Biosample Workflow

Use a biosample workflow file to add biosamples and configure automation workflows.

  • Add biosamples with optional library prep instructions, analysis workflows, and custom metadata.

  • Add custom metadata to new biosamples

  • Add or update library request instructions for new or existing biosamples

  • Schedule Analysis Workflows for new or existing biosamples

Upload a Biosample Workflow

  1. From the biosamples master list, select the File drop-down arrow, point to Upload, and then select Biosample Workflow.

  2. In the Upload a Biosample Workflow dialog, add your biosample workflow file.

BaseSpace Sequence Hub validates the file and identifies any errors.

  • If there are errors in the manifest file, correct the errors and upload the file again.

  • If there are no errors, review the notifications and select Continue.

Last updated

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