V35 Patches



December 3, 2024


September 4, 2024


July 24, 2024


June 25, 2024

V35.4 Update (December 3rd, 2024)

  • Login | Fixed an issue affecting SSO integrations in legacy Emedgene clouds.

  • Add new case | Fixed an issue uploading BSSH files from the UI.

  • Add new case | Reanalysis | Fixed an issue reporting on tagged variants that are not present in a case reanalysis due to changed input files.

  • Pipeline | Fixed issue resulting in failed ingestion of DRAGEN targeted.json where genotype is null.

  • Pipeline | Added support for ingestion of software only DRAGEN outputs.

  • Pipeline | Improving support of joint called files for Hom reference genotype in parents.

  • Pipeline | Fixed issue causing GATK cases to fail when they contain infinity value.

  • Analysis Tools | Preset Filters | Added support for the candidate gene query even when gene list is boosted.

V35.3 Update (September 4th, 2024)

  • Add New Case | Fixed an issue that caused Pending Sequencing workflows to fail in V35.

  • Edit Case | Fixed a bug that prevented saving and running edited cases that were opened on versions <V35.

  • Pipeline | Fixed an issue causing more frequent case failures in V35 due to incorrect infrastructure assignment to cases where BED selection for region of interest is larger than expected.

  • Analysis Tools and Report/Export | V35.0 added support for large CNVs (over 20M bp). This caused ‘case incompatible’ errors for some CNV filters and in exporting/reporting. This hotfix fixes both issues.

  • Curate | Batch upload – Fixed a bug that resulted in variants added to Curate via the batch uploader to only be available in the original reference, instead of in both with liftover-on-the-fly.

  • User Access | Fixed a bug causing users belonging to several domains to lose their roles when switching between domains.

  • Propagations of fixes from v34.6 and v34.7 including the ability to update an organization to gnomAD 4.1 non-UKB data for SNVs/indels.

V35.2 Update (July 24th, 2024)

  • Edit Case | Fixed a bug preventing a rerun of cases when original files are no longer available on BSSH.

  • Pipeline | Expanded RNA disease associated gene list in transcript selection logic. The genes added to the exception list are:

    • RNU7-1 RNA, small nuclear Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome 9

    • RNU4-2 RNA, U4 small nuclear 2

  • Pipeline: Multiple fixes to improve pipeline robustness and reduce failure rates.

  • Lab Tab | Fixed a bug resulting in no data loaded to the lab tab for new organizations.

  • Analysis Tools | Filters | Fixed a bug for Variant Effect Filters, when moving from simple to advanced, not all variant effects were available for filtering, which also caused a variant count discrepancy.

  • Analysis Tools | Preset Filters | Fixed a bug that always showed the description of removing polymorphic variants as ‘Display polymorphism: True’ although the behavior of the filter correctly removed the variants.

  • Variant Page | Embedded IGV | Improved IGV performance by reducing API calls when moving between variants.

  • Variant Page | Embedded IGV | Option to toggle embedded IGV off to improve performance for customers using external visualization tools.

  • Export | Fixed a bug failing the export of parental data for some customers.

V35.1 Update (June 25th, 2024)

  • Edit Case | Fixed an issue that could prevent reanalysis of cases that were created via API and were missing fields required in v35.

  • Cases Page | Fixed a rarely occurring issue where cases can be displayed with the good quality green icon even though they contain an insufficient coverage warning.

  • Analysis Tools | Filters | Fix an issue that caused frameshift indels to disappear from variant table when moving between simple and advanced mode in the quality filters.

  • Curate | Batch upload enhancement that will ensure all characters uploaded to Curate are supported in Analyze.

  • Curate | Curate now supports MNVs that are supported in Analyze, which are MNV indels only.

  • Curate | Fixed an issue that prevented genes with no gene metrics to be uploaded to Curate.

  • Propagations from V34.5.

Last updated

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