ingestion
Enhanced list of observed variants with grouped phenotypes and individual counts, including a column for total sample count; tooltips/pop-outs provide extended information
Updates to needle plot link outs
Improved the Comparison feature by optimizing API calls to handle subjects with multiple attributes, ensuring successful loading of the page and enabling API invocation only when the user selects or expands a section
Removed unused columns (genotype, mrna_feature_id, allele1, allele2, ref_allele, start_pos, stop_pos, snp_id) from annotated_somatic_mutations table in backend database
Refactored shared functionality for picking consequence type to reduce code duplication in PheWAS-plot and GWAS-plot components
Invalid comparisons on the Comparisons page are now grayed out and disabled This improvement prevents the selection of invalid options
Automatic retry of import jobs when there are failures accessing data from ICA API
Fixed Issues
Navigation: Removed breadcrumb indication in the graphical UI
Data Management
The content of hidden Projects can now be displayed
Fixed the TimeModified timestamp on files
Bundles: Resolved issues when linking a large number of files within a folder to a Bundle
Single values are now passed as a list when starting an Analysis
Pipelines will succeed if the input and output formats specified on the pipeline level match at the Tool level
Fixed an issue causing Analysis failures due to intermittent AWS S3 network errors when downloading input data
CWL: Improved performance on output processing after a CWL Pipeline Analysis completes
Flow/UI: Mount path details for Analysis input files are now visible
Flow/UI: Improved usability when starting an Analysis by filtering entitlement options based o inputs selected and available entitlements
List of Analyses can now be retrieved via the API based on filters for UserReference and UserTags
Fixed an issue where the Scheduler continues to retry uploading files which cannot be loaded
Resolved an issue when attempting to access Workspaces with multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled at the Tenant-level
Improved error messaging for POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}:scheduleDownload
Fixed issue where Correlation bubble plot not showing for any projects intermittently
Fixed issue where importing Germline/hg19 test file did not load variants for a specific gene in the Needle plot due to missing entries in the Snowflake table
Fixed a bug causing an HTTP 400 error while loading the Cohort for the second time due to the UI passing "undefined" as variantGroup, which failed to convert to the VariantGroup Enum type
Fixed issue where scale (y-axis) of needle plot is changed even if value of sample count gnomAD frequency is not accepted
Fixed an issue where no data was generated in the Base Tables after a successful import job in Canada - Central Region (CAC1)
Fixed issue where long chart axis labels overlap with tick marks on graph
2023 May 31 - ICA v2.16.0
Features and Enhancements
Navigation: Updated URLs for Correlation Engine and Emedgene in the waffle menu
Authentication: Using POST /api/tokens:refresh for refreshing the JWT is not possible if it has been created using an API-key.
Authentication: Improved error handling when there is an issue reaching the authentication server
Authentication: Improved usability of "Create OAuth access token" screen
Data Management
You can now select 'CYTOBAND' as format after file upload
Added support for selecting the root folder (of the S3 bucket) for Projects with user-managed
Added support for creating an AWS Storage Configuration with an S3 bucket with Versioning enabled
Added technical tags for upstream BaseSpace Run information to auto-launched analyses
Added support for multiple versions of BCL Convert for auto-launched analyses
Added support for '/' as separator in CWL ResourceRequirements when specifying Compute Type
The API to retrieve analysis steps now includes exit code for completed steps
Restricted Workspaces (Open or Restricted) always allow for access to Project Data within the Workspace
Restricted Bench workspaces have limited access through whitelisted URLs that are checked before entry
Restricted Bench Workspaces allow for Open or Restricted workspaces. Restricted workspaces do not have access to the internet except for user-entered whitelist URLs
Fixed Issues
Data Management
