Citing DRAGEN software
There are two preferred methods to cite DRAGEN software.
Method 1: Cite DRAGEN secondary analysis software in-text or in reference/bibliography list
Proper in-text citation for DRAGEN software must include the Illumina DRAGEN software product used and the version number at the time of data analysis.
Secondary analysis was performed using Illumina DRAGEN software, v4.3.
Reference or bibliography list
Citing DRAGEN software in a bibliography or reference list should include the company name, copyright date, name of the DRAGEN software product, version number, format, and link to product website.
Illumina (2024). DRAGEN secondary analysis (Version 4.3) [Computer software].
Method 2: Cite a specific algorithm using one of the papers listed below
DRAGEN Germline Algorithms
Behera, S., Catreux, S., Rossi, M. et al. Comprehensive genome analysis and variant detection at scale using DRAGEN. Nat Biotechnol (2024).
Expansion Hunter
Dolzhenko, E., et. al., ExpansionHunter: a sequence-graph-based tool to analyze variation in short tandem repeat regions, Bioinformatics, Volume 35, Issue 22, November 2019, Pages 4754–4756,
LPA Targeted Caller
Behera, S., Belyeu, J.R., Chen, X. et al. Identification of allele-specific KIV-2 repeats and impact on Lp(a) measurements for cardiovascular disease risk. BMC Med Genomics 17, 255 (2024).
SMN Targeted Caller
Chen, X., Sanchis-Juan, A., French, C.E. et al. Spinal muscular atrophy diagnosis and carrier screening from genome sequencing data. Genet Med 22, 945–953 (2020).
CPY2D6 Targeted Caller
Chen, X., Shen, F., Gonzaludo, N. et al. Cyrius: accurate CYP2D6 genotyping using whole-genome sequencing data. Pharmacogenomics J 21, 251–261 (2021).
GBA Targeted Caller
Toffoli, M., Chen, X., Sedlazeck, F.J. et al. Comprehensive short and long read sequencing analysis for the Gaucher and Parkinson’s disease-associated GBA gene.Commun Biol 5, 670 (2022).
Last updated
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