6.18.0 - ICA Integration with BCL Convert

February 15, 2022


  • Added initial support for integration with Illumina Connected Analytics (ICA), via a new app, BCL Convert for ICA Beta. This version exposes the generated FASTQ files and Samples within ICA.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the "Change FASTQ QC Status" dialog to load slowly.

Known Issues

  • FASTQ Generation and other apps very infrequently abort while uploading results.

  • For customers using Instrument Run Set up to create a v2 sample sheet for a NovaSeq SP 500 cycle run, the sample sheet produced has the I5 index sequence in the incorrect orientation. This assigns all sample reads to undetermined. To correct the issue, we recommend removing the "IndexOrientation Forward" flag from the [Header] section of the sample sheet.

Last updated

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