Upload for files names including spaces is now consistent for connector and browser upload. We do still advise not to use spaces in file names in general
Fixed search functionality in Activity > Data Transfers screen
Improved performance on opening samples
Fixed an issue where reference data in download tab initiates an unexpected download
Fixed intermittent issue where the Storage configuration within a Project can go into Error status and can block users from creating records such as folders and files
Service Connector: Improved error message for DELETE/api/connectors/{connectorId}/downloadRules/{downloadRuleId}
Data Management/API
Improved error handling for API endpoints: Delete/api/projects/ {projectId}/bundles/{bundleId} and POST/api/projects/{projectId}/bundles/{bundleId}
Improved error handling for POST/api/projects/{projectId}/base:ConnectionDetails
Fixed an issue where the Table view in Bundles is not available when linking to a new Bundle version
Fixed an issue where linking/unlinking a Bundle with Base Tables could result in errors
Improved error handling for DELETE/api/bundles/{bundleId}/tools/{toolId} and POST/api/bundles/{bundleId}/tools/{toolId}
Improved error message for POST/api/bundles/{bundleId}/samples/{sampleId}
Custom subscriptions with empty filter expressions will not fail when retrieving them via the API
Improved error handling for POST/api/projects/{projectId}/notificationSubscriptions
Improved notification for Pipeline success events
When the input for a pipeline is too large, ICA will fail the Analysis and will not retry
Fixed issue where analysis list does not search-filter by ID correctly
Improved error handling when issues occur with provisioning resources
When retry succeeds in a Nextflow pipeline, exit code is now '0' instead of '143'
Fixed an issue causing API error when attempting to launch an Analysis with 50,000 input files
Improved pipeline error code for GET/api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId} when already unlinked pipeline Id is used for API call
Fixed an issue where Analyses could not be retrieved via API when the Pipeline contained reference data and originated from a different tenant
Fixed filtering analyses on analysisId. Filtering happens via exact match, so part of the Id won't work
Fixed issue where the latest CLI version was not available in Bench workspace images
Fixed an issue where CNV data converted from hg19 to hg38 do not show up in Base table views
Fixed an issue accounting for multiple methods of referring to the alternate allele in a deletion from Nirvana data
Fixed intermittent issue where GWAS ingestions not working after Base enabled in a project.
2023 May 2 - ICA v2.15.1
Fixed Issue
Fixed an issue causing incorrect empty storage configuration dropdown during Project creation when using the “I want to manage my own storage” option for users with access to a single region
2023 April 25 - ICA v2.15.0
Features and Enhancements
General availability of sequencer integration for Illumina sequencing systems and analysis auto launch
General usability improvements in the graphical interface, including improved navigation structure and ability to switch between applications via the waffle menu in the header
Storage Bundle field will be auto-filled based on the Project location that is being chosen if multiple regions are available
Event Log entries will be paged in the UI and will contain a maximum of 1,000 entries. Exports are limited to the maximum number of entries displayed on the page.
Read-only temporary credentials will be returned when you are not allowed to modify the contents of a file
The ICA UI will only allow selection of storage bundles belonging to ICA during Project creation, and the API will only return storage bundles for ICA
Creating Project notifications for BaseSpace externally managed projects is now supported
Allow attached storage for Pipeline steps to be set to 0 to disable provisioning attached storage and improve performance
GRCh37/hg19-aligned molecular data will get converted to GRCh38/hg38 coordinates to facilitate cross-project analyses and incorporating publicly available data sets.
Project list API now contains a parameter to filter on (a) specific workgroup(s)
Two new API endpoints are added to retrieve regular parameters from a pipeline within or without a Project context
Fixed Issues
Optimized price calculations resulting in less overhead and logging
Improved error handling:
during Project creation
of own storage Project creation failures.
