7.12.0 - Combined New and Classic Modes
May 17th, 2023
Combined New and Classic modes into a single view.
Removed the New/Classic application switch from Settings.
Allow Biosample/Sample selection from the app launch pages.
Run and Project pages now display both Biosample and Sample tabs.
For more information, see the Illumina Informatics Blog and the BaseSpace Data Model documentation
Updated the look and feel of the Project list, Project details, file upload, trash, and search pages.
Improved error messages when importing samples into the Run Planning tool.
The Usage page in Settings now includes a link to the Admin Console for domain admins.
Added support for IDAT file upload in Microarray Analysis Planning.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue that could cause NovaSeq X auto-launched analyses to get stuck in "Running".
Fixed an issue where 'Created' and 'Updated' columns were using incorrect date formats.
Fixed an issue that could cause biosample workflow uploads to launch duplicate analyses.
Known Issues
The following operations cannot be performed for NovaSeq X sequencing runs or analysis results: share, transfer, archive, and editing the run name.
Starting in August, uploads from instruments running Windows versions 7 or earlier will no longer be supported.
The Lane Usage toggle in Run Planning is not displayed when planning a run on NovaSeq X.
When uploading FASTQ files, no warning is shown when an R2 file is uploaded without a corresponding R1 file.
When uploading FASTQs, the biosample chooser does not display the option to create a new biosample.
BCL Convert does not generate Samples. To use FASTQ data from BCL Convert, use Biosamples.
Release 7.12.1 - May 23rd, 2023
Bugs Fixed
Fixed a bug where radio buttons could become disabled on application input forms.
Fixed an issue on the run share dialog that incorrectly suggested runs could be shared with write access.
Fixed an issue in the Run Planning tool where trailing spaces in Run Name were not trimmed on saving.
Last updated
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