Section Requirements

Section Type

All sections

  • Data items cannot contain commas.

  • Supported line endings are \n, \r\n, and .

  • Required characters are all ASCII characters except for * and the control characters CR and LF.


  • Only key-value pairs are supported.

  • Each key must have exactly one value.

  • The same key cannot be specified more than one time in a single standalone section.

  • Opening and closing brackets are both required, and must be the first and last character in the section header line (other than whitespace and commas).

  • A standalone section cannot be empty.

  • Data in standalone sections must not contain brackets.


  • There can only be one data item in a section header line.

  • Section headers are required to start with an opening square bracket, and end with a closing square bracket

  • Opening and closing brackets are both required, and must be the first and last character in the section header line (other than whitespace and commas)


  • The application name cannot include Settings or Data.

  • The application name cannot be empty.

  • The application name cannot include -.

  • Each application can have a maximum of one Settings section and one Data section.

Application Settings

  • Settings sections can support only key-value pairs.

  • Each key can have only one value.

  • The application name cannot include -.

  • Applications sections cannot be empty. At least one key-value pair must be specified.

  • Keys and values cannot contain [ or ].

  • Note: The Settings section is applied globally to all samples.

Application Data

  • For each line that follows the column header line in the application data section, the number of empty plus non-empty data items cannot be less than the number of column headers.

  • For each line that follows the column header line in the Application Data section, the number of non-empty values cannot be greater than the number of column headers.

  • Column headers must all be unique.

  • Each application data section must contain a column header called Sample_ID.

  • Column headers and values cannot contain [ or ].

  • Note: The Data section is uniquely applied to each sample.

Last updated

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