to indicate connection issue with credential
for graphical CWL draft Pipelines being updated during an Analysis
Improved error messaging in cases where the AWS path contains (a) special character(s)
Fixed an issue causing errors when navigating via deep link to the Analysis Details view
Data Management
Fixed an issue causing data records to remain incorrectly in Unarchiving status when an unarchive operation is requested in the US and Germany regions
Fixed returning list of unlinked data in a sample that was linked before in GET/api/projects/{projectId}/data
Fixed error for getSampleCreationBatch when using status filter
Unarchive of folders is supported when archive or unarchive actions are not in progress for the folder
Improved error message to indicate connection issue with credentials
Fixed an issue causing incorrect naming of Analysis tasks generated from CWL Expression Tools
Fixed an issue when cloning Pipelines linked from Entitled Bundles to preserve the original Tenant as the Owning Tenant of the cloned Pipeline instead of the cloning user’s Tenant
Fixed an issue causing outputs from CWL Pipelines to not show in the Analysis Details despite being uploaded to the Project Data Analysis output folder when an output folder is empty
When a Contributor starts an Analysis, but is removed afterwards, the Analysis still runs as expected
Fixed an issue where Analyses fail where Nextflow is run a second time
Fixed an issue causing API error when attempting to launch an Analysis with up to 50,000 input files
Fixed an issue causing degraded performance in APIs to retrieve Analysis steps in Pipelines with many steps
Fixed an issue causing Analysis failure during output upload with error “use of closed network connection”
Fixed an issue causing disk capacity alter log to not show when an Analysis fails due to disk capacity and added error message
Fixed an issue preventing cross-tenant users from being able to open a shared CWL pipeline
Improved target Table selection for schedulers to be limited to your own Tables
Fixed an issue causing Workspaces to hang in the Starting or Stopping statuses
Now handles large VCFs/gVCFs correctly by splitting them into smaller files for subsequent annotation by Nirvana
2023 March 28 - ICA v2.14.0
Features and Enhancements
Added a limit to Event Log and Audit UI screens to show 10,000 records
Parent output folder can be specified in URN format when launching a Workflow session via the API
Reduced Analysis delays when system is experiencing heavy load
Improved formatting of Pipeline error text shown in Analysis Details view
Users can now start Analyses from the Analysis Overview screen
Superfluous “Namespace check-0” step was removed to reduce Analysis failures
Number of input files for an Analysis is limited to 50,000
Auto launched Workflow sessions will fail if duplicate sample IDs are detected under Analysis Settings in the Sample Sheet
Activity screen now contains the size of the query
Detect and Lift Genome Build: Cohorts documentation provides set-up instructions to convert hg19/GRCh37 VCFs to GRCh38 before import into Cohorts.
Attribute Queries: Improved the user experience choosing a range of values for numerical attributes when defining a cohort
Export Cohort to ICA Project Data: Improved the user experience exporting list of subjects that match cohort definition criteria to their ICA project for further analysis
Ingest Structural Variants into database
The Cohorts ingestion pipeline supports structural variant VCFs and will deposit all such variants into an ICA Base table if Base is enabled for the given project
Structural variants can be ingested and viewed in base tables
Needle Plot Enhancements
Users can input a numerical value in the Needle Plot legend to display variants with a specific gnomAD frequency percentage or sample count
The needle plot combines variants that are observed among subjects in the current project as well as shared and public projects into a single needle, using an additional shape to indicate these occurrences
Needle Plot legend color changes for Variant severity; pathogenic color coding is the same as the color coding in the visualization; differentiating hue between proteins and variants; and other color coding changes.
Needle plot tool tips that display additional information on variants and mutations are now larger and modal
The needle plot now allows to filter by gnomAD allele frequency and sample count in the selected cohort. Variants include links to view a list of all subjects carrying that variant and export that list.
Remove Samples Individually from Cohorts
Exclude individual subjects from a cohort and save the refined list
The subjects view allows users to exclude individual subjects from subsequent analyses and plots and save these changes Subject exclusions are reset when editing a cohort
Subject Selection in Analysis Visualization: Users can follow the link for subject counts in the needle plot to view a list of subjects carrying the selected variant or mutation.
UI/UX: Start and End time points are available as a date or age with a condition attribute in the subject data summary screen.
Fixed Issues
Improved resilience against misconfiguration of the team page when there is an issue with Workgroup availability
Removed ‘IGV (beta)’ button from ‘View’ drop down when selecting Project Data in UI
Data Management
Improved handling of multi-file upload when system is experiencing heavy loads
Fixed an issue to allow upload of zero-byte files via the UI
Fixed issue where other Bundles would not be visible after editing and saving your Bundle
Improved error handling for API endpoint: POST /api/projects/{projectId}/analysisCreationBatch
Improved performance of API endpoint: getbestmatchingfornextflow
Fixed an issue causing Analysis output mapping to incorrectly use source path as target path
Fixed an issue where the UI may display incorrect or invalid parameters for DRAGEN workflows which do not accurately show the true parameters passed. Settings can be confirmed by looking at the DRAGEN analysis log files.
“Allow jagged rows” setting in the Scheduler has been replaced with “Ignore unknown values” to handle files containing records with more fields than there are Table columns
Improved Base Activity view loading time
Fixed an error message when using the API to load data into a Base Table that has been deleted
Fixed an issue resulting in incorrect Bench compute pricing calculations
Fixed an issue preventing building Docker images from Workspaces in UK, Australia, and India regions
Fixed an issue where /tmp path is not writeable in a Workspace
Fixed issue where the bubble plot sometimes failed to display results even though the corresponding scatter plot showed data correctly.
The order of messages and warnings for ingestion jobs was not consistent between the UI and an error report sent out via e-mail.
The UI now displays any open cohort view tabs using shortened (“…”) names where appropriate
Issue fixed where ingestions with multiple errors caused halting to the ingestion queue.
The needle plot sometimes showed only one source for a given variant as opposed to all projects in which the variant had been observed in.
Issue fixed with unhandled genotype index format in annotation file to base database table conversion
Status updates via e-mail sometimes contained individual error messages or warnings without a text.
Fixed issue where items show in needle plot with incorrect numbering on the y-axis.
Fixed performance issue with subject count.
Widget bar-chart counts are intermittently cut off over four digits.
Fixed slowness when switching between tabs in query builder
2023 March 23 - ICA v2.13.2
Fixed Issue
Fixed issue with BaseSpace Free Trial and Professional users storing data in ICA
2023 March 9 - ICA v2.13.1
Fixed Issue
Fixed an issue resulting in analysis failures caused by a Kubernetes 404 timeout error
2023 February 28 - ICA v2.13.0
Features and Enhancements
General *
Each tenant supports a maximum of 30,000 Projects
.MAF files are now recognized as .TSV files instead of UNKNOWN
Added VCF.IDX as a recognized file format
General scalability optimizations and performance improvements
POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data:createDownloadUrls now supports a list of paths (in addition to a list of IDs)
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue preventing the ‘Owning Project’ column from being used outside of Project
Fixed an issue allowing the region of a Project to be changed. Changing the region of a resource is not supported
Strengthened data separation and improved resilience against cross-Project metadata contamination
After creating a new Bundle the user will be taken to the Bundle Overview page
Data Management
Fixed an issue which prevented changing the format of a file back to UNKNOWN
Fixed an issue causing inaccurate upload progress to be displayed for UI uploads. The Service Connector or CLI are recommended for large file uploads.
Fixed an issue showing an incorrect status for data linking batch jobs when data is deleted during the linking job
Service Connector: Fixed an issue allowing download of a Service Connector when no operating system is set
Service Connector: Cleaned up information available on Service Connectors by removing empty address information fields
Fixed date formatting for GET /api/eventLog (yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS’Z’)
Fixed an issue where the GET users API was not case sensitive on email address
Fixed an issue causing the metadata model to be returned twice in PSOT /api/projects/{projectId}/samples:search
Fixed the listProjects API 500 response when using the pageoffset query parameter
The searchProjectSamples API returns Sample metadata for Samples shared via a Bundle
Fixed an issue causing createProjectDataDownloadUrls API 400 and 502 errors when server is under load
Fixed analysis failures caused by kubernetes 404 timeout error
Fixed an issue where Workflwos would prematurely report completion of an Analysis
Improved Pipeline retry logic to reduce startup delays
Fixed an issue where Nextflow pipelines were created with empty files (Nextflow config is allowed to be empty)
Removed the 1,000 input file limitation when starting an Analysis
Improved the performance of status update messages for pipelines with many parallel steps
Fixed an issue with overlapping fields on the Analysis Details screen
Deactivated the Abort button for Succeeded analyses