January 10, 2018 - 5.11 - New Run Details Charts Measurements and AmpliSeq for Illumina Support
Added new measurements to the Charts section of the Run details page: additional Phasing and Pre-Phasing metrics, % No Call, and Median QScore.
Added Occupied Count (K) and % Occupied measurements for compatible instrument types to the Charts section of the Run details page.
Updated menus in the Charts section of the Run details page to show only data types available for the current cycle during the instrument run.
The Run details page now provides Extracted, Called, and Scored cycles as a minimum-maximum range during an instrument run.
A parent analyses is now marked as Aborted when all child analyses have aborted.
Added AmpliSeq Library PLUS for Illumina kit to Prep Tab.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed missing display field text on app input forms
Fixed issue with Analysis Details page not showing all analysis reports
Fixed issue with Prep Tab pools showing only the first 20 samples
Fixed issue with Cancel Analysis from Biosample analysis page
Fixed an issue that could cause missing Indexing QC results for NovaSeq S4 flow cells
Fixed issue with scheduled analyses from workflows not being moved to the trash when the corresponding project is moved to the trash
###Release 5.11.1 - January 15, 2018
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed issue with Internet Explorer browser running slowly when opening an app input form
Fixed issue that prevented the creation of a new project from the project chooser window
Fixed issue that could cause the Run details page for NovaSeq S4 runs to show Indexing QC data for Lane 1 only
Last updated
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