Lab QC Tab
The Lab QC tab within a case provides basic assay, workflow, and output metrics. If a case was created from merging DNA and RNA, then DNA and RNA tabs are selectable before the Overview section.
Overview Legend
Field Name | Description |
Source | Description |
Assay | The name of the assay as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Output Date | The output date of the run as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Output Time | The output time of the run as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Workflow Version | The workflow version of the run as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Module Version | The module version of the run as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Run ID | The ID of the run as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Run Name | The name of the run as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Run QC Metrics
Run QC Metrics displays metrics used for the run as specified in the uploaded metrics file.
Field Name | Description |
Source | Description |
Metric | Metrics used for the run as specified in the uploaded metrics file.Examples include total percentage of reads passing filter and Q30 scores. |
Lower Spec Limit | Lower specification limit for metric as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Upper Spec Limit | Upper specification limit for the metric as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Value | The value of the metric as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Pass Status | Indicates whether the metric passed the spec limits as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Sample QC Metrics
Sample QC Metrics displays metrics used for the sample as specified in the uploaded metrics file.
Field Name | Description |
Source | Description |
Section | The section for each set of metrics as specified in the uploaded metrics file. Examples include DNA sample QC and RNA sampleQC. |
Group | The group for the metrics as specified in the uploaded metrics file(for example, read group). |
Metric | Metrics used for the sample as specified in the uploaded metrics file. Examples include median exon coverage and median fragment length. |
Lower Spec Limit | Lower specification limit for the metric as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Upper Spec Limit | Upper specification limit for the metric as specified in the uploaded metrics file. |
Sample/Pair ID | The sample/pair ID of the case. |
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