
Yield is the amount of sequencing data produced for a particular biosample. When you add a new prep request with a biosample workflow, you specify the amount of yield you require before launching the analysis. BaseSpace Sequence Hub tracks the QC-passed data sets it receives and adds them to the cumulative yield total.

You can use yield information to easily identify the biosamples that do not have enough data and require a lab requeue.

Yield values appear in the Summary tab of the biosample details page.

Yield Types




The target amount of sequencing data required for analysis. This value is set in the Required Yield Gbp column of the biosample workflow file.


The total amount of data you can expect to receive for the library prep when the runs are complete. This value is initially set to the required amount specified in the biosample workflow file, and includes FASTQ files received (Actual Yield) and sequencing data that is in process or otherwise unaccounted for (Pending Yield). When pending data is not received and marked as missing, the expected yield decreases accordingly.


The amount of sequencing data generated and uploaded to BaseSpace Sequence Hub. QC failed data sets and data sets from failed libraries, pools, or flowcell lanes are excluded.


The amount of data unaccounted for that you expected the lab to produce. Pending yield updates when data arrives; if the expected data does not arrive before the request timeout, it is moved from Pending to Missing Yield. Pending data values are used to calculate missing yield and are not listed for the biosample.


The amount of yield missing from the required yield target. If pending data does not arrive in the required time, BaseSpace Sequence Hub determines that the lab was not able to produce the requested yield and you can no longer expect to receive the remaining balance. The balance is deducted from the Expected yield and marked as Missing. When you request a requeue, the requested amount is moved from Missing Yield to Pending.


The amount of yield received in excess of the required yield target.


The amount requested from the lab to resequence. This is for lab requeues only and is a cumulative calculation of requeue requests.

Last updated

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