Normalization Buffer Volumes
Available from: Clarity LIMS v1.0
This section discusses the normalizationBufferVolumes script, which is used to calculate buffer volumes.
Script Overview
The normalizationBufferVolumes script generates a comma-separated file — Normalization buffer volumes.csv — file that holds the calculated buffer volumes information. The generated file is a attached to the Library Normalization step in the LIMS.
The script calculates the 'Volume of Dilution Buffer (uL)' as follows:
"Volume of Dilution Buffer (uL)" = ( ("Source Volume (uL)" * "Source Conc.") / "Destination Conc." ) - "Source Volume (uL)"
The script
requires that input samples to the step have Concentration and Conc. Units UDFs.
only supports Conc. Units of nM.
Script Parameters
-u {username}
(Required) LIMS login username (Requires admin credentials)
-p {password}
(Required) LIMS login password
-i {URI}
(Required) LIMS process URI
-c {filename}
(Required) Normalization Buffer Volumes CSV file name
Command Line Example
The following step UDFs are configured on the Library Normalization step:
Library volume (ul) transferred to DESTINATION plate: Numeric, Default = 10
Normalized conc. (nM): Numeric, Default = 2
Maximum destination container volume (ul): Numeric, Default = 800
The inputs to the step must have values for the following sample UDFs:
Concentration: Numeric
Conc. Units: Single Line Text
Rules & constraints
One sample input generates one sample output and one shared result file.
The CSV file header contains the date and a record of the user who generated the file.
The contents of the CSV file are ordered by source plate and then source well.
Additional information
Other scripts you may find useful:
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