Archival Storage

Archival storage moves data into long-term archives with lower data storage rates. It is intended for data that must be retained and do not require immediate access.

Data transfer to and from archival storage incurs additional fees per Terabyte transferred in the move. Restoring data that have been archived for a short period of time can result in higher storage costs.

Storage Product



Standard Storage

22.5 iCredits per TB per month

Default, instant free access

Archive Storage

2.0 Credits per TB per month

Around 2 days to restore, costs below

Transfer to Archive

20.0 iCredit per TB per transfer

Cost to move 1 TB from Standard to Archive

Restore from Archive

30.0 iCredit per TB per restore

Cost to move 1 TB from Archive back to Standard

For more information about storage costs, see the iCredits information page.

The following data can be archived:

  • Runs—Includes all files within the Data folder.

  • FASTQ and data set files—Includes all files within the data set.

  • The run must be in a terminal (Complete, Stopped, or Failed) state.

  • BaseSpace Sequence Hub must be configured for New mode. Contact your workgroup owner or administrator if your workgroup is using Classic mode.

  • Data that are shared, in the trash, already archived, or files-only deleted are not eligible to be archived.

How to Archive Data

Archive data that you do not need immediate access to. Archiving can take several days to complete and incurs additional costs.

  1. Open the page for the data you want to archive. To archive multiple items, select the items on the Runs list, FASTQs tab, or Other Datasets tab. You can select up to 250 items at one time.

  2. From the File menu, point to Archive, and then select Archive Data. BaseSpace Sequence Hub reviews the selections and excludes ineligible data.

  3. In the Archive Data dialog, verify the items, and then select Archive Data. BaseSpace Sequence Hub moves the data to archival storage. Data are not available and cannot be restored until archiving is complete.

How to Restore Data

Data are available to restore when the archive process is complete. Restoration can take several days to complete and incurs additional costs.

  1. Open the page for the data you want to restore. To restore multiple runs, select the items on the Runs list, FASTQs tab, or Other Datasets tab. You can select up to 250 items at one time.

  2. From the File menu, point to Archive, and then select Restore Data.

  3. In the Restore Data dialog, verify the items, and then select Restore Data. The restored data are available for use and charged at standard storage rates.

Sharing and transferring restored data or assets that contain restored data are currently disabled. These functions are intended for a future update.

Manage Archived Data

BaseSpace Sequence Hub provides some read-only information about archived data.

  • For archived runs, only the summary, metrics, and sample sheet details are available.

  • Archived files cannot be downloaded.

  • Biosample data and yield calculations exclude archived data.

  • Projects that include archived data cannot be shared or transferred.

Using the Basespace CLI

The CLI supports archive and restore using the commands bs archive and bs unarchive.

Use the following commands to archive and restore data:

bs archive run -i :id

bs archive dataset -i :id

bs unarchive run -i :id

bs unarchive dataset -i :id

Last updated